The Legal List,


Related Resources

on the Internet

and Elsewhere



Erik J. Heels



Foreword by Shari Steele,

Director of Legal Services, Electronic Frontier Foundation


The Legal List,


Law-Related Resources on the Internet and Elsewhere



by Erik J. Heels


v5.1, 17 Sep 94

Copyright (c) 1994 Erik J. Heels

Earlier Versions Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 Erik J. Heels


With support from


The University of Maine School of Law and

Midnight Networks Inc.




Copyright (c) 1994 Erik J. Heels

Earlier Versions Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 Erik J. Heels


Erik J. Heels

The Legal List

39 Main St.

Eliot, ME  03903-2234



All rights reserved, except the following:


I.  ELECTRONIC COPYING.  Permission is granted to copy "The Legal List" from one electronic storage or computer system to another provided that  1) "The Legal List" is not modified and 2) this copyright notice is included with all such copies.  If you choose to copy and redistribute electronic versions (as described in this section) of "The Legal List," please subscribe to "The Legal List" (see Section to minimize the proliferation of old versions of "The Legal List."


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Erik J. Heels

The Legal List

39 Main St.

Eliot, ME  03903-2234



Printed in the United States of America


ISBN 0-9643637-0-4


03 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


To my wife, Pirjo.



Summary of Contents.


Chapter 0.  Introduction to "The Legal List."

0.0.         Introduction to the Introduction.

0.1.         Acknowledgements.

0.2.         Typographical Conventions and URLs.

0.3.         Purpose and History.

0.4.         For New Internet Users - A Brief Primer on the Internet.

0.5.         Disclaimer.

0.6.         Revision History Etc.

0.7.         Getting and Redistributing "The Legal List."


Chapter 1.  Corporations and Organizations.

1.0.         Corporations and Organizations - Introduction.

1.1.00.      Law Firms - Introduction.

1.2.00.      Other Organizations - Introduction.


Chapter 2.  Government Organizations.

2.0.         Government Organizations - Introduction.

2.1.00.      US Federal Government - Executive Branch.

2.2.0.       US Federal Government - Judicial Branch.

2.2.1.       Supreme Court Decisions - Project Hermes.

2.2.2.       US Courts of Appeals, 9th Cir. - Model Jury Instructions.    US Courts - Introduction.

2.3.00.      US Federal Government - Legislative Branch.

2.4.00.      US State Governments.


Chapter 3.  Educational Institutions.

3.1.00.      Law Schools - Introduction.

3.2.00.      Other Educational Institutions.


Chapter 4.  Listserv Lists.

4.000.       Listserv Lists - Introduction.


Chapter 5.  Non-US Resources.

5.00.        Non-US Resources - Introduction.


Chapter 6.  Journals, FAQs, Usenet Newsgroups, Etc.

6.00.        Journals, FAQs, Usenet Newsgroups, Etc. - Introduction.


Appendix A.  More About the Internet.

A.0.         Introduction.

A.1.         Introductory Internet Information.

A.2.0.       Internet, UUCP, and Usenet Providers.

A.2.1.00.    Domain Providers.

A.2.2.00.    Account Providers.

A.3.         Introductory UUCP Information.

A.4.         Introductory BITNET Information.

A.5.         Other Shareware Software.

A.6.         Yanoff List.

A.7.         Two-Letter Country Codes.

Appendix B.  More Books.

B.0.         Introduction.

B.1.00.      Publishers.

B.2.00.      Books.


Appendix C.  More About Midnight Networks.

C.1.         Who Is Midnight Networks?




Table of Contents.


Chapter 0.  Introduction to "The Legal List."

0.0.         Introduction to the Introduction.

0.1.         Acknowledgements.

0.2.         Typographical Conventions and URLs.

0.3.         Purpose and History.

0.4.         For New Internet Users - A Brief Primer on the Internet.

0.4.1.       FTPMail (FTP via E-mail).     FTPMail Example.

0.4.2.       Gopher Overview.     VERONICA.     GopherMail (Gopher via E-mail).

0.4.3.       WWW Overview.

0.4.4.       WAIS Overview.     WAISmail (WAIS via E-mail).

0.4.5.       BBS Overview.

0.5.         Disclaimer.

0.6.         Revision History Etc.

0.7.         Getting and Redistributing "The Legal List."

0.7.1.       Summary of How to Get "The Legal List."

0.7.2.       E-mail.     Subscriptions.     Updates.

0.7.3.       Anonymous FTP.     Internet Resource Guide - Directory of Directories.

0.7.4.       Gopher.     Adding "The Legal List" to your Gopher Site.     Other Gopher Sites.

0.7.5.       Usenet FAQ.

0.7.6.       Elsewhere.

0.7.7.       Paperback Copies.


Chapter 1.  Corporations and Organizations.

1.0.         Corporations and Organizations - Introduction.

1.1.00.      Law Firms - Introduction.

1.1.01.      AL - Edward Still, Esq.

1.1.02.      AR - William R. Daniels, P.A.

1.1.03.      Australia - Peter Faris, QC.

1.1.04.      AZ - Jacqueline Wohl, Attorney at Law.

1.1.05.      CA - Adam Myers & Company.

1.1.06.      CA - Eileen Walker, Attorney at Law.

1.1.07.      CA - Fisher Thurber, Ltd.

1.1.08.      CA - Fliesler, Dubb, Meyer & Lovejoy.

1.1.09.      CA - Kasdan, Simonds, Peterson, McIntyre, Epstein & Martin.

1.1.10.      CA - Law Offices of Carl Shusterman, The.

1.1.11.      CA - Law Offices of Ivan W. Halperin, The.

1.1.12.      CA - Law Offices of Rosario Perry.

1.1.13.      CA - Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps.

1.1.14.      CA - Samaha, Grogin & Stulberg.

1.1.15.      CA - Starre & Cohn.

1.1.16.      CA - Vallerga & Vallerga.

1.1.17.      Canada - Bujold Tax Lawyers.

1.1.18.      Canada - Dawson Law Chambers.

1.1.19.      Canada - McInnes Cooper & Robertson.

1.1.20.      Canada - Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt.

1.1.21.      CT - Brown & Welsh, P.C.

1.1.22.      DC - Covington & Burling.

1.1.23.      DC - Law Offices of Rajiv. S. Khanna.

1.1.24.      DC - Pepper and Corazzini, L.L.P.

1.1.25.      DC - Robert J. Keller, P.C.

1.1.26.      DC - Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti.

1.1.27.      DC - Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering.

1.1.28.      FL - Clifford M. Miller, Chartered.

1.1.29.      FL - Daniel R. Vaughen, P.A.

1.1.30.      FL - Dennis R. White, P.A.

1.1.31.      FL - Law Office of Wade Coye.

1.1.32.      FL - Law Offices of Charles R. Lipcon.

1.1.33.      FL - Rohan Kelley, P.A.

1.1.34.      Germany - Christian Sagawe & Dr. Johannes Klages.

1.1.35.      Guam - Law Offices of Timothy A. Stewart.

1.1.36.      IA - Beckman, Hirsch & Ell.

1.1.37.      IL - David A. Youck, Attorney at Law.

1.1.38.      IL - Jeffrey A. Goldberg and Associates.

1.1.39.      IL - Kenneth N. Flaxman, P.C.

1.1.40.      Italy - Studio Legale Menchetti.

1.1.41.      KY - Francis E. Goodwyn, Attorney at Law.

1.1.42.      LA - Adams & Reese.

1.1.43.      MA - A. Joseph Ross, J.D.

1.1.44.      MA - Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar.

1.1.45.      ME - T. Chuck Hazzard, Counselor at Law.

1.1.46.      ME - Thomas L. Bohan and Associates.

1.1.47.      Mexico - Goodrich Riquelme y Asociados.

1.1.48.      MN - Bassford, Heckt, Lockhart, Truesdell & Briggs, P.A.

1.1.49.      MN - Manahan & Bluth.

1.1.50.      MN - Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi.

1.1.51.      MO - Piedimonte and Associates, P.C.

1.1.52.      MO - Stolar Partnership, The.

1.1.53.      NY - Bowen & Bowen.

1.1.54.      NY - David C. Thomas, Esq.

1.1.55.      NY - Elias, Goodman & Shanks.

1.1.56.      NY - Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson.

1.1.57.      NY - Garwin, Bronzaft, Gerstein & Fisher.

1.1.58.      NY - Law Office of Joseph Mattone.

1.1.59.      NY - Law Office of Paul Dahlman.

1.1.60.      NY - Michael J. Lavery, Esq.

1.1.61.      NY - Oppedahl & Larson.

1.1.62.      OH - Bricker & Eckler.

1.1.63.      OH - Zamore & Gisser.

1.1.64.      OK - Robert D. Baron, Attorney.

1.1.65.      OR - Clark, Lindauer, McClinton, Fetherston, Edmonds &


1.1.66.      OR - Marger Johnson McCollom & Stolowitz, P.C.

1.1.67.      OR - Thompson & Long.

1.1.68.      PA - Elman Wilf & Fried.

1.1.69.      PA - Zegarelli Associates.

1.1.70.      RI - Robert B. Raymond II, Esq.

1.1.71.      TX - George, Donaldson & Ford, L.L.P.

1.1.72.      TX - Haynes and Boone, L.L.P.

1.1.73.      TX - Ikard & Golden, P.C.

1.1.74.      United Kingdom - Brobeck Hale and Dorr.

1.1.75.      VA - Nixon & Vanderhye, P.C.

1.1.76.      WA - Douglas G. Mason, Attorney at Law.

1.1.77.      WA - Preston Gates & Ellis.

1.1.78.      Clyatt Immigration Law Services.

1.1.79.      Heller, Ehrman, Legal Resource Center.

1.1.80.      Scott Gardner, Esq.

1.2.00.      Other Organizations - Introduction.

1.2.01.      ABA Law Practice Management Section.

1.2.02.      ABA Legal Technology Resource Center.

1.2.03.      ABA Science and Technology Section.

1.2.04.      ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law.

1.2.05.      Action for Blind People.

1.2.06.      American Civil Liberties Union, Free Reading Room.

1.2.07.      American Political Science Association.

1.2.08.      ATLA BBS.

1.2.09.      Butterworth Legal Publishers.

1.2.10.      CALI - The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction.

1.2.11.      Center for Computer-Aided Legal Instruction.

1.2.12.      Center for Computer/Law, The.

1.2.13.      Center for Study of Responsive Law.

1.2.14.      China News Digest.

1.2.15.      CIESIN Global Change Information Gateway.

1.2.16.      Clinton Watch.

1.2.17.      Coalition for Networked Information.

1.2.18.      Committees of Correspondence (US Socialist Organization).

1.2.19.      Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

1.2.20.      Computer Systems Policy Project.

1.2.21.      Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference.

1.2.22.      Congressional Human Rights Foundation.

1.2.23.      Congressional Quarterly, Inc.

1.2.24.      Contraxx BBS, The.

1.2.25.      Copyright Clearance Center.

1.2.26.      Counterpoint - Federal Register Index.

1.2.27.      Crime Online.

1.2.28.      Dialog.

1.2.29.      Electronic Frontier Foundation - Archives.

1.2.30.      Electronic Newstand, The.

1.2.31.      FatherNet BBS.

1.2.32.      Federal Info. Exchange (FEDIX).

1.2.33.      First Texas Lawyer's BBS.

1.2.34.      Frolic and Detour BBS.

1.2.35.      HandsNet.

1.2.36.      Illuminati Online, Steve Jackson Games.

1.2.37.      Inforonics, Inc.

1.2.38.      Inherent Technologies, Inc.

1.2.39.      Institute for Global Communication.

1.2.40.      International Law Institute.

1.2.41.      Internet Company, The.

1.2.42.      InterNIC, Internet Network Information Center.

1.2.43.      Kentucky Capital Litigation Resource Center, The.

1.2.44.      Law Companies Group, Inc.

1.2.45.      Law & Economics Consulting Group, Inc.

1.2.46.      Law Manager, Inc.

1.2.47.      Law MUG BBS.

1.2.48.      Law School Admission Services.

1.2.49.      Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, The.

1.2.50.      Lawyers Cooperative Publishing.

1.2.51.      Legal Advisor BBS, The.

1.2.52.      Legi-Slate.

1.2.53.      LERN.

1.2.54.      Lexis/Nexis.

1.2.55.      Libertarian BBS.

1.2.56.      Master-McNeil, Inc.

1.2.57.      Mike's Online Tavern.

1.2.58.      National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL).

1.2.59.      National Center for State Courts.

1.2.60.      National Clearinghouse for Legal Services.

1.2.61.      National Employment Lawyers Association.

1.2.62.      National Public Telecomputing Network.

1.2.63.      New York Law Publishing Company.

1.2.64.      NOLO Press.

1.2.65.      Paradigm Legal & Printing Technologies.

1.2.66.      Paralegal Services International.

1.2.67.      PeaceNet World News Service.

1.2.68.      Pluto Press - Critical Law and Legal Studies Books.

1.2.69.      Republican BBS.

1.2.70.      Safe 'n' Secure BBS.

1.2.71.      Smithsonian Institution, Natural History.

1.2.72.      Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, The.

1.2.73.      Software Patent Institute.

1.2.74.      Software Publishers Association.

1.2.75.      Source Resources.

1.2.76.      TogetherNet.

1.2.77.      UNA-USA BBS.

1.2.78.      UNitek Research BBS.

1.2.79.      University Microfilms International (UMI).

1.2.80.      Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA).

1.2.81.      Voorhees Reports - "Information Law Alert."

1.2.82.      Voter Information Services (VIS).

1.2.83.      West Publishing Company.

1.2.84.      Wiretap.


Chapter 2.  Government Organizations.

2.0.         Government Organizations - Introduction.

2.1.00.      US Federal Government - Executive Branch.

2.1.01.      Agency for International Development (USAID).

2.1.02.      Department of Agriculture, Children Youth Family Education

             Research Network (CYFER-net).

2.1.03.      Department of Commerce.

2.1.04.      Department of Commerce - Economic Conversion Information


2.1.05.      Department of Commerce - Economics and Statistics


2.1.06.      Department of Justice.

2.1.07.      Environmental Protection Agency - Future Studies.

2.1.08.      Environmental Protection Agency.

2.1.09.      Federal Communications Commission.

2.1.10.      FedWorld.

2.1.11.      Food and Drug Administration, National Center for

             Toxicological Research.

2.1.12.      National Archives.

2.1.13.      Occupational Safety & Health Administration.

2.1.14.      Patent and Trademark Office.

2.1.15.      Securities and Exchange Commission - EDGAR Filings.

2.1.16.      White House Publications.

2.1.17.      White House, The.

2.2.0.       US Federal Government - Judicial Branch.

2.2.1.       Supreme Court Decisions - Project Hermes.

2.2.2.       US Courts of Appeals, 9th Cir. - Model Jury Instructions.    US Courts - Introduction.    Alabama.    Alaska.    Arizona.    Arkansas.    California.    Colorado.    Connecticut.    Delaware.    Florida.    Georgia.    Hawaii.    Idaho.    Illinois.    Indiana.    Iowa.    Kansas.    Kentucky.    Louisiana.    Maine.    Maryland.    Massachusetts.    Michigan.    Minnesota.    Mississippi.    Missouri.    Montana.    Nebraska.    Nevada.    New Hampshire.    New Jersey.    New Mexico.    New York.    North Carolina.    North Dakota.    Ohio.    Oklahoma.    Oregon.    Pennsylvania.    Puerto Rico.    Rhode Island.    South Carolina.    South Dakota.    Tennessee.    Texas.    Utah.    Vermont.    Virgin Islands.    Virginia.    Washington.    Washington, DC.    West Virginia.    Wisconsin.    Wyoming.

2.3.00.      US Federal Government - Legislative Branch.

2.3.01.      Congressional Budget Office.

2.3.02.      Federal Bulletin Board, The.

2.3.03.      Government Printing Office.

2.3.04.      Library Catalogs.

2.3.05.      Library of Congress.

2.3.06       US House of Representatives.

2.3.07.      US House of Representatives.

2.3.08.      US House of Representatives, 103rd Congress Phone and Fax


2.3.09.      US Senate.

2.3.10.      US Senate, 103rd Congress Phone and Fax Numbers.

2.4.00.      US State Governments.

2.4.01.      State of Arizona - State Government.

2.4.02.      State of California - State Government.

2.4.03.      State of California - Legislative Information.

2.4.04.      State of California Government Information.

2.4.05.      State of California, State Legislature.

2.4.06.      State of Florida - State Government.

2.4.07.      State of Florida - Supreme Court.

2.4.08.      State of Georgia - State Government.

2.4.09.      State of Hawaii - State Government.

2.4.10.      State of Idaho - State Government.

2.4.11.      State of Illinois - State Government.

2.4.12.      State of Indiana - State Government.

2.4.13.      State of Iowa - Department of Public Safety.

2.4.14.      State of Iowa - State Government.

2.4.15.      State of Kansas - State Government.

2.4.16.      State of Kentucky - State Government.

2.4.17.      State of Maine - State Government.

2.4.18.      State of Maryland - State Government.

2.4.19.      State of Minnesota, House of Representatives.

2.4.20.      State of Minnesota - State Government.

2.4.21.      State of Nebraska - State Government.

2.4.22.      State of New Mexico - Criminal Justice Network.

2.4.23.      State of New Mexico - State Government.

2.4.24.      State of New York -  Court of Appeals.

2.4.25.      State of New York, Government Info.

2.4.26.      State of New York, State Library.

2.4.27.      State of North Carolina - State Government.

2.4.28.      State of Oregon - State Government.

2.4.29.      State of Texas - State Government.

2.4.30.      State of Utah - State Courts.

2.4.31.      State of Utah - State Government.

2.4.32.      State of Utah - Statutes.

2.4.33.      State of Vermont - State Government.

2.4.34.      State of Virginia - State Government.

2.4.35.      State of Washington - State Government.

2.4.36.      State of Wisconsin - Circuit Court Automation Project.

2.4.37.      State of Wisconsin - State Government.

2.4.38.      State of Wyoming - State Government.


Chapter 3.  Educational Institutions.

3.1.00.      Law Schools - Introduction.   Alabama.   Samford University.   University of Alabama.   Alaska.   Arizona.   Arizona State University.   University of Arizona.   Arkansas.   University of Arkansas.   University of Arkansas at Little Rock.   California.   California Western School of Law.   Golden Gate University.   Loyola Marymount University.   National University.   New College of California.   Pepperdine University.   Santa Clara University.   Southwestern University.   Stanford University.   University of California, Hastings College of the

             Law.   University of California, Berkeley.   University of California, Davis.   University of California, Los Angeles.   University of La Verne.   University of San Diego.   University of San Francisco.   University of Southern California.   University of the Pacific.   Whittier College.   Colorado.   University of Colorado.   University of Denver.   Connecticut.   Bridgeport School of Law at Quinnipiac College.   University of Connecticut.   Yale University.   Delaware.   Widener University.   Florida.   Florida State University.   Nova University.   St. Thomas University.   Stetson University.   University of Florida.   University of Miami.   Georgia.   Emory University.   Georgia State University.   Mercer University.   University of Georgia.   Hawaii.   University of Hawaii, Manoa.   Idaho.   University of Idaho.   Illinois.   Depaul University   Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago-Kent College of

             Law.   John Marshall Law School, The.   Loyola University of Chicago.   Northern Illinois University   Northwestern University   Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.   University of Chicago.   University of Illinois.   Indiana.   Indiana University, Bloomington   Indiana University, Purdue University.   University of Notre Dame.   Valparaiso University.   Iowa.   Drake University.   University of Iowa.   Kansas.   University of Kansas.   Washburn University.   Kentucky.   Northern Kentucky University.   University of Kentucky.   University of Louisville.   Louisiana.   Louisiana State University.   Loyola University, New Orleans.   Southern University and A&M College.   Tulane University.   Maine.   University of Maine.   Maryland.   University of Baltimore.   University of Maryland.   Massachusetts.   Boston College.   Boston University.   Harvard University.   New England School of Law.   Northeastern University.   Suffolk University.   Western New England College.   Michigan.   Detroit College of Law.   Thomas M. Cooley Law School.   University of Detroit.   University of Michigan.   Wayne State University.   Minnesota.   Hamline University.   University of Minnesota.   William Mitchell College of Law.   Mississippi.   Mississippi College.   University of Mississippi.   Missouri.   Saint Louis University.   University of Missouri, Columbia.   University of Missouri, Kansas City.   Washington University.   Montana.   University of Montana.   Nebraska.   Creighton University.   University of Nebraska.   Nevada.   New Hampshire.   Franklin Pierce Law Center.   New Jersey.   Rutgers University, Camden.   Rutgers University, Newark.   Seton Hall University.   New Mexico.   University of New Mexico.   New York.   Brooklyn Law School.   City University of New York.   Columbia University.   Cornell University. Legal Information Institute - E-bulletin.   Fordham University.   Hofstra University.   New York Law School.   New York University.   Pace University.   St. John's University.   State University of New York at Buffalo.   Syracuse University   Touro College.   Union University.   Yeshiva University.   North Carolina.   Campbell University.   Duke University.   North Carolina Central University.   University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.   Wake Forest University.   North Dakota.   University of North Dakota.   Ohio.   Capital University.   Case Western Reserve University.   Cleveland State University.   Ohio Northern University.   Ohio State University.   University of Akron.   University of Cincinnati.   University of Dayton. University of Dayton - Significant Developments in Computer

             Law.   University of Toledo.   Oklahoma.   Oklahoma City University.   University of Oklahoma.   University of Tulsa.   Oregon.   Lewis and Clark College.   University of Oregon.   Willamette University.   Pennsylvania.   Dickinson School of Law.   Duquesne University   Temple University.   University of Pennsylvania.   University of Pittsburgh.   Villanova University   Puerto Rico.   Catholic University of Puerto Rico.   Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.   University of Puerto Rico.   Rhode Island.   South Carolina.   University of South Carolina.   South Dakota.   University of South Dakota.   Tennessee.   Memphis State University.   University of Tennessee.   Vanderbilt University.   Texas.   Baylor University.   St. Mary's University.   South Texas College of Law.   Southern Methodist University.   Texas Southern University.   Texas Tech University.   University of Houston.   University of Texas, Austin.   Utah.   Brigham Young University.   University of Utah   Vermont.   Vermont Law School.   Virginia.   College of William and Mary.   George Mason University.   Regent University.   University of Richmond.   University of Virginia.   Washington and Lee University.   Washington.   Gonzaga University.   University of Puget Sound.   University of Washington.   Washington, DC.   American University.   Catholic University of America.   District of Columbia.   George Washington University.   Georgetown University.   Howard University.   West Virginia.   West Virginia University.   Wisconsin.   Marquette University.   University of Wisconsin, Madison.   Wyoming.   University of Wyoming.

3.2.00.      Other Educational Institutions.

3.2.01.      Carnegie-Mellon University - EnviroGopher.

3.2.02.      Texas A&M University.

3.2.03.      Tufts University - Multilaterals Project.

3.2.04.      University of California, Davis.

3.2.05.      University of California, Irvine - US Government Gophers.

3.2.06.      University of California, Santa Cruz.

3.2.07.      University of Georgia, The Regents' Global Center.

3.2.08.      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Project


3.2.09.      University of Massachusetts.

3.2.10.      University of Michigan - The Clearinghouse.

3.2.11.      University of Virginia - Copyright Law.

3.2.12.      University of Virginia - EcoGopher.


Chapter 4.  Listserv Lists.

4.000.       Listserv Lists - Introduction.

4.001.       ABA-Unix-List.

4.002.       ACALI-L.

4.003.       ADA-Law.

4.004.       AdminLaw.

4.005.       AgLaw-L.

4.006.       AIL-L.

4.007.       All-Of-ELSA.

4.008.       BankrLaw.

4.009.       BioethicsLaw-L.

4.010.       BizLaw-L.

4.011.       CALI-L.

4.012.       CALL-L.

4.013.       CivilRts.

4.014.       CJust-L.

4.015.       CNI-Copyright.

4.016.       ComLaw-L.

4.017.       ComLaw-L.

4.018.       Comp-Privacy.

4.019.       ComputerSupport-Law-Schools.

4.020.       Contracts.

4.021.       CPAE.

4.022.       CPS-L.

4.023.       Crim-L.

4.024.       CTI-Law.

4.025.       Cyberia-L.

4.026.       CyberLaw.

4.027.       Data-Protection.

4.028.       Disc-Evidence.

4.029.       Dispute-Res.

4.030.       DnsList.

4.031.       EC.

4.032.       EconLaw.

4.033.       EdLaw.

4.034.       EnviroLaw.

4.035.       EnvLawProfs.

4.036.       Euro-LEX.

4.037.       FamilyLaw-L.

4.038.       FedTax-L.

4.039.       FemJur.

4.040.       FL-List.

4.041.       Forens-L.

4.042.       ForensicEconomics-L.

4.043.       FREE-L.

4.044.       FutureL.

4.045.       GayNet.

4.046.       GovDoc-L.

4.047.       H-Net.

4.048.       HealthLaw-L.

4.049.       HisLaw-L.

4.050.       HumanRights-L.

4.051.       IGLHRC.

4.052.       ILSA-L.

4.053.       Info-Law.

4.054.       Int-Law.

4.055.       IPR-Science.

4.056.       JLS.

4.057.       JudAff-L.

4.058.       Judaisme-L.

4.059.       Judici-L.

4.060.       Jurist-L.

4.061.       KansasAttorneys-L.

4.062.       Law-Europe.

4.063.       Law-Family.

4.064.       Law-Lib.

4.065.       Law-Public.

4.066.       LawAid.

4.067.       LawAnd.

4.068.       LawClinic-L.

4.069.       LawDeans-L.

4.070.       LawJobs-L.

4.071.       LawJournal-L.

4.072.       LawLibDir-L.

4.073.       LawLibRef-L.

4.074.       LawProf.

4.075.       LawSch-L.

4.076.       LawSoc-L.

4.077.       LawSrc-L.

4.078.       Legal-ListOwners.

4.079.       LegalStudies.

4.080.       LegiSlate-L.

4.081.       LegWri-L.

4.082.       LexisUser-L.

4.083.       Lis-Law.

4.084.       LNN. 

4.085.       MAALL.

4.086.       NCS-L.

4.087.       NOCALL-List.

4.088.       NOTISLaw.

4.089.       OilGasLaw-L.

4.090.       PACS-L.

4.091.       PSRT-L.

4.092.       PsyLaw-L.

4.093.       Regs-L.

4.094.       Rights-L.

4.095.       RLGLaw-L.

4.096.       SoftPats.

4.097.       TAP-Info.

4.098.       Technology-Transfer-List.

4.099.       Teknoids.

4.100.       TLTP-Law.

4.101.       TLTP-LawOfScotland.

4.102.       TortsLaw.

4.103.       UKLegal.

4.104.       UN.

4.105.       UN-News.

4.106.       UNCJIN-L.

4.107.       USNonProfit-L.

4.108.       WestLawUser-L.

4.109.       WH-Summary.


Chapter 5.  Non-US Resources.

5.00.        Non-US Resources - Introduction.

5.01.        Australia - "E Law."

5.02.        Australia - "Journal of the Australian and New Zealand

             Societies for Computers & Law, The."

5.03.        Australia - Murdoch University.

5.04.        Australia - University of Sydney.

5.05.        Canada - Canadian Institute of Resources Law.

5.06.        Canada - Supreme Court.

5.07.        Canada - University of Montreal.

5.08.        Germany - National Research Center for Computer Sciences.

5.09.        Germany - University of Saarland.

5.10.        Italy - Istituto per la Documentazione Giuridica, Florence.

5.11.        Italy - University of Bologna.

5.12.        New Zealand - University of Waikato, School of Law.

5.13.        Norway - University of Tromsoe.

5.14.        United Kingdom - "Computer Law and Security Report."

5.15.        United Kingdom - "Computer Law & Practice."

5.16.        United Kingdom - Just Mooting.

5.17.        United Kingdom - "Law, Computers & Artificial


5.18.        United Kingdom - "Law Technology Journal."

5.19.        United Kingdom - National Information on Software and


5.20.        United Kingdom - University of Warwick.

5.21.        United Nations.

5.22.        United Nations Crime and Justice Info. Network.

5.23.        United Nations Development Programme.

5.24.        United Nations University.


Chapter 6.  Journals, FAQs, Usenet Newsgroups, Etc.

6.00.        Journals, FAQs, Usenet Newsgroups, Etc. - Introduction.

6.01.        "ABA Journal."

6.02.        "Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology."

6.03.        "Artificial Intelligence and Law."

6.04.        "Business Law Today."

6.05.        "Business Lawyer, The."

6.06.        Copyright FAQ.

6.07.        Copyright Guide for Photographers.

6.08.        "E-Law:  Legal Issues Affecting Computer Information

             Systems and System Operator Liability."

6.09.        "Foreign Affairs."

6.10.        "Harvard Journal of Law and Technology."

6.11.        "High Technology Law Journal."

6.12.        "Idea:  The Journal of Law and Technology."

6.13.        Internet Patent News Service.

6.14.        "Introduction to Using the Internet at St. Louis University

             School of Law, An."

6.15.        "Journal of Democracy."

6.16.        "Journal of Law and Information Science."

6.17.        "Jurimetrics, Journal of Law, Science, and Technology."

6.18.        "Kennedy Journal of Ethics."

6.19.        "Law Lists."

6.20.        "Law Practice Management."

6.21.        "Law/Technology."

6.22.        Legal Research FAQ.

6.23.        "National Review."

6.24.        "Queensland University of Technology Law Journal."

6.25.        "Review in American History."

6.26.        "Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal."

6.27.        Rutgers University - Indigenous Peoples Rights Article.

6.28.        "Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal."

6.29.        "Software Law Journal."

6.30.        State Adoption Laws FAQ.

6.31.        "Technology Review."

6.32.        US Code.

6.33.        Usenet FAQs.

6.34.        Usenet Newsgroups.


Appendix A.  More About the Internet.

A.0.         Introduction.

A.1.         Introductory Internet Information.

A.2.0.       Internet, UUCP, and Usenet Providers.

A.2.1.00.    Domain Providers.

A.2.1.01.    Advanced Network & Services, Inc.

A.2.1.02.    Anterior Technology.

A.2.1.03.    CerfNet.

A.2.1.04.    Colorado SuperNet.

A.2.1.05.    MSEN.

A.2.1.06.    MV Communications.

A.2.1.07.    NEARNet.

A.2.1.08.    Netcom.

A.2.1.09.    PSI.

A.2.1.10.    SURANet.

A.2.1.11.    UUNET Canada.

A.2.1.12.    UUNET.

A.2.1.13.    UUNORTH.

A.2.2.00.    Account Providers.

A.2.2.01.    ABA/Net.

A.2.2.02.    America Online.

A.2.2.03.    AT&T.

A.2.2.04.    CompuServe.

A.2.2.05.    Delphi.

A.2.2.06.    eWorld.

A.2.2.07.    GEnie.

A.2.2.08.    IGC Networks.

A.2.2.09.    Law Journal Extra.

A.2.2.10.    LAW/Net.

A.2.2.11.    Lexis Counsel Connect.

A.2.2.12.    MCI.

A.2.2.13.    Portal.

A.2.2.14.    Prodigy.

A.2.2.15.    Sprint.

A.2.2.16.    World, The.

A.3.         Introductory UUCP Information.

A.3.1.       UUCP Software - Commercial.

A.3.1.1.     Macintosh.

A.3.1.2.     DOS.

A.3.2.       UUCP Software - Shareware.

A.3.2.1.     Macintosh.

A.3.2.2.     DOS.

A.4.         Introductory BITNET Information.

A.5.         Other Shareware Software.

A.6.         Yanoff List.

A.7.         Two-Letter Country Codes.


Appendix B.  More Books.

B.0.         Introduction.

B.1.00.      Publishers.

B.1.01.      Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

B.1.02.      Counterpoint Publishing.

B.1.03.      Electronic Newsstand, The (tm).

B.1.04.      McGraw-Hill.

B.1.05.      O'Reilly & Associates.

B.1.06.      Prentice Hall.

B.2.00.      Books.

B.2.01.      Brinson, Dianne and Radcliffe, Mark.

B.2.02.      Eis, Arlene L.

B.2.03.      Kehoe, Brendan P.

B.2.04.      Krol, Ed

B.2.05.      Shea, Virginia.

B.2.06.      Todino, Grace and Dougherty, Dale.


Appendix C.  More About Midnight Networks.

C.1.         Who Is Midnight Networks?






Welcome to The Legal List!


Armed with your computer in its holster, you are about to swagger into an adventure on a new frontier.  Like other frontiers that have come before, the world of the Internet isn't so much a place, as it is the embodiment of a pioneering spirit to explore the unknown.  And with this exploration comes an excited anticipation of the way the future is developing.


Yet, there's also something vaguely discomforting about this adventure.  For while the Internet offers the potential for new levels of freedom and individualism, this frontier also offers the potential for lawlessness and destruction.


This book is about the law on this new electronic frontier—what it is and where to find it.  As you use this book, don't be alarmed if you notice gaping holes in the information about the law available on the 'net.  This is not due to oversight on the part of the author.  This is due to the time delay we are experiencing as the law tries to catch up with the early settlers on the frontier.


And that's exactly what you are.  Like the cowboys and astronauts who came before you, you are paving the way for those who will follow.  These are exciting and rapidly changing times for those of us using electronic communications.  Hopefully, you'll find this book helps to make sense of the law, even as it develops around you.



Shari Steele

Director of Legal Services

Electronic Frontier Foundation


Chapter 0.  Introduction to "The Legal List."


0.0.                Introduction to the Introduction.


This chapter describes, e.g., how to get "The Legal List."  If you are trying to get a copy of "The Legal List," you can avoid many problems by reading and following these directions.  This is true not only of "The Legal List" but also of all of the resources it describes.  (For example, you may get "The Legal List" via anonymous FTP from as pub/LegalList/legallist.txt, but you may NOT TELNET to this site.  See Section 0.7.3 for details.)


Since "The Legal List" ITSELF is a law-related resource on the Internet, I list a few resources that do not THEMSELVES contain any Internet resource (e.g. only a USPS mailing address may be provided).  This is, however, the exception rather than the rule.


Within each listing, the resources in "The Legal List" are listed in order of ease-of-accessibility.  The resources that are easiest to access are listed first.  For example, the user of a commercial online service (such as CompuServe, GEnie, or America Online) may have access to Internet e-mail but may not have FTP or Telnet access.  To this user, the e-mail servers are the most useful.  Also, I have tried to list free services before paid services.  Finally, I have included appendices of general Internet information that is not necessarily law-related.  The following is a summary of the contents of "The Legal List":


Chapter 1.  Corporations and Organizations.  This chapter describes law-related resources made available by for-profit, nonprofit, and not-for-profit corporations and organizations.  An organization in this chapter would most likely have a domain name ending in ".com" (commercial) or ".org" (organization).  Law firms are listed separately--sorted by the state (or country) of their main office.


Chapter 2.  Government Organizations.  This chapter describes law-related resources made available by US government organizations.  An organization in this chapter would most likely have a domain name ending in ".gov" (government).  This chapter is divided into four sub-sections:  1) US Federal Executive Branch, 2) US Federal Judicial Branch, 3) US Federal Legislative Branch, and 4) US State Government Organizations.


Chapter 3.  Educational Institutions.  This chapter describes law-related resources made available by US educational institutions.  An organization in this chapter would most likely have a domain name ending in ".edu" (education).  This chapter is divided into two sub-sections:  1) US law schools, 2) other US educational institutions.


Chapter 4.  Listserv Lists.  This chapter describes law-related listserv lists   These lists are like magazines in that one can subscribe and unsubscribe.  There are lists for a wide range of law-related interests such as intellectual property (CNI-Copyright), fathers' rights (FREE-L), and issues of interest to law students (LawSch-L).


Chapter 5.  Non-US Resources.  This chapter describes law-related resources made available by non-US organizations, governments, and educational institutions--including those made available by the United Nations.


Chapter 6.  Journals, FAQs, Usenet Newsgroups, Etc.  This chapter lists law-related journals, files of frequently-asked questions (FAQs), and Usenet newsgroups.  Usenet is the news network that is intertwined with, but independent from, the Internet.  A resource is listed in this chapter if it is primarily made available by an individual (or by individuals) rather than by an organization, government, or educational institution.


Appendix A.  More About the Internet.  This appendix contains, for example, information on how to get on the Internet, i.e. how to purchase an Internet account.


Appendix B.  More Books.  This appendix lists introductory Internet books, law-related books, and book publishers.  Many of the publishers listing in this appendix maintain a Gopher site.


Appendix C.  More About Midnight Networks.  This appendix describes Midnight Network Inc (, the company that provides administrative support for "The Legal List" in the form of an anonymous FTP server (and its disk space).


0.1.                Acknowledgements.


Many thanks to the following, who contributed information for version 2.0/2.1 of "The Legal List":  Frances Blomeley, Terry Carroll, Keren Cummins, Michael P. Dodson, Richard Donovan, Doug Matthews, James Edward Maule, Carl Oppedahl, Stephen Allan Patrick, and Prof. Henry H. Perritt Jr.


Many thanks to the following who contributed information for version 3.0/3.1 of "The Legal List":  Frances Blomeley, George H. Bosworth, Terry Carroll, Daniel B. Dobkin, Mark Eckenwiler, Richard Harris, Dan Hunter, Robert J. Keller, Burt Kreindel, Andy Lang, David Swarbrick, Nelson Velasquez, and Archie Zariski.


Many thanks to the following who contributed information for version 5.0/5.1 of "The Legal List":  John M. Baker, Scott Bolte,  Terrence Brady, Terry Carroll, Mischa Dippelhofer, Laurence S. Donahue, Mark Eckenwiler, Jeff Flax, Mark Folmsbee, Neal J. Friedman, Ron Friedmann, Daniel Gunther, Jack Hickey, Lissa Holzhausen, Fred Horch, Dean Hughson, Steven W. Jarvis, Bob Keller, Richard B. Klein, Jason Levine, David Loundy, Robert H. McClanahan, Art Mellor, Jim Milles, Christopher J. Noe, Don Roberts, Barry Roseman, Alex Rudd, Will Sadler, Seymour Samuels, Chris Sayre-Smith, Peter H. Schmidt, Peter Schuman, Bob Serafin, Richard Seymour, Jackie Shieh, Ken Shirriff, Jan Sola, Peter Stott, Patrik A. Tornudd, Nelson Velasquez, Renate Weidinger, and Archie Zariski.


0.2.                Typographical Conventions and URLs.


Optional items are listed in brackets. 


Items that should be interpreted are listed in italics.  For example, If I were instructed to type your name, I would type Erik J. Heels. 


Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are listed for each Internet resource.  I have followed the draft RFC standard dated 03/94, which is available via anonymous FTP from as /ftp/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-uri-url-03.txt.  The URL for the URL draft standard is




In general, the URL will be in the format of connection-method://machine/path.  In the above example, the connection-method is FTP, the machine is, and the path is /ftp/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-uri-url-03.txt.


0.3.                Purpose and History.


The purpose of "The Legal List" is to provide a consolidated list of all of the law-related resources available on the Internet and elsewhere.  I have been "on the Internet" since 1984.  I initially learned about the Internet by looking over the shoulders of my friends and co-workers (I believe that this is the way most people learn how to navigate the Internet), and then I began exploring the Internet for myself.  I spent a great deal of 1992 exploring the Internet in search of law-related resources, and I was frustrated that a comprehensive list of such resources did not exist, so I created my own list.  As I discussed what I had been doing with others, they began to request copies of my list.  In August, 1992, I released the first version.  I called this version "beta.4," because it was (and is) a work in progress.  What started as a relatively short list for my own use has grown into the relatively large book you are now reading.


I am committed to providing high-quality information, and as such, I have tried to verify all of the information in "The Legal List."  If I have not been able to verify a resource, I have indicated so.  I also include resources that are no longer available, so that you need not waste your time responding to an announcement of a so-called "new" resource that has, in fact, been extinct for some time. 


But providing high-quality information costs money.  "The Legal List" receives no financial support from any organization.  (Administrative support in the form of a Gopher server (and its disk space) is provided by the University of Maine School of Law.  Administrative support in the form of an anonymous FTP server (and its disk space) is provided by Midnight Networks, Inc.)  I have invested my own time and money into "The Legal List."  As the copyright notice indicates, "The Legal List" is free on the Internet, but it costs if you print it.  I believe that this arrangement is consistent with the spirit of providing free information on the Internet, while at the same time allowing me to partially recover the costs of producing "The Legal List."  In response to those who say that this arrangement makes those without Internet access subsidize those with such access, I can only say that 1) this arrangement encourages people to get on the Internet to get the free version, and 2) I cannot think of a better solution.


I believe that "The Legal List" is worth the price.  It is comprehensive, frequently-updated, and "subscribable."  Users of "The Legal List" include individuals from courts (including the United States Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit), approximately 70 universities (including 49 of the top 50 US law schools), and 15 countries.  But do not take my word for it, listen to what others have said (names have been used with permission):


"I cannot wait to explore The Legal List further."

- 06/28/93


"I am very new to the Internet (and to computers in general) but I am delighted by the quality of information I am receiving."

- 06/29/93


"Thanks for recently sending The Legal List.  It is a marvelous service."

- 07/02/93


"The Legal List has saved me much searching to compile a list for introducing our academics to the wonders of the Internet."

- 09/09/93, Janine Cairns, Liaison Law Librarian, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia


"I have just received a copy of The Legal List, and I wanted to congratulate you on a fine piece of work.  It is a great document and should be extremely useful to those of us trying to find our way around the legal side of Internet."

- 09/07/93, Boston Attorney


"A quick note of praise on The Legal List.  I think it is a great idea, and I have found it useful to get a feel for what is available online in the legal domain."

- 09/23/93


"Thank you for your assistance, and for your work on this most worthwhile source."

- 01/05/94, Angus M. Gunn


"I had the pleasure of reading The Legal List this morning.  I am an attorney and am new to the Internet.  The Legal List will prove to be a tremendous research tool for me."

- 01/06/94


"I am one of the facilitators of NELANet, the online service operated by the National Employment Lawyers Association.  We have just added the full text of The Legal List to our system.  This will be an invaluable addition to the information we provide our members."

- 02/05/94, Barry Roseman, chair, computer committee, National Employment Lawyers Association


"I have got to tell you, however, that I truly appreciate your hard work

on The Legal List.  I have used it to discover an entire new way to conduct research, and, in our profession, research that leads to publishing is critical!  Thanks again for the help."

- 03/22/94, Laura B. Pincus, Assistant Professor of Legal Studies and Ethics, DePaul University, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business


"The Legal List is fantastic!  I never realized how much was available on the Internet."

- 04/06/94, Ann L. Kalb


"I downloaded The Legal List from CompuServe's Lawsig data libraries 2 or 3 months ago, and I was VERY impressed."

- 04/11/94, Frederic M. Wilf, Elman Wilf & Fried (intellectual property and business law, including computer and biotechnology law), Media, PA,


"Thank you for having made our jobs so much easier by putting together The Legal List.  I work for the National Law Journal.  We are in the process of bringing up a new online service for the legal community that will, among other things, provide Internet access to lawyers.  Your excellent work in assembling and maintaining The Legal List has been instrumental in our efforts."

- 05/12/94, Joseph Lamport,


"Thanks for creating The Legal List.  I just FTPed it from MIT and was amazed at your work.  It is just great."

- 05/15/94, Richard Anderson


"I was looking for legal materials and found your invaluable guide. Many thanks for all the work--it is so incredibly useful."

- 05/26/94, Susan Crysler, Librarian, McCarthy Tetrault, Vancouver, B.C. Canada,

"The Legal List is all the rage on CompuServe."

- 06/04/94, Jeffrey A. Fuisz


"The Legal List seems like the useful resource on the Net I have been looking for (as distinct from the interesting ones)."

- 06/12/94, Ken Nielsen, Sydney, Australia


"The Legal List is a great compilation of legal resources on the net."

- 06/23/94, Jeffrey Flax, National Systems Support Analyst, Office of the Federal Public Defender, Denver, CO, JFLAX@RMII.COM


"I have just downloaded The Legal List and wanted to take a moment to thank you, and to compliment you, on your excellent work in organizing and presenting the material."

- 08/02/94, Dr. Dennis McConnell, Finance Professor, College of Business Administration, University of Maine, MAC@MAINE.MAINE.EDU


(For those who might be wondering why I am plugging my book IN my book, let me explain.  Much of Chapter 0 of "The Legal List" is included as the README file that is archived with "The Legal List" and that is sent to those inquiring about "The Legal List.")


0.4.                For New Internet Users - A Brief Primer on the Internet.


Earlier versions of "The Legal List" stated that "a certain level of familiarity with the Internet is assumed by the author of The Legal List."  I no longer make this assumption, as I have discovered that many readers of "The Legal List" are unfamiliar with the Internet in general.  As such, I have added this "brief primer."  For additional introductory information, see the appendices.


A Brief Primer on the Internet.  The Internet is THE international network of computer networks.  Each computer on the Internet speaks the same language, the TCP/IP protocols.  (In addition, many commercial online services such as CompuServe and GEnie are connected to the Internet via gateways.  In essence, this means that the users of these services can use limited Internet resources, most notably electronic mail.  But this is rapidly changing as these value-added networks make other Internet protocols available, such as FTP and Telnet.)


The computers on the Internet are connected, essentially, by various types of telephone lines.  But what matters to the Internet-user is not how these computers are connected or how an electronic mail (e-mail) message gets from Maine to Finland, but simply that the Internet WORKS.  When people write a letter and send it from Maine to Finland via the United States Postal Services (USPS), they know that the "to" and "from" addresses must be written in a certain place, that mail may be returned if there is a problem, and that mail may be disposed of after sitting idly on the shelf of the post office (if, for example, both addresses are illegible).  Internet e-mail works in much the same way.  Some of the TCP/IP protocols deal with how to send, return, and dispose of e-mail.


The advantages of Internet e-mail over USPS mail and telephone calls are numerous.  Unlike with USPS mail, you do not have to find a stamp and drive to the nearest mailbox to send Internet e-mail.  And unlike the telephone, Internet e-mail is never busy.  One winter, I planned a ski trip in Maine entirely by e-mail.  I was able to make sure that each person got the same information, I could keep track of RSVPs, and I did not have to worry about making phone calls.


Not Just for Scientists Anymore.  Formerly used exclusively by government, military, and research users, the Internet is now being used by people in all lines of work.  As more people get on the Internet, fewer people will be able to ignore the Internet.  Lawyers will need to get on the
Internet to communicate with their clients and with each other.  1993 may go down in history as "the year of the Internet."  Consider that in 1993 there were more references to the Internet in the New York Times than there were in all previous years combined! 


Summary.  When I was choosing a name for "The Legal List, Law-Related Resources on the Internet and Elsewhere," I initially had chosen "beyond" instead of "elsewhere."  However, I decided to go with "elsewhere" because in terms of electronic resources, NOTHING is beyond the Internet.  As big as commercial online services (such as CompuServe and GEnie) may get, they will always be a subset of the Internet.  The "elsewhere" sections deal primarily with resources that are not on the Internet, but that may be someday.  And as the Internet expands, there will be more legal issues (intellectual property, privacy, and First Amendment issues to name a few) to tackle.  Was 1993 the year of the Internet?  I am not sure, but I do know that the Internet is here to stay, and for lawyers and others who are concerned about the future of the Internet, now is the time to get on.


0.4.1.             FTPMail (FTP via E-mail).


Many resources are available via anonymous FTP.  If you do not have access to FTP, but you do have access to e-mail, send a message to with "help" in the body of the body of the message for information on the FTPMAIL (FTP by e-mail) service.


URL: (with "help" in the body of the message) (FTPMail)          FTPMail Example.


For example, to get "The Legal List" via e-mail from the FTPMail service, send the following message to




get /pub/LegalList/README

get /pub/LegalList/legallist.txt



URL: (with the above text in the body of the message) (FTPMail)


The files will be e-mailed to you in a day or so.  If you have problems with FTPing to, send a message to


URL: (Erik J. Heels)


0.4.2.             Gopher Overview.


Gopher is an Internet client/server protocol, developed in April 1991 by the University of Minnesota, for making a world wide information service.  Gopher provides a delivery vehicle for local information and facilitates access to other Gopher and information servers throughout the world.  Gopher can also search and retrieve info via WAIS and FTP.  Various client versions of Gopher software are available via anonymous FTP:




Using a local client is faster, but there are also a number of public Telnet login sites available:


URL:  telnet:// (North America)


URL:  telnet:// (North America)


URL:  telnet:// (North America)


URL:  telnet:// (North America)


URL:  telnet:// (Europe)


URL:  telnet:// (Australia)


URL:  telnet:// (Sweden)


URL:  telnet:// (South America)


URL:  telnet:// (Ecuador)


URL:  telnet:// (Japan)


For more information, contact the Gopher software developers:


Internet Gopher Developers

100 Union St. SE #190

Minneapolis, MN  55455



URL: (Internet Gopher Developers)          GopherMail (Gopher via E-mail).


Gopher is accessible via e-mail with GopherMail.  To use GopherMail,

send a message to one of the GopherMail servers with "help" as the

subject of the message (try to use a site near you):


URL: (France)

URL: (Israel)

URL: (Japan)

URL: (Japan)

URL: (Japan)

URL: (Japan)

URL: (Japan)

URL: (Sweden)

URL: (USA)          VERONICA.


VERONICA stands for Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index.  VERONICA is to GopherSpace what Archie, a program developed by the McGill School of Computer Science, is to the Internet's anonymous FTP archives.  (For more information on Archie, see The Internet Resource Guide/Directory of Directories (see Section  VERONICA offers a keyword
search of most of the Gopher-server menu titles in the world.  To try VERONICA, select it from the "Other Gophers" menu on the University of Minnesota's Gopher server.


0.4.3.             WWW Overview.


WWW stands for the World Wide Web.  WWW, started by CERN (the European Laboratory for Particle Physics), is a distributed hypermedia system.  To access the Web, you run a browser program that can read and retrieve documents.  The browsers can access information via/from FTP, Telnet, Usenet, Gopher, WAIS, and others.


The following are some of the Browsers accessible by Telnet (try to use sites near you):


URL:  telnet:// (US)


URL:  telnet:// (US)


URL:  telnet:// (Switzerland)


URL:  telnet:// (Israel)


URL:  telnet://sun.uakom.cs (Slovakia)


URL:  telnet:// (Finland)


0.4.4.             WAIS Overview.


WAIS, the Wide Area Information Servers, is a networked full text information retrieval system developed by Thinking Machines, Apple Computer, and Dow Jones.  WAIS currently uses TCP/IP to connect client applications to information servers.  Client applications are able to retrieve text or multimedia documents stored on the servers.  Client applications request documents using keywords.  Servers search a full text index for the documents and return a list of documents containing the keyword.  The client may then request the server to send a copy of any of the documents found.  The WAIS software distribution is available via anonymous FTP:


URL: (WAIS software)


URL: (current WAIS sources/databases)


URL: (documentation, users guides, etc.)


If you are in Europe try the following first:


URL: (WAIS files)


The easiest way to get started (if you do not have access to a  WAIS client) is to try the WAIS at Thinking Machines:


URL:  telnet://          WAISmail (WAIS via E-mail).


If you do not have access to WAIS but you do have access to e-mail, you might want to try WAISmail, a WAIS via e-mail program.  For more information on WAISmail, send a message to WAISmail@Think.COM with "help" as the subject of the message.


URL:  mailto::WAISmail@Think.COM (with "help" as the subject of the message)


With WAISmail, you can search WAIS sources and retrieve documents identified by your searches.  Here is how the "search" and "retrieve" commands work:


search [<source-name>|"<source-name> <source-name> ..."] {keywords...}


Where <source-name> is a source name as found in the directory of servers (with or without the .src ending).  If you use more than one source name and enclose them in quotes (as above), WAISmail will search both of the sources.  If you try to search a nonexistent source, WAISmail will e-mail a list of sources to you.  The following are some law-related WAIS sources that you may want to try:

































retrieve <DOCID>


Where <DOCID> is as returned by your search.


0.4.5.             BBS Overview.


There are approximately 50,000 BBSs nationwide, many of which are law-related.  I have included only the essential information about these BBSs here, namely the phone number to call and a contact for more information.  Most of the BBSs run 24 hours per day, many charge a fee, many are accessible at various baud rates.  Your best bet is to read the introductory information carefully for each BBS.


0.5.                Disclaimer.


The appearance of any resource in "The Legal List" does not constitute endorsement of approval of the resource by the author, editors, and publishers of "The Legal List."  The author, editors, and publishers of "The Legal List" have made reasonable efforts to provide correct information, but the author, editors, publishers, the University of Maine School of Law, and Midnight Networks are not responsible for the accuracy of the information in "The Legal List."  Updates, additions, and corrections to "The Legal List" should be sent to


URL: (Erik J. Heels)


0.6.                Revision History Etc.


17 May 92, beta.1 - Project started by Erik J. Heels.


17 Jun 92, beta 2 - Added BITNET info.


17 Jul 92, beta 3 - Major format revisions.


17 Aug 92, beta.4 (16 K, 8 pages) - Released early due to popular demand.


17 May 93, 1.0 (36 K, 16 pages) - Available via Gopher and anonymous FTP.  Added TOC.  Many thanks to Midnight Networks Inc. ( for their help with the FTP service.


URL: (Midnight Networks Inc.)



17 Aug 93, 2.0 (128 K, 75 pages) - Updated and expanded.  Minor corrections to the text are not indicated.


17 Nov 93, 2.1 (128 K, 76 pages) - Fixed typos and pagination.  Replaced my old UUCP e-mail addresses with us-domain addresses.


17 Jan 94, 3.0 (164 K, 95 pages) - Major revisions and additions.  Electronic versions remain free, paper versions cost.


17 Mar 94, 3.1 (164 K, 95 pages) - Fixed typos, eliminated explicit IP addresses (which can be determined by sending a message to with the host name as the body of the message (e.g. to find the IP address of, send a message to with as the body of the message)), added BITNET addresses to the BITNET LISTSERV groups, clarified S&H charges, added purchase order option.

URL: (with the hostname in the body of the message) (IP address resolver)


17 Jun 94, 3.2 (184 K, 112 pages) - Added URLs.  Interim version created for another project.


17 Aug 94, 5.0 (404 K, 217 pages) - Greatly revised, expanded and updated.  Called v5.0 in recognition of the fact the beta.4 was the 1st edition.  Text version formatted 72 lines per page, 58 characters per line, the format for RFCs as specified in RFC 1543.


17 Sep 94, 5.1 (428 K, 231 pages) - No substantive changes.  Reorganized chapters by organization and by access method within each section.  Fixed minor typos.


0.7.                Getting and Redistributing "The Legal List."


0.7.1.             Summary of How to Get "The Legal List."


Please read the following sections carefully.  Please do NOT try to access "The Legal List" in a manner that is not described in the following sections.  Please read the details below.  The purpose of this summary is to describe, in chart format, how to get "The Legal List" and how NOT to get "The Legal List."  If you read and follow the directions in the following sections, you will have no problems.  This advice applies not only to "The Legal List" but to all of the resources it describes.



| SITE                    | How is "The Legal List"                |

|                         | accessible at this site?               |


|        | FTP access ONLY.                       |

|                         | No e-mail, Telnet, or Gopher access.   |


|     | E-mail access ONLY (by subscription).  |

|                         | No FTP, Telnet, or Gopher access.      |


| | Gopher access ONLY.                    |

|                         | No e-mail, FTP, or Telnet access.      |


|            | E-mail and FTP access.                 |

|                         | No Telnet or Gopher access.            |



0.7.2.             E-mail.


Due to the size of "The Legal List" (and to keep running as efficiently as possible), I only send the initial release of "The Legal List" via e-mail to those who have subscribed to "The Legal List" (see Section  I will NOT be able to send individual copies via e-mail after the initial release.  However, you can still get a copy of "The Legal List" e-mailed to you by using FTPMail (see Section 0.7.3) or by using the mail-server at MIT (see Section 0.7.5).          Subscriptions.


Two subscription services are available.


1) Full text delivery via e-mail plus announcements.


If you wish subscribe to "The Legal List," send a message in the following form:



Body of message:  subscribe legal-list "your name" (where "your name" is your real name)


The next version of "The Legal List" (as well as other announcements) will be mailed to those who subscribe.  I always like to hear where you learned about "The Legal List," so if you also include this information in the BODY of the message, I would greatly appreciate it!  (This service is not a listserv list, but I am considering this option.  That is why I have made the subscription method the same as for listserv lists.) 


To cancel your subscription to "The Legal List," send a message in the following form:



Body of message:  unsubscribe legal-list


Please allow a day or two for a reply to messages sent to  (If you send multiple subscription requests, you will get multiple responses.  However, duplicate addresses are removed before any messages are sent to "The Legal List" subscribers, so you should not receive multiple copies of any messages.)


URL: (Erik J. Heels)


2) Announcements only.


If you wish receive only announcements about the next version of "The Legal List," send a message in the following form:



Body of message:  subscribe TLL-announce "your name" (where "your name" is your real name)


TLL-announce subscribes will receive all of the announcements that legal-list subscribers receive, but TLL-announce subscribers will not receive the next version of "The Legal List" via e-mail.  I always like to hear where you learned about "The Legal List," so if you also include this information in the BODY of the message, I would greatly appreciate it!  (This service is not a listserv list, but I am considering this option.  That is why I have made the subscription method the same as for listserv lists.) 


To cancel your subscription to TLL-announce, send a message in the following form:



Body of message:  unsubscribe TLL-announce


Please allow a day or two for a reply to messages sent to  (If you send multiple subscription requests, you will get multiple responses.  However, duplicate addresses are removed before any messages are sent to "The Legal List" subscribers, so you should not receive multiple copies of any messages.)


URL: (Erik J. Heels)          Updates.


Updates, additions, and corrections to "The Legal List" should be sent to


URL: (Erik J. Heels)


0.7.3.             Anonymous FTP.


"The Legal List" is available via anonymous FTP:




You may connect to by anonymous FTP ONLY.  (Please do NOT TELNET to  Your FTP session should look something like the following:


220-Welcome, archive user!  This is an experimental FTP server.

220-If you have any unusual problems, please report them via e-mail

220-to  Sessions are logged, if you don't like

220-it, don't use it. Have a nice day :-)


220-If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first

220-character of your password -- this will turn off the continuation

220-messages that may be confusing your ftp client.


220-midnight FTP server (Version wu-2.1b(5) Mon Aug 2 18:12:50

220-EDT 1993) ready.


USER (identify yourself to the host):  anonymous

331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.



>>>PASS ********

230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.


Command:  cd /pub/LegalList

>>>CWD /pub/LegalList

250 CWD command successful.


Command:  ls

>>>PORT 130,111,130,4,16,152

200 PORT command successful.


150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.




226 Transfer complete.


Command:  get README

>>>PORT 130,111,130,4,16,166

200 PORT command successful.


150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for README (34328 bytes).

226 Transfer complete.

35133 bytes transferred. Transfer rate 23.47 Kbytes/sec.


Command:  get legallist.txt

>>>PORT 130,111,130,4,16,180

200 PORT command successful.

>>>RETR legallist.txt

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for legallist.txt (165063 bytes).

226 Transfer complete.

170151 bytes transferred. Transfer rate 46.66 Kbytes/sec.


Command:  get Whois_Midnight.txt

>>>PORT 130,111,130,4,16,188

200 PORT command successful.

>>>RETR Whois_Midnight.txt

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for Whois_Midnight.txt (3737 bytes).

226 Transfer complete.

3828 bytes transferred. Transfer rate 6.82 Kbytes/sec.


Command:  quit


221 Goodbye.          Internet Resource Guide - Directory of Directories.


"The Legal List" is one of many resources officially documented by the InterNIC Directory and Database Services maintained by the NSF Network Systems Center (NNSC) under a contract with AT&T.  The "Internet Resource Guide" (IRG) (formerly compiled and maintained by BBN, Inc., for the NNSC) has been moved to the "Directory of Directories" provided by the InterNIC Directory and Database Services.  In previous versions of "The Legal List," I wrote "[t]he [IRG] is invaluable, and everyone with a serious interest in the Internet should maintain a copy.  The NNSC's stated goal is 'to expose users to those facilities that will help them do their work better.'  (Internet Resource Guide, Introduction, dated 16 Apr 90.)  I wholeheartedly agree with this goal."  Although the IRG in its 1990-form is being discontinued, the entries have been incorporated into the NNSC's new "Directory of Directories."  The "Directory of Directories" should prove to be an invaluable resource.


For more information, contact:


The InterNIC Directory and Database Services Administrator


5000 Hadley Road Room 1B13

South Plainfield, NJ  07080

Phone:  1-800-862-0677



URL: (AT&T InterNIC Administrator)


0.7.4.             Gopher.


"The Legal List" is available via Gopher from the University Maine School of Law Gopher site.


URL:  gopher://          Adding "The Legal List" to your Gopher Site.


You are encouraged to add "The Legal List" to your Gopher site.  If you choose to do so, please include the words "The Legal List" in the Gopher menu.  (See the title page for copyright restrictions.)  In order to have your Gopher site automatically updated, you can link it to the anonymous FTP site at


URL:          Other Gopher Sites.


"The Legal List" has been posted many Gopher sites, including the following:


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


Do a VERONICA search of "Legal List" to find other sites.  (This is why it is important to include the words "The Legal List" when you add "The Legal List" to your Gopher site.)


0.7.5.             Usenet FAQ.


"The Legal List" is periodically posted as a FAQ (a file of Frequently Asked Questions) to,, misc.answers, and news.answers.  It is also available via anonymous FTP from in /pub/usenet/news.answers/law/net-resources/ as files part1-part3.  To obtain a copy via e-mail from MIT, send a message to with the following lines in it:


send usenet/news.answers/law/net-resources/part1

send usenet/news.answers/law/net-resources/part2

send usenet/news.answers/law/net-resources/part3

send usenet/news.answers/law/net-resources/part4



URL: (with the above text in the body of the message) (MIT's Usenet mail-server)







0.7.6.             Elsewhere.


You are encouraged to add "The Legal List" to any other electronic storage or computer system.  "The Legal List" has been posted to CompuServe, PeaceNet, and others.  (See the copyright page for copyright restrictions.)


0.7.7.             Paperback Copies.


Paperback copies of "The Legal List" are also available.  The paperback copies are superior in quality to the text-only versions distributed on the Internet (e.g. multiple fonts are used).  The price for each copy is $29.95.  The shipping and handling for each copy is $3.00 US, $4.00 Canada or Mexico, and $10.00 for all other countries.  To receive a hard copy of "The Legal List," please send a purchase order, or a check or money order payable to  "Erik J. Heels," to:


Erik J. Heels

The Legal List

39 Main St.

Eliot, ME  03903-2234



Orders may also be faxed to (207) 439-8647.  Please allow four to six weeks for delivery via United States Postal Services mail.


Chapter 1.  Corporations and Organizations.


This chapter describes law-related resources made available by for-profit, nonprofit, and not-for-profit corporations and organizations.  An organization in this chapter would most likely have a domain name ending in ".com" (commercial) or ".org" (organization).  Law firms are listed separately--sorted by the state (or country) of their main office.


One of the best ways to find the e-mail address for a particular individual is to call that individual.  If you choose to contact the individuals listed below via e-mail, please keep your e-mail message short and to-the-point.


1.0.                Corporations and Organizations.


1.1.00.           Law Firms - Introduction.


It is important to understand that communication with a lawyer or law firm by e-mail, including use of information resources provided by a law firm via a WWW server or other Internet resource, DOES NOT without an explicit mutual agreement create an attorney-client relationship.  A lawyer-client relationship can be created by e-mail only by a direct and explicit agreement, confirmed by the lawyer or law firm and the client.  No implicit agreement can be asserted.  Accordingly, great care should be taken not to communicate information deemed confidential absent such explicit confirmation.  Contact your local bar association if you are in doubt about the law in your jurisdiction.


The law firms listed here are under no obligation to keep any information you send them confidential until AFTER they agree to form a lawyer-client relationship with you.  You should use e-mail or any information services lawyers or firms provide via the Internet only as a means of learning more about a lawyer or firm.  If a lawyer or firm does agree to represent you, you should then discuss how best to exchange confidential information.


The firms listed below are among the few with connections to the Internet.  Nearly all of them subscribe to "The Legal List."  All of the firms below are accessible via e-mail, some have gone the extra step of establishing their own domain name, and some have gone even further, providing FTP, WWW, or other access means.  Note that the information below, except where it was already available on the Internet, was provided by the individual law firms.


1.1.01.           AL - Edward Still, Esq.



Edward Still, Attorney

Birmingham, AL






1.1.02.           AR - William R. Daniels, P.A.



William R. Daniels, P.A.

104 North Main Street

PO Box 723

Monticello, AR  71655

Phone:  (501) 367-8181

Fax:  (501) 367-2676






This is a small law firm practicing real estate title work, probate, estate planning, banking, insurance and commercial law, including litigation in those areas.  Limited work is also performed in the area of creditor representation in bankruptcy courts.  There has also been extensive representation and work in the area of computer law, licensing, and development of software products.  The firm has been in existence for fifteen years, and is located in the southeastern part of Arkansas.  Considerable experience with computers, e-mail, and Internet usage.


1.1.03.           Australia - Peter Faris, QC.



Peter Faris, QC

224 Queen Street

Melbourne, Victoria


Phone:  (61) (3) 642 4088 (24 hours)

Fax:  (61) (3) 642 4101 (24 hours)






I am a Queen's Counsel (QC) practising as an independent Barrister (Attorney).  I have been practising for 32 years.  I employ one other Barrister.  I practise in criminal law and, in particular, advocacy, drug law, computer law, white collar crime and proceeds of crime.  I have ready access to international resources.  I am generally familiar with the legal systems of USA, Canada and UK.  I have an interest in doing cases pro bono where appropriate.  I am interested in working internationally in my areas of practice, whether over the Internet or otherwise.  I would like to set up an Internet partnership, collective, or legal firm to deal with Internet clients.  I am interested in radical but intelligent solutions to the practice of law.


1.1.04.           AZ - Jacqueline Wohl, Attorney at Law.



Jacqueline Wohl, Attorney at Law

177 N. Church St., Suite 815

Tucson, AZ  85701

Phone:  (602) 623-2883

Fax:  (602) 624-6215





A single-attorney firm practicing family law, including juvenile law, domestic relations, and probate.  I have been in practice for 15 years and have litigated heavily in children's issues for more than 12 years.  I also have extensive experience interacting with social service agencies, having represented the state social service agency for 8 years as assistant Arizona Attorney General.  Member of the Arizona, Pima County, and District of Columbia Bars and the National Association of Council for Children.


1.1.05.           CA - Adam Myers & Company.



Adam Myers & Company

330 Washington Boulevard, Suite 400

Marina del Rey, CA  90292-5145

Phone:  (310) 577-8544

Fax:  (310) 577-8545






This is a small firm providing legal, business management (accounting, tax and consulting), and dispute resolution (arbitration & mediation) services.  Adam J. Myers III is an attorney and a certified public accountant.  He is a member of the American Arbitration Association Panel of Arbitrators.


1.1.06.           CA - Eileen Walker, Attorney at Law.



Eileen Walker

PO Box 1047

Ojai, CA  93024

Phone:  (805) 646-1937






Solo practitioner focusing primarily on California real property law and commercial property management.  Am a CA real estate broker as well as attorney.  Although not in the listing/sales end of real estate, I also have a Broker associated with me who can handle any client's needs for purchase and sale of real property in Ventura County, CA.  Limited family law and probate practice.


1.1.07.           CA - Fisher Thurber, Ltd.



Fisher Thurber, Ltd.

David A. Fisher, Managing Partner

4225 Executive Square, Suite 1600

La Jolla, CA  92037-1483

Phone:  (619) 535-9400

Fax:  (619) 535-1616

BBS Phone:  (619) 625-6248






Fisher Thurber, Ltd is a small law firm practicing business and business finance transactions.  The firm handles only transactional matters representing businesses, broker dealers and franchisors, with an emphasis on securities, franchising, mergers and acquisitions, as well as real estate, commodities and taxation issues.


1.1.08.           CA - Fliesler, Dubb, Meyer & Lovejoy.



Fliesler, Dubb, Meyer & Lovejoy

Four Embarcadero Center, Fourth Floor

San Francisco, CA  94111

Phone:  (415) 362-3800

Fax:  (415) 362-2928







Fliesler, Dubb, Meyer & Lovejoy provides a full range of legal services relating to intellectual property law, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, maskworks, trade secrets and unfair competition.  We counsel clients in evaluating, protecting, licensing, and litigating intellectual property rights.  Our clientele ranges from start-up companies to multinational corporations that engage in a broad range of high technology fields, particularly computers, electronics, semiconductor chip technology, software, magnetic storage devices, telecommunications, physics, chemistry, medical developments, biotechnology and mechanics.


All Fliesler, Dubb, Meyer & Lovejoy attorneys practice exclusively in the area of intellectual property law.  Our attorneys have advanced engineering and science degrees, experience in business and technology and are registered to practice as patent attorneys before the US Patent and Trademark Office.


1.1.09.           CA - Kasdan, Simonds, Peterson, McIntyre, Epstein &




Kasdan, Simonds, Peterson, McIntyre, Epstein & Martin

2091 Business Center Drive, Suite 200

Irvine CA  92715

Phone:  (714) 851-9000

Fax:  (714) 833-9455






Our firm in Orange County, California is currently emphasizing construction defect plaintiff cases, and medical products liability.  We also handle business litigation of all types, civil rights and class actions, and real estate matters.  Among our recent biggest cases were cases involving the Shiley Heart Valve, construction defects at a large Orange County condominium development (settled for $ 8.7 million), defense of a civil rights action involving institutional conditions at the Orange County Juvenile Hall, and a major mortgage lending fraud case in which we represented a Midwestern savings and loan institution.


1.1.10.           CA - Law Offices of Carl Shusterman, The.



The Law Offices of Carl Shusterman

624 So. Grand Ave., Suite 1608

Los Angeles, CA  90017

Phone:  (213) 623-4592

Fax:  (213) 623-3720



E-mail: (Mr. Carl M. Shusterman)



The Law Offices of Carl Shusterman practices exclusively in the field of immigration and nationality law.  Most of our attorneys formerly were employed by the US Immigration and Naturalization Service.  Our clients run the gamut from large corporations to individuals.  We obtain temporary working visas and permanent resident status for professionals, investors, and other qualified individuals.  We represent clients in deportation and exclusion hearings and in Federal Court.  Sample clients include Delta Airlines, Avery-Dennison Corporation, City of Hope Medical Center and Seiko Instruments.


1.1.11.           CA - Law Offices of Ivan W. Halperin, The.



Ivan W. Halperin, Esq.

The Law Offices of Ivan W. Halperin

12100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1600

Los Angeles, CA  90025-7120


Phone: (310) 207-8677, 1-800-421-4516 (North America, outside of Southern California)

Fax:  (310) 207-2597







The Law Offices of Ivan W. Halperin is a five-person firm located in West Los Angeles with an international practice of business, litigation and insolvency matters with special emphasis on technology issues.  Now entering its 19th year, the firm has actively represented clients from and throughout the world.


1.1.12.           CA - Law Offices of Rosario Perry.



Law offices of Rosario Perry

1333 Ocean Ave

Santa Monica, CA  90401

Phone:  (310) 394-9831




E-mail:  rosario_perry@OCEANLAW.COM  (Rosario Perry)


1.1.13.           CA - Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps.



Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps

600 West Broadway, 26th Floor

San Diego, CA  92101-3391

Phone:  (619) 236-1414




E-mail:  mlathrop@LUCE.COM (Mitchell L. Lathrop)


1.1.14.           CA - Samaha, Grogin & Stulberg.



Samaha, Grogin & Stulberg

35 North Lake Avenue, Suite 810

Pasadena, CA  91101

Phone:  (818) 584-1388

Fax:  (818) 584-6664



E-mail:  LawHelp@Delphi.Com, LawHelpToo@Aol.Com



We are a small firm that represents computer/technology clients.  We represent start-ups and NYSE-listed companies with equal zeal and enthusiasm (we actually enjoy being lawyers).  Our clients include the proverbial tinkerers in a one bedroom apartment who are writing code as well as industry leaders in interactive CD-ROM (and everything in between).  We provide counseling from formation through financing and growth.  Our backgrounds are with large law firms and large software programmers/distributors.  We also protect intellectual property rights by bringing infringement lawsuits (and sometimes defending our clients in them).


We believe attorneys are in a service industry and we provide SERVICE!  Our mission is to provide large law firm quality at reasonable prices.  If you need a lawyer experienced in the computer, trademark, copyright, licensing, or technology field, give us a call.  If you want to ask questions, share experiences or get references (or advice) from our other clients, call, fax or e-mail.  Since we are lawyers, we love to talk and welcome your call!


1.1.15.           CA - Starre & Cohn.



Starre & Cohn

12100 Wilshire, Suite 700

Los Angeles, CA  90025

Phone:  (310) 820-3888

Fax:  (310) 207-1377



E-mail: (Harold J. Cohn)



Starre &  Cohn is a five person law firm in Los Angeles.  Our primary focus is on marital dissolution/paternity/support issues.  Three of our attorneys practice are limited to family law matters.  The other attorneys in this office limit their practice to bankruptcy and commercial real estate matters and family law.  Interstate referrals are always accepted.


1.1.16.           CA - Vallerga & Vallerga.



Vallerga & Vallerga

2130 Ralston Avenue, Suite 1A

Belmont, CA  94002

Phone:  (415) 592-0202

Fax:  (415) 595-5000





This is a two person firm in existence for 18 years with emphasis on family law, including custody, support, and dissolution of marriage issues, bankruptcy, wills and estate planning, probate, conservatorship and guardianship, and real estate representation including litigation.  Willing to associate with counsel from other states and review documents via e-mail or fax.


1.1.17.           Canada - Bujold Tax Lawyers.



Bujold Tax Lawyers

644 Main Street

PO Box 20053

Moncton, NB


Phone:  (506) 383-1645 (Moncton area), 1-800-266-1645 (Throughout Canada, except Moncton area)

Fax:  (506) 383-1647






We are a New Brunswick and Quebec law firm concentrating our practice in taxation law, corporate law, and estate planning.  Our main office is in Moncton, New Brunswick, from where we service clients throughout New Brunswick and Quebec.  We have made strategic alliances with other law firms that allow us to provide our clients with legal services in all areas of the law throughout Quebec and the Maritime provinces of Canada.  We offer services in both the French and English language.


1.1.18.           Canada - Dawson Law Chambers.



Dawson Law Chambers

223, rue Masson, Suite 302

Winnipeg, Manitoba


Phone: (204) 231-2231






Dawson Law Chambers provides quality legal services to small business and professional practices in the province of Manitoba, Canada.  Its strengths include civil litigation, professional discipline, and all areas of appellate work. The Chambers welcomes referrals and agency work from lawyers both within and beyond the jurisdiction.


1.1.19.           Canada - McInnes Cooper & Robertson.



McInnes Cooper & Robertson

Barrister & Solicitors

PO Box 730

1601 Lower Water Street

Halifax, Nova Scotia


Phone:  (902) 425-6500

Fax:  (902) 425-6350



E-mail: (General Inquiries), (Managing Partner, Harry E. Wrathall)



MCR is the oldest law firm in Nova Scotia.  There are 45 lawyers and 15 legal assistants covering all areas of law, except criminal.  Many lawyers have been admitted to the Bar of other provinces, allowing the firm to provide legal services in neighbouring jurisdictions.  In October 1994, MCR will open an office in St. John's, Newfoundland with an initial focus on civil litigation and oil & gas law.  The firm places a strong emphasis on technology to reduce costs and provide better service to our clients.


1.1.20.           Canada - Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt.



Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt

PO Box 50

1 First Canadian Place

Toronto, Ontario  M5X 1B8


Phone:  (416) 362-2111




E-mail:  jclement@OSLER.COM (John Clement)


1.1.21.           CT - Brown & Welsh, P.C.



Brown & Welsh P.C.

100 Hanover Street

PO Box 183

Meriden, CT  06450-0183


Phone:  (203) 235-651, (203) 235-1651

Fax:  (203) 235-9600



E-mail:  71561.1601@CompuServe.COM (Houston Putnam Lowry)


We do work in the commercial law area, including related litigation.  We do work nationally and internationally.


1.1.22.           DC - Covington & Burling.



Covington & Burling

1201 Pennsylvania Ave.

Washington, DC  20044

Phone:  (202) 662-6269




E-mail:  postmaster@COV.COM


1.1.23.           DC - Law Offices of Rajiv. S. Khanna.



Law Offices of Rajiv. S. Khanna

1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 400

Washington, DC  20036-3403

Phone:  (202) 466-2113




E-mail:  rskhanna@BUSINESSLAW.COM (Rajiv. S. Khanna)


1.1.24.           DC - Pepper and Corazzini, L.L.P.



Pepper & Corazzini, L.L.P.

1776 K St., N.W.

Washington, DC  20006



Informational memos, a firm profile, and other information is available at this site.

E-mail: (Neal Friedman)


URL:  gopher://




Pepper and Corazzini, L.L.P., is a law firm that practices communications law.


1.1.25.           DC - Robert J. Keller, P.C.



Robert J. Keller, P.C.

Federal Telecommunications Law

4200 Wisconsin Ave NW #106-261

Washington, DC  20016-2143






Robert J. Keller, a Washington, DC-based attorney, has made FCC-related material available via anonymous FTP, including the FCC Report on Fiber Deployment and FCC regulations under Telephone Consumer Protection Act:


URL: (description of available materials)


The FCC Daily Business files are also available via finger.  To get them, finger  If you do not have access to the finger command, you can use a finger via e-mail server.  For example, you can send a message to with "finger" as the subject of the message.


URL: (with "finger" as the subject of the message)


1.1.26.           DC - Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti.



Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti

1201 New York Ave., N.W. Suite 1000

Washington, DC  20005







Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti is a full-service business law firm centered in the Washington/Baltimore metropolitan area.  Venable's attorneys cover a broad scope of services for the business client.  The Firm is organized around three principal practice areas:  business, labor & litigation, and government.  The Firm publishes a number of periodicals, and information from the following publications is available from this site:  The NII Oracle (The third issue of Venable's Information Law publication, June 25), Workplace Labor Update (The April, 1994 edition of Venable's labor law newsletter), and CARLAW (Venable's Automotive Law publication).


1.1.27.           DC - Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering.



Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering

Washington, DC

Phone:  (202) 663-6000

Fax:  (202) 663-6363



Phone:  (4471) 839-4466

Fax:  (4471) 839-3537



Phone:  (322) 231-0903

Fax:  (322) 230-4322



Phone:  (4930) 2643 3601

Fax:  (4930) 2643 3630  




E-mail: (Please use this address only to request additional information.  Do not send any confidential information in your request or assume that we can or will represent you.)



Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering is an international law firm with offices in Washington, DC, London, Brussels, and Berlin.  We have 240 lawyers engaged in a broadly-diversified practice.  Our first priority is to provide top quality, efficient, and responsive legal work--and to achieve successful results.  In a national survey, corporate clients chose WC&P as one of a few firms on which they would rely in a bet-your-company case, and in another, ranked the firm best overall of law firms based in Washington, DC.


Our practice covers many areas, including antitrust, banking, bankruptcy, communications, environmental, general and commercial litigation, international corporate transactions, securities litigation and enforcement, tax, and trade regulation.


We emphasize teamwork in handling matters that cut across multiple legal specialties.  Our lawyers are backed by more than 130 legal assistants, computer specialists, economists, legislative specialists, librarians, and others.  We control costs by lean staffing, appropriate non-lawyer support, and innovative use of technology.  In 1983, WC&P decided to give every lawyer a PC.  Today, all lawyers and staff are on our LAN.  Many clients are linked to our e-mail system.  We have developed our own software, including hypertext legal references and powerful optical imaging/text retrieval systems for litigation support.  These tools make our practice more efficient and effective.


1.1.28.           FL - Clifford M. Miller, Chartered.



Clifford M. Miller, Chartered

601-21st Street, Suite 408

Vero Beach, FL  32960-0931

Phone:  (407) 562-1100

Fax:  (407) 770-1272



E-mail:  71231.752@CompuServe.COM


1.1.29.           FL - Daniel R. Vaughen, P.A.



Daniel R. Vaughen, P.A.

333 E. New York Avenue

PO Box 364

DeLand, FL  32721-0364

Phone:  (904) 738-7464

Fax:  (904) 736-6929



E-mail:  72070.1522@CompuServe.COM



I am a sole practitioner engaged in general practice in Central Florida.  My practice includes business/corporate matters (formerly general counsel for Nautilus Sports/Medical Industries), administrative and local government law (formerly asst. county attorney), litigation, family law, real estate, probate, and elder care issues.  I have rudimentary language skill in German, contacts in several German cities, and experience traveling in many foreign countries.


1.1.30.           FL - Dennis R. White, P.A.



Dennis R. White, P.A.

Fifth Third Bank Building, Suite 300

4099 Tamiami Trail North

Naples, FL  3940-3598

Phone:  (813) 261-4700

Fax:  (813) 261-4721







Dennis R. White is a sole practitioner practicing estate planning, estate and trust administration, and litigation relating to estates and trusts.  He is Florida Bar Board Certified in Wills, Trusts and Estates and a fellow of The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.  He has practiced in Naples for more than twenty years.

1.1.31.           FL - Law Office of Wade Coye.



Law Office of Wade Coye

2511 Edgewater Drive

Orlando, FL  32804

Phone:  (407) 648-4940

Fax:  (407) 648-4614






The Law Office of Wade Coye is a full service law firm located in the College Park area of Orlando, Florida.  In addition to routine legal matters such as collection and business litigation, the firm provides representation in State and Federal Court for clients in such matters as civil rights, products liability, personal injury, workers compensation, and wrongful death.  Mr. Coye's professional affiliations include the Orange County Bar Association, The Florida Bar, The Florida Academy of Trial Lawyers and the American Bar Association.  He is Admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Orlando Division.


Mr. Coye is a transplant to the area, being born and raised on a dairy farm in rural upstate New York.  His diverse background is reflected by past involvement in several political campaigns, including service as staff assistant for Congressman Gerald B.H. Solomon (R-N.Y.) in his Washington DC office.  Mr. Coye also served in the United States Army Infantry, at Fort Hood, Texas.  As a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo Law School, Wade completed his studies with honors.


1.1.32.           FL - Law Offices of Charles R. Lipcon.



Law Offices of Charles R. Lipcon

One Biscayne Tower, Suite 2480

Miami, FL  33131

Phone:  (305) 373-3016

Fax:  (305) 373-6204






This firm has been in existence for over 20 years. It practices plaintiff's personal injury and wrongful death litigation.  There is a heavy emphasis on handling plaintiff's admiralty and maritime personal injury and death claims.  Defendants are typically the various cruise lines and cargo lines.


1.1.33.           FL - Rohan Kelley, P.A.



Rohan Kelley, P.A.

3365 Galt Ocean Drive

Ft. Lauderdale, FL  33308

Phone:  (305) 563-1400

Fax:  (305) 563-0211




E-mail: (Rohan Kelley)

Our Internet connection is full time SLIP allowing us an instant connection to worldwide electronic communication.  UUCP and NeXTmail capable.  We can furnish on request an electronic copy of our firm brochure that details our background and experience.



We are a small boutique firm that limits our practice to wills, estates and trusts and estate and trust litigation.  Rohan Kelley is a member of the American College of Trusts and Estates Counsel (and a member the fiduciary litigation committee of that body); Florida Bar Board Certified in Wills, Estates and Trusts; lecturer in more than 50 seminars presented by The Florida Bar over the last 15 years; author of The Florida Bar Probate System as well as several chapters in Bar treatises on the subject or probate and probate litigation (all published by The Florida Bar) and articles in professional periodicals in the same subject area.  He has also lectured to the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges, Florida Banker's Association and Alabama Banker's Association.  He has received awards for service to the Bar from the Association of Continuing Legal Education Administrators, a national organization and the highest award given by the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section of The Florida Bar for service to the Bar.  He has been an adjunct professor of law at Nova University Law School and a guest lecturer at the University of Miami Graduate Law Program.  He is a member (and past Chairman) of the Probate Rules Committee of The Florida Bar, a past member (and past Chairman) of the Wills, Trusts and Estates Certification Committee of The Florida Bar and a member of the executive council of the Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section  of The Florida Bar, as well as a member of the probate law committee of that Section.


1.1.34.           Germany - Christian Sagawe & Dr. Johannes Klages.



Christian Sagawe & Dr. Johannes Klages


Vereid Buchpruefer

(Lawyers and Chart. Accountants)

Raboisen 5

D-20095 Hamburg




E-mail:, christian@sagawe.hh.EUnet.DE

1.1.35.           Guam - Law Offices of Timothy A. Stewart.



Law Offices of Timothy A. Stewart

162 Archbishop Felixberto Camacho Flores St.

Agana, Guam  96910


Phone:  011 671 4726978

Fax:  011 671 4728782

Telex:  650-299-5636 MCI UW






Collections, subros, admiralty, and insurance, and immigration law.  Admitted Guam, California, and US Pacific Territories.  Member:  MENSA, CLLA, ACCA, ACA, FBA, and AILA.  In practice in Guam since 1973.


1.1.36.           IA - Beckman, Hirsch & Ell.



Beckman, Hirsch & Ell

314 North Fourth

Burlington, IA  52601

Phone:  (319) 754-8404

Fax:  (319) 754-6302




E-mail: (David D. Beckman), (David A. Hirsch), (Peggy N. Ell), (Kent W. Lewis)


1.1.37.           IL - David A. Youck, Attorney at Law.



David A. Youck, Attorney at Law

103 1/2 South Walnut Street, PO Box 95

Onarga, IL  60955-0095

Phone:  (815) 268-7712






I have been in general law practice for the past 19 years.  Bachelor of Arts Degree (Classics) in 1969 from  Luther College in Decorah, Iowa; Master of Arts Degree (Classics) in 1974 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Juris Doctor Degree in 1975 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  General practice law firm with concentration in criminal law (40%), commercial collections (20%), and family law (20%).

1.1.38.           IL - Jeffrey A. Goldberg and Associates.



Jeffrey A. Goldberg and Associates

421 N. Northwest Highway, Suite 201

Barrington, IL  60010

Phone:  (708) 304-9001

Fax:  (708) 304-9002




Available via e-Mail upon request:  Condominium Property Act of the State of Illinois, the Illinois General Not for Profit Corporation Act of 1986, and selected other laws and materials relating to Illinois condominium law.



This is a small firm concentrating in the law of condominiums and homeowners' associations, real estate litigation and representation, and small business and not for profit corporation law in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.


The principal of the firm, Jeffrey A. Goldberg, is the host of the Law Forum on Delphi Internet Services.


1.1.39.           IL - Kenneth N. Flaxman, P.C.



Kenneth N. Flaxman P.C.

122 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 1850

Chicago, IL  60603-6107

Phone:  (312) 427-4500

Fax:  (312) 427-3930




E-mail: (Kenneth N. Flaxman), (Lesley A. Redman)




This is a small practice group concentrating in federal civil litigation, predominantly civil rights (police misconduct and employment discrimination) cases, intermixed with some criminal defense and general litigation.  The firm has been in existence for 22 years, and has litigated cases at all levels of the federal and state court systems.

1.1.40.           Italy - Studio Legale Menchetti.



Studio Legale Menchetti

Viale Regina Margherita, 163 

I-55100 Lucca


Phone:  +39 583 48018

Fax:  +39 583 491230

(Calling from a location in Italy:  omit 39 and dial a 0 before 583.  Calling from the Lucca phone area:  omit 39 and 583.)



E-mail: (Patrizio Menchetti)



This small firm was established in 1993 by Patrizio Menchetti, a former corporate lawyer.  Before entering private practice, Mr. Menchetti was Legal Department Manager with a division of Alcatel Italia, a major telecom and high-technology industry.  Previous positions include that of General Counsel of Sclavo S.p.A., a pharmaceutical industry, and that of EEC Law officer with the Italian Pharmaceuticals' Manufacturer Association.


The Firm's location has been chosen to cover the Tuscany region, an area where a large amount of firms operating in leather, textile, pharmaceuticals and high-tech are located, and, in addition, to support the tourists or the tour operators who often have trouble in finding a lawyer skilled in commercial litigation and in languages in that area.  The Firm handles both counselling and litigation.  Litigation is, however, restricted within the Tuscany area.  Areas of practice include commercial law, tourism law, EEC (now EU) law, intellectual property law (also biotech, pharmaceuticals and software).  The firm also does some general practice.  Languages: English and French.


1.1.41.           KY - Francis E. Goodwyn, Attorney at Law.



Francis E. Goodwyn

Attorney at Law

107 1/2 Mound Street

Harlan, KY  40831

Phone:  (606) 573-4607

Fax:  (606) 573-4607






Solo practitioner in southeastern Kentucky.  General practice includes criminal defense, domestic relations, civil practice, bankruptcy and title work.

1.1.42.           LA - Adams & Reese.



Adams & Reese

Attorneys and Counselors at Law

4500 One Shell Square

New Orleans, LA  70139

Phone:  (504) 581-3234

Fax:  (504) 566-0210



E-mail: (Ronald G. Aucoin, Manager of Information Resources),,



A & R is a large full service law firm comprised of attorneys practicing in almost all major areas.  Our offices are strategically located in New Orleans (main office), Baton Rouge, Mobile, Houston, and Washington, DC.  For over half a century, Adams and Reese has offered clients a solid base of experience in general litigation, corporate, environmental, health care, casualty, and complex litigation services, in addition to broad experience in governmental relations, class action litigation and international law.  Other practice areas include commercial litigation, antitrust, intellectual property, sports and entertainment, gaming, securities, bankruptcy, tax, insurance, professional and products liability, maritime, and labor and employment law.  Several members of the firm have backgrounds in accounting, engineering, medicine, pharmaceuticals, nursing, business and banking, which brings valuable perspectives to the firm's practice.  Firm members are regularly published in law, commercial and industry journals, and frequently lecture at professional and business seminars.  We occupy a preeminent position in the New Orleans legal community due to our dedicated and tireless efforts on behalf of our clients as well as our pro bono work with the local community at large.  Hard work supported by cutting-edge technology and responsible cost management are hallmarks of the Adams & Reese way of doing business.


1.1.43.           MA - A. Joseph Ross, J.D.



A. Joseph Ross, J.D.

15 Court Square

Boston, MA  02108-2573




"Letter of the Law" is an online version of this Boston firm's newsletter.  Topics covered in the first included no-fault insurance, long-term health care, and lead paint law.  The information contained in "Letter of the Law" is a general summary of Massachusetts landlord-tenant law.  The newsletters are available via anonymous FTP:


URL: (first issue)

1.1.44.           MA - Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar.



Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar

A Professional Corporation

101 Federal St.

Boston, MA  02110

Phone:  (617) 951-6600

Fax:  (617) 951-1295






Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar, founded in 1844, is the oldest law firm in Boston and presently has about 100 lawyers.  It is a general service law firm, with corporate and securities, litigation, probate and estate planning, and real estate practice areas.


1.1.45.           ME - T. Chuck Hazzard, Counselor at Law.



T. Chuck Hazzard, Counselor at Law

North Shore Rd.

PO Box 124

E Winthrop, ME  04343-0124

Phone:  (207) 395-4163

Fax:  (207) 395-4163






Sole practitioner primarily practicing communications law and consulting in the areas of international trade and the proper use of technology within the workplace.  Also practicing in the area of estate planning and administration.


1.1.46.           ME - Thomas L. Bohan and Associates.



Thomas L. Bohan and Associates

371 Fore St.

Portland, ME  04101

Phone:  (207) 773-3132 (Portland, ME, area), 1-800-293-3132 (within US; outside Portland, ME, area)

Fax:  (207) 773-4585





This is a small firm practicing intellectual property law--patents, trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets--including litigation in that branch of the law.  It has been in existence for 12 years.  Although located in the northeastern corner of the United States, it has clientele throughout the US and from abroad.  Because of its practice before the US Patent and Trademark Office, all of the attorneys and law clerks associated with it have engineering or scientific backgrounds.


1.1.47.           Mexico - Goodrich Riquelme y Asociados.



Goodrich Riquelme y Asociados

Paseo de la Reforma 355

06500 Mexico D.F.


Phone:  (525) 533-00-40

Fax:  (525) 525-1227


15 Rue Greuze

Paris 75016


Phone:  (33) 1-47270310






This is a large international law firm located in Mexico City with small Paris branch.  There are over 200 staff in Mexico City including more than 60 fee earners.  It is a corporate law firm representing foreign companies, financial and insurance institutions and governments doing business in Mexico and other parts of Latin America. It has close ties with leading firms in almost every country in Latin America.  Work includes all aspects of corporate law, foreign investment, acquisitions, civil and tax litigation, tax planning, intellectual property, real estate, labor law, maritime and shipping, land and air transport, incoming immigration matters, environmental law, financial and securities, tourism and hotels, agrarian law and many other areas of law related to doing business in Mexico.  Most lawyers are bilingual in Spanish and English, and work is also done in French, German and Japanese.


1.1.48.           MN - Bassford, Heckt, Lockhart, Truesdell & Briggs, P.A.



Bassford, Heckt, Lockhart, Truesdell & Briggs, P.A.

3550 Multifoods Tower

33 South Sixth Street

Minneapolis, MN  55402

Phone:  (612) 333-3000




E-mail:  kathyr@EMAIL.BASSFORD.COM (Kathy Renfro)

1.1.49.           MN - Manahan & Bluth.



Manahan & Bluth

PO Box 287

Mankato, MN  56002

Phone:  (507) 387-5661

Fax:  (507) 387-2111



E-mail:  73530.2374@CompuServe.COM (Joseph Bluth)



Founded in 1972, Manahan & Bluth is a professional corporation practicing complex trial work, civil and criminal, including automobile accidents, environmental and white collar crime, and family law.  The firm has handled numerous appeals to the Supreme Court and serves clients in southern Minnesota and Wisconsin.  Manahan & Bluth uses advanced computers and a vast network of resources to assist in difficult cases.  The firm's staff is adept at communications and the use of technology to provide cost-effective service.


1.1.50.           MN - Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi.



Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi

800 LaSalle Avenue, Ste 2800

Minneapolis, MN  55402





1.1.51.           MO - Piedimonte and Associates, P.C.



Piedimonte and Associates, P.C.

Suite 101, PO Box 4199

221 West Lexington

Independence, MO  64051

Phone:  (816) 836-8900

Fax:  (816) 836-9077






This is a sole practice firm consisting of William D. Piedimonte, attorney, and support staff.  A general practice with emphasis in domestic relations, personal injury, bankruptcy, corporations, and real estate.  Mr. Piedimonte has practiced since 1972 and is the author of several child support calculation and printing programs sold and distributed in the local area to attorneys.

1.1.52.           MO - Stolar Partnership, The.



The Stolar Partnership

911 Washington Avenue, Seventh Floor

St. Louis, MO  63101

Phone:  (314) 231-2800

Fax:  (314) 436-8400






The Stolar Partnership is a 42-attorney law firm with a full-service business practice (corporate, securities, tax, real estate, banking and commercial, corporate and municipal finance, business litigation, labor, bankruptcy, estate planning, and probate).  The firm has special expertise in the areas of health care, intellectual property and environmental law.  The Stolar Partnership was founded in 1954, but traces it roots back to the turn of the century.


1.1.53.           NY - Bowen & Bowen.



Bowen & Bowen

445 West 45th Street

New York, NY  10036

Phone:  (212) 408-3014

Fax:  (212) 489-7155


233 South High Street 

Columbus, OH  43215

Phone:  (614) 221-2400

Fax:  (614) 221-0102



E-mail:  71621.675@CompuServe.COM (John W.E. Bowen IV),



Bowen & Bowen, with offices in New York City and Columbus, Ohio is a small firm that practices corporation and public finance, venture capital projects, real estate, and litigation.


1.1.54.           NY - David C. Thomas, Esq.



David C. Thomas

1 Old Country Road, Suite 410

Carle Place, NY  11514

Phone:  (516) 747-3900

Fax:  (516) 877-5948



E-mail:  73537,,


Mr. Thomas is a solo practitioner concentrating in securities, corporate and general financial and business matters, including private offerings, public offerings, periodic SEC reporting, mergers and acquisitions and employee benefits.  He represents a variety of computer and technology related enterprises, as well as entities that invest in such enterprises.  He has been in practice for 22 years, and is of counsel to a small firm with a general practice oriented toward corporate matters, trusts and estates.


1.1.55.           NY - Elias, Goodman & Shanks.



Elias, Goodman & Shanks

444 Madison Avenue; 41st Floor

New York, NY  10022

Phone:  (212 )421-6000

Fax:  (212) 421-6027






Elias, Goodman & Shanks is deeply involved in the computer industry serving clients both locally and throughout the United States and foreign countries.  Using our strong expertise in computer technology and our experience in handling a wide range of transactions in the computer industry, we can deliver high quality legal services at highly competitive rates.  Typical transactions handled by the Firm involve software publishing, litigation, licensing, software development and distribution arrangements, trademarks, software patents and copyrights, foreign localization and OEM licensing, general corporate matters, partnership and business law, venture capital transactions, business planning, and merger and acquisition of high-tech companies.  The Firm's most important asset is our in-depth knowledge of both technology and the computer industry.  We believe in taking practical, commercially-oriented approaches to client problems and transactions. We offer the personal attention of experienced attorneys who are attentive to the need for quick response, round-the-clock accessibility and the strong personal commitment demanded in representing clients in the fast moving computer industry.  Computer technology is extensively used by the Firm to increase efficiency, and we communicate with many of our clients directly through electronic mail services.  One of the Firm's partners has earned a Masters Degree in Computer Science, has six years of experience teaching on college Computer Science faculties, and has written several books on computer programming.  Among the Firm's other activities include writing and publishing the Software Company Legal Guide, a book/newsletter designed to assist small software companies in handling the specialized legal issues of the computer industry, and sponsorship of an annual legal conference for software developers.  As a service to the computer industry, we offer initial consultations at no charge.


1.1.56.           NY - Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson.



Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson

One New York Plaza

New York, NY  10004

Phone:  (212) 820-8000

Fax:  (212) 747-1526



E-mail:, (Bill Macintosh)



Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson is one of the nation's most prominent law firms.  Its practice is international in scope, with more than 370 lawyers in New York, Washington, DC, Los Angeles, London, and Paris.  Fried Frank is best known as a transactional law firm acting for businesses, individuals and governments, often in highly complex matters, many of which are in the forefront of financial and legal developments.  The firm was established at the turn of the century but its rapid growth and wide recognition as a leader in its field occurred during the past two decades.  This coincided with an increase in contested mergers and acquisitions, intricate corporate financings and complex litigations.  Business Week has described Fried Frank as "one of the most sophisticated financial law firms in the United States", and in the book, _Inside Track_, the authors wrote that Fried Frank " considered to be a 'lawyer's law firm'... a firm that general legal counsel turn to for the answers in complicated legal issues."


In addition to mergers and acquisitions, the firm has well established  practices in antitrust, banking and financial institutions, bankruptcy and restructurings, benefits and compensation, energy, environment, estates and trusts, financings and public offerings, government contracts, intellectual property, international trade and investment, litigation, real estate, securities, securities law compliance and enforcement, tax, and white collar crime.


1.1.57.           NY - Garwin, Bronzaft, Gerstein & Fisher.



Garwin, Bronzaft, Gerstein & Fisher

1501 Broadway, Suite 1416

New York, NY  10036

Phone:  (212) 398-0055

Fax:  (212) 764-6620






This is a small firm practicing securities litigation.  Garwin, Bronzaft, Gerstein & Fisher and its predecessor firms have been active practitioners in the derivative and class field for over forty years.  Although located in New York City, our practice is nationwide, in both state and federal courts.


1.1.58.           NY - Law Office of Joseph Mattone.



Law office of Joseph Mattone

159 - 18 Northern Blvd

Flushing, NY  11358




1.1.59.           NY - Law Office of Paul Dahlman.



Paul Dahlman, Law Office of

170 Broadway - Suite 1208

New York, NY  10038-4154

Phone:  (212) 964-2039

Fax: (212) 437-9002






I am a sole practitioner concentrating on bankruptcies, estates, real estate, state administrative matters, and general and small business practice.  I have been in practice for more than 17 years, and I have a substantial bankruptcy and administrative background.  I am associated with a network of other practitioners who practice in every aspect of law.


1.1.60.           NY - Michael J. Lavery, Esq.



Michael J. Lavery, Esq.

106 Perry Street

New York, NY  10014

Phone:  (212) 691-2356






Solo general practice firm located in Greenwich Village section of New York City.  Emphasis on small business, trusts and estates, residential real estate (including tenant matters), and minor criminal matters.  In general, practice does not include the fields of contested matrimonials and personal injury.


1.1.61.           NY - Oppedahl & Larson.



Oppedahl & Larson (patent lawyers)

Yorktown Heights, NY 

Phone:  (212) 777-1330 







Oppedahl & Larson practices intellectual property law.  Founded by Carl Oppedahl and Marina Larson, for many years the top two associates with Brumbaugh, Graves, Donohue & Raymond in New York City, Oppedahl & Larson's mission is to provide the highest quality legal services to clients while using up-to-date technological support to achieve high levels of efficiency and responsiveness to client needs.  To this end, the founding partners of Oppedahl & Larson bring to the firm diverse technical and legal backgrounds.

Carl Oppedahl is technically trained in physics, electrical engineering, mathematics, and software engineering, having earned a bachelor's degree with a double major in physics with honors and mathematics with honors from Grinnell College in 1978 and a law degree in 1981 from Harvard Law School.  He has written and prosecuted numerous patent applications in electrical engineering, computer software system, and mechanical areas, and has litigated patent and software copyright cases including the well known case of MacLean v. Mercer, which dealt with issues of software copyright infringement and work-for-hire ownership of software.  He is an active computer programmer and holds an extra-class amateur radio license.  He is on the faculty of the Practising Law Institute's Patent Bar Review Course.


Marina T. Larson is technically trained in the chemical and biological sciences, having earned a bachelor's degree in biology from California State University at Long Beach in 1974 and a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Southern California in 1980.  While working in an industrial environment doing research in fermentation biology, she attended Pace University School of Law from which she was graduated, cum laude, in 1986.  Since 1985 Marina Larson has been practicing all aspects of intellectual property law including patent prosecution and litigation on a wide variety of technical subjects.  This has included the writing of numerous patent applications for inventions relating to biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and organic and inorganic chemistry and chemical engineering.  In addition, she is an active computer programmer.


1.1.62.           OH - Bricker & Eckler.



Bricker & Eckler

100 South Third Street

Columbus, OH  43215

Phone:  (614) 227-8875




E-mail:  eric@BRICKER.COM (Eric Schmidt)


1.1.63.           OH - Zamore & Gisser.



Zamore & Gisser

Suite 1920 - The Superior Building

815 Superior Avenue, N.E.

Cleveland, OH  44114-2701

Phone:  (216) 696-1111

Fax:  (216) 696-0106






This is a small, business-oriented firm with over 50 years of experience in representing small businesses and individuals in corporate, commercial, real estate, franchise, estate planning, computer, and other business matters.  We have represented large public corporations in commercial litigation, as well as handling individual business tort litigation.  We frequently also serve as local counsel or co-counsel for real estate and corporate matters as well as litigation in State and Federal Courts.

1.1.64.           OK - Robert D. Baron, Attorney.



Robert D. Baron, Attorney

119 N. Robinson, Suite 320

Oklahoma City, OK  73102

Phone:  (405) 232-1988

Fax:  (405) 272-9859






My practice includes civil trials and general problem solving, with an emphasis in personal injury (both plaintiff and defense) but not to the exclusion of commercial and oil & gas.  I have been an officer of various local bar associations and have served on the faculty of the National Institute for Trial Advocacy and the Oklahoma College of

Advocacy.  Although I do no criminal work, I am "Of Counsel" to a two-person firm that practices criminal defense.


1.1.65.           OR - Clark, Lindauer, McClinton, Fetherston, Edmonds &




Clark, Lindauer, McClinton, Fetherston, Edmonds & Lippold

PO Box 2206

Salem, OR  97308

Phone:  (503) 581-1542 (Salem, OR, area)

Fax:  (503) 585-3978






The firm represents small and large businesses with regard to legal issues affecting businesses, such as form of business entity (sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability companies), commercial transactions (purchase of supplies or equipment and sale of inventory), employment and employee questions, contracts, sales or purchases of businesses, leases, sales or purchases of real estate, tax deferred exchanges, trademarks and copyright, and estate planning.  The firm emphasizes representation of manufacturing, distributing, processing, commodities, health care, real estate development and agribusiness, and is well acquainted with the broad range of legal issues facing businesses, from family owned operations to large investor owned operations.


Additionally, the firm represents insurance companies and self-insured companies in defense of a wide variety of claims in general casualty fields including automobile liability, premises liability, and fire and commercial losses.  During the last two decades firm members have developed specific expertise in the areas of product liability; professional liability including medical, dental, and legal malpractice; wrongful discharge and sex discrimination; defamation; environmental, CERCLA, and toxic tort litigation.

The firm is honored to have received the Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory's highest rating and to be one of only a few select Oregon firms and Salem's only firm included in Martindale-Hubbell's prestigious separate publication, Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers in the United States, Canada, and Other Countries.


1.1.66.           OR - Marger Johnson McCollom & Stolowitz, P.C.



Marger Johnson McCollom & Stolowitz, P.C.

621 SW. Morrison St., Suite 650

Portland, OR  97205

Phone:  (503) 222-3613

Fax:  (503) 274-4622




E-mail:  micah@TechLaw.Com (Micah D. Stolowitz, Esq.)



This is a small firm practicing intellectual property law--patents, trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets--including litigation in that branch of the law.  The firm has been in existence for 8 years, and presently has 8 attorneys and agents admitted to practice in the US Patent and Trademark Office.  Although located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, we have clientele throughout the US and from abroad.  Because of our practice before the Patent Office, all of our attorneys and agents have engineering or scientific backgrounds.  We have particular depth in electrical engineering and computer science, as well as chemistry.


1.1.67.           OR - Thompson & Long.



Thompson & Long

521 SW  Clay Street

Suite 214

Portland, OR  97201

Phone:  (503) 242-9842


530 West Seventh Ave.

Suite 1100

Anchorage, AK  97501

Phone:  (907) 272-9842


12490 N. Madison Ave. NE

Bainbridge Is., WA  98110

Phone:  (206) 842-1441






Thompson and Long is small full-service regional law firm emphasizing business and commercial litigation in state and federal courts in Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.  Areas of practice are employment litigation and government contracting regulations.  We emphasize personal and professional service to clients of all sizes at reasonable fees.

1.1.68.           PA - Elman Wilf & Fried.



Elman Wilf & Fried

20 West Third Street

Media, PA  19063


Phone:  (610) 892-9580

Fax:  (610) 892-9577






Elman Wilf & Fried serves the legal needs of clients in technology, intellectual property and related matters, including protecting intellectual property, negotiating and drafting contracts, litigating technology and business disputes, assisting purchasers and sellers of computer hardware and software, incorporating and obtaining financing for start-up ventures, and obtaining regulatory approval of technological developments.


The firm's office is in suburban Media, Pa., conveniently near Philadelphia, its International Airport and the technology hubs of Route 202 and Wilmington, Delaware.  The firm uses computers and electronic mail to facilitate the preparation of documents and communication with clients.


Computers.  Elman Wilf & Fried represents developers of software for microcomputers, minicomputers, and mainframes, as well as developers of hardware systems.  Computer law requires a thorough understanding of how computers and the computer industry work and an appreciation of the fast pace by which the industry re-invents itself.  On behalf of individuals and companies in the computer industry, the firm negotiates joint venture agreements, secures intellectual property protection, litigates disputes, and advises on the effects of the latest computer law rulings on the industry.


Biotechnology.  Elman Wilf & Fried represents companies and individuals in the biotechnology industry.  The firm has secured patent protection for innovations in the field, advised on the effects of changes in the law and federal regulations, and negotiated strategic venture agreements.


Intellectual Property.  Elman Wilf & Fried prepares and prosecutes applications for intellectual property protection and conducts litigation involving patents, trademarks and copyrights.  The firm also negotiates licenses and technology-related ventures with domestic and foreign companies.


1.1.69.           PA - Zegarelli Associates.



Zegarelli Associates

Allegheny Building, Eleventh Floor

429 Forbes Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA  15219-1616

Phone: (412) 7650-0400

Fax:  (412) 765-0531

BBS Phone:  (412) 765-0532


E-mail:  71031.2001@CompuServe.COM



We concentrate in computer and technology law, and entrepreneurial ventures.  For example, business startups, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, licensing and technology transfers, development contracts of all variations, and business strategy implementation.  We are pleased to say that we do not concentrate our practice in personal injury litigation.  We love technology and business.  As our logo suggests, "We represent the entrepreneurial spirit."<r>


1.1.70.           RI - Robert B. Raymond II, Esq.



Robert B. Raymond II, Esq.

Attorney at Law

10 School Street

Newport, RI  02840-3126

Phone:  (401) 841-8762

Fax:  (401) 846-4309






Mr. Raymond is a sole practitioner admitted to practice in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.  He has a general law practice in Newport and a practice in corporate organizations and employment/vendor agreements, which serves clients throughout Rhode Island.


Mr. Raymond also has vast experience with law office automation, including six years' experience as MIS in large (50+ attorney) law firms prior to his admission to the bar.  He has worked as an automation consultant to law firms in the Rhode Island and Connecticut areas.


A lecturer on computer-based legal practice aids and on computerizing the law office, he was a contributor to the 1994 Rhode Island Lawyer's Information Handbook and the upcoming 1994 Connecticut Lawyer's Information Handbook.  Mr. Raymond is currently collaborating on an article about the growth of the Limited Liability Company in the United States and its increased desirability as a legal entity over that of partnerships and corporations.


Mr. Raymond also serves as corporate counsel for Legal Information Systems, LLC.


1.1.71.           TX - George, Donaldson & Ford, L.L.P.



George, Donaldson & Ford, L.L.P.

114 W. Seventh Street, Suite 1000

Austin, TX  78701

Phone:  (512) 495-1400

Fax:  (512) 4959-0094



E-mail:, (Pete Kennedy), (Pete Kennedy), (David H. Donaldson, Jr.)


George, Donaldson & Ford is a registered limited liability partnership practicing litigation and counseling clients in a broad range of practice areas, including computer law, copyright, trademark, trade secrets, business, libel, invasion of privacy, and constitutional law.


The firm represented Steve Jackson Games against the US Secret Service, and has experience in other Net-related matters, including search and seizure issues, adult materials, and on-line publishing.  The firm publishes "Legal Bytes," a print and on-line newsletter discussing current issues in computer, media and intellectual property law.  Back issues are located at in the /pubs directory.  To subscribe, send a message with "subscribe legal-bytes" to


Attorneys at George, Donaldson & Ford, L.L.P., are not board certified in any specialty.  No designation has been made by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization for a Certificate of Special Competence in the area of computer law.


1.1.72.           TX - Haynes and Boone, L.L.P.



Haynes and Boone, L.L.P.

3100 NationsBank Plaza

901 Main Street

Dallas, TX  75202-3789

Phone:  (214) 651-5000

Fax:  (214) 651-5940






Haynes and Boone is a business law firm with offices in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Mexico City, San Antonio and Washington, DC.  With more than 200 attorneys, the firm has experience in virtually all aspects of business law and represents a wide range of companies doing business in the United States and internationally.  The firm has broad experience in administrative and public law, appellate, business reorganization and bankruptcy, corporate finance, energy, environmental, general litigation, health care, insurance litigation, intellectual property, international, labor, employment law and employee benefits, real estate, specialized litigation and tax and business planning.


Early in its history, Haynes and Boone recognized the need to establish a philosophy for managing itself and its relationships with its clients.  The firm's philosophy is built on these basic principles:


1) Quality Legal Advice.  We must always deliver the highest quality legal services.  We must continue our professional development throughout our careers and become experts in our respective fields.

2) Responsiveness.  We must be responsive to our client's needs on a timely and cost-efficient basis.  We emphasize the importance of optimal turn-around time on all projects.

3) Knowledge.  We must understand the fundamentals of each client's business and the individual philosophies and strategies of our clients so that our legal representation will be well directed.

4) Communication.  To be effective in the legal representation of our clients, we must be good communicators.  Our lawyers understand the importance of presenting practical and "bottom line" conclusions.

5) Concern for Clients.  A lawyer cannot be effective unless he or she first cares about the client.  A client will not care about us until we have first genuinely cared about the client.

6) Team Spirit.  Our law firm has developed and maintains an internal culture that promotes a team effort.

7) Community Spirit.  Our lawyers are good citizens and must remain involved in our local communities.  We expect our lawyers to contribute through civic and charitable activities that meet a wide range of needs.


1.1.73.           TX - Ikard & Golden, P.C.



Ikard & Golden, P.C.

823 Congress Avenue, Suite 910

Austin, TX  78701

Phone:  (512) 472-6695

Fax:  (512) 472-3669






This is a small firm practicing estate and trust law, including estate planning, probate, trust administration and fiduciary litigation.


1.1.74.           United Kingdom - Brobeck Hale and Dorr.



Brobeck Hale and Dorr

Veritas House,

125 Finsbury Pavement,

London EC2A 1NQ


Phone:  +44 71 638 6688




E-mail:  grew@BHDUK.COM (Christopher Grew)


1.1.75.           VA - Nixon & Vanderhye, P.C.



Nixon & Vanderhye, P.C.

1100 North Glebe Road

Arlington, VA  22201

Phone:  (703) 816-4000




E-mail:  postmaster@NIXONVAN.COM

1.1.76.           WA - Douglas G. Mason, Attorney at Law.



Douglas G. Mason, Attorney at Law

2404 35th Street

Port Townsend, WA  98368

Phone:  (206) 379-9579






Sole practitioner emphasizing real property law and estate planning.  Licensed to practice in Washington and Hawaii, as well as the Federated States of Micronesia and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.  UCLA Law School '76.  Founder and President of Jefferson Land Trust with extensive experience in the negotiation and drafting of conservation easements and other conservation-oriented land use documents.


1.1.77.           WA - Preston Gates & Ellis.



Preston Gates & Ellis

5000 Columbia Center

701 Fifth Avenue

Seattle, WA  98104





1.1.78.           Clyatt Immigration Law Services.


A law firm practicing immigration law (work visas,

student visas, green cards, and related immigration matters).




1.1.79.           Heller, Ehrman, Legal Resource Center.


A law firm working with high tech industries.




1.1.80.           Scott Gardner, Esq.



Scott Gardner, Esq.



E-mail:  76146.1533@CompuServe.COM,

1.2.00.           Other Organizations.


1.2.01.           ABA Law Practice Management Section.


American Bar Association

Law Practice Management Section

750 North Lake Shore Drive

Chicago, IL  60611

E-mail:  FITZGERALDR@ATTMAIL.COM (Robin Fitzgerald)

E-mail:  STEWARTS@ATTMAIL.COM (Susan Stewart)


1.2.02.           ABA Legal Technology Resource Center.


The ABA's Legal Technology Resource Center provides a number of services to ABA members and the legal profession dealing with how automation is applied in the practice of law.


For more information, contact the director of the Center:


E-mail:   DHAMBOURGER@ATTMAIL.COM (David Hambourger)


1.2.03.           ABA Science and Technology Section.


American Bar Association

Section of Science and Technology

750 North Lake Shore Drive

Chicago, IL  60611-4497


1.2.04.           ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law.


American Bar Association

Section of Intellectual Property Law

750 North Lake Shore Drive

Chicago, IL  60611


1.2.05.           Action for Blind People.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.06.           American Civil Liberties Union, Free Reading Room.


URL:  gopher://

The main menu looks something like the following:


About the ACLU Free Reading Room

The ACLU: The Voice of Liberty for 75 Years

Civil Liberties: Our Membership Newsletter

ACLU Newsroom

The ACLU Speaks: Op-eds, Speeches, Letters to the Editor (coming soon)

Publications and Reports

Legislative Alerts (still under construction -- more coming soon)

The ACLU in Court: Supreme Court and Other Filings (coming soon)

Spotlight on Civil Liberties Issues (coming soon)

Seeking Help from the ACLU

Ordering ACLU Publications and Merchandise

Join the ACLU


1.2.07.           American Political Science Association.


URL:  gopher://APSA.TRENTON.EDU:70/1


1.2.08.           ATLA BBS.


The Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA).  You must be an ATLA member to use this BBS.


BBS Phone:  (202) 337-4509


1.2.09.           Butterworth Legal Publishers.


Bibliographic and order information.


URL:  gopher://gopher.infor.COM:4800/1


1.2.10.           CALI - The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.11.           Center for Computer-Aided Legal Instruction.


The Center for Computer-Aided Legal Instruction (CALI), a non-profit institute based at the Chicago-Kent College of Law, maintains a library of computer-aided legal instruction software.  CALI was formed in 1982.  For more information, contact:


Phone:  (312) 906-5308


1.2.12.           Center for Computer/Law, The.


The Center for Computer/Law holds an annual computer law writing competition.

For more information, contact:


The Center for Computer/Law

PO Box 3549

Manhattan Beach, CA  90266


1.2.13.           Center for Study of Responsive Law.


Center for Study of Responsive Law

PO Box 19367

Washington, DC  20036


1.2.14.           China News Digest.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.15.           CIESIN Global Change Information Gateway.


The Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).  This contains a selection of international legal instruments and documents related to the 1992 United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED).


URL:  gopher:// (select "exploring Human Dimensions of Global Change/Policy&Political Systems" and "Environmental

Internet Catalog/Law")


1.2.16.           Clinton Watch.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.17.           Coalition for Networked Information.


The Coalition for Networked Information, a joint project of the Association of Research Libraries, CAUSE, and EDUCOM, promotes the creation of and access to information resources in networked environments in order to enrich scholarship and to enhance intellectual productivity.  To see a membership list, you can send the following message to 


get CNI-info CNIMembers


URL: (with the above line in the body of the message) (Coalition for Networked Information)


1.2.18.           Committees of Correspondence (US Socialist



URL:  gopher://

1.2.19.           Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.


The mission of CPSR is to provide the public and policymakers with realistic assessments of the power, promise, and problems of information technology.  As concerned citizens, CPSR members work to direct public attention to critical choices concerning the applications of information technology and how those choices affect society.  Founded in 1981 by a group of computer scientists concerned about the use of computers in nuclear weapons systems, CPSR has grown into a national public-interest alliance of information technology professionals and other people.


For more information, contact:


Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility

PO Box 717

Palo Alto, CA  94301





CPSR also maintains a number of listserv lists that focus on various issues and projects.  To find out what lists are available, send an e-mail message containing the message LIST to


URL: (with "list" in the body of the message)




Internet Library.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.20.           Computer Systems Policy Project.


The Computer Systems Policy Project (CSPP) is an affiliation of Chief Executive Officers of American computer companies that develop, build, and market information processing systems and related software and services.  CSPP was formed in 1988 to provide the CEOs of the industry with a forum to discuss, develop, and advocate public policy positions on trade and technology issues critical to the computer systems industry and county.


For more information, contact:


The Computer Systems Policy Project

1735 New York Ave. NW, Suite 500

Washington, DC  20006


1.2.21.           Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Conference.


CFP-94 was held 3/22-25/94 in Chicago.  CFP-93 was held in San Francisco.  A Report on The Second Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy (CFP-92), March 18-20, 1992, Washington, DC, sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery, thirteen co-sponsors, and a wide variety of advocacy groups, is available via anonymous FTP:



1.2.22.           Congressional Human Rights Foundation.


Congressional Human Rights Foundation

1056 Thomas Jefferson Circle

Washington, DC  20007

E-mail:  Steele@GDN.ORG (Jeff Steele)


1.2.23.           Congressional Quarterly, Inc.


Congressional Quarterly, Inc.

1414 22nd St. NW

Washington, DC  20037

E-mail:  fisher@CQALERT.COM (John Fischer)




URL:  gopher://


1.2.24.           Contraxx BBS, The.


Federal contracting and procurement issues.


BBS Phone:  (703) 573-5255


For more information, contact:






1.2.25.           Copyright Clearance Center.


Copyright Clearance Center

222 Rosewood Dr.

Danvers, MA  01923

E-mail:  wjohnson@CCC.ORG (Woody Johnson)


1.2.26.           Counterpoint - Federal Register Index.


This company provides a daily index of entries in the Federal Register; to get the actual text, you must subscribe.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.27.           Crime Online.


Crime Online

36468 US Hwy 19 North

Palm Harbor, FL  34684

1.2.28.           Dialog.


Dialog is accessible by Telnet from


URL:  telnet://


For more information, contact:


Dialog Information Services

3460 Hillview Avenue

PO Box 10010

Palo Alto, CA  94303-0993


1.2.29.           Electronic Frontier Foundation - Archives.


The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in July 1990 to ensure that the principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are protected as new communications technologies emerge.  The archives of the EFF are available via anonymous FTP:





For more information, contact:


E-mail: (The Electronic Frontier Foundation)


URL: (The Electronic Frontier Foundation)




URL:  gopher://


1.2.30.           Electronic Newstand, The.


International law-related journals such as "International Legal Materials" and the "American Journal of International Law" are available at this site.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.31.           FatherNet BBS.


The National Organization for Men Inc.  This BBS includes conferences on New York practice, federal practice, child custody and visitation, child support, and civil rights.


BBS Phone:  (718) 494-1719


For more information, contact:


Phone:  (718) 494-2250

1.2.32.           Federal Info. Exchange (FEDIX).


This gopher site is apparently under construction.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.33.           First Texas Lawyer's BBS.


Includes information about Paralegal Services International and Internet research.


BBS Phone:  (512) 206-0802


For more information, contact:


Valerie Atkinson

PO Box 12763

Austin, TX  78711



URL: (Valerie Atkinson)


1.2.34.           Frolic and Detour BBS.


The Frolic and Detour BBS is run by Electronic Law Publishing Company for the purpose of supporting the products it makes available to lawyers.  Its principal product is an electronic practice support system known as RESPA Resolver, a series of computer programs designed to facilitate the production of the HUD1 A&B "Settlement Statement" and other related documents used in real estate transfers.


BBS Phone:   (919) 893-5206


For more information, contact:


Electronic Law Publishing Company

PO Box 1119

Buies Creek, NC  27506-1119


1.2.35.           HandsNet.


Legal services and human services BBSs.  A subsection, the Juvenile Justice Folder, is sponsored in part by the ABA and the National Association of Child Advocates.


E-mail: (Jan Sola)

E-mail: (Juvenile Justice Folder)


1.2.36.           Illuminati Online, Steve Jackson Games.


The lawsuit involving Steve Jackson Games lead to the formation of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).


URL:  gopher://

1.2.37.           Inforonics, Inc.


URL: gopher://


The main menu looks something like the following:


About the TitleBank Internet Catalog and Inforonics, Inc.

American Chemical Society - Publications

Butterworth Legal Publishers

Co-operative Internet Catalog

E.J. Brill - Publications

Facts On File - Publications

Insurance Information Institute - Publications

MIT Press - Publications

Oceana - Publications


1.2.38.           Inherent Technologies, Inc.


Inherent Technologies is a legal information systems technology company.  Inherent provides custom software development (Windows-NT and NEXTSTEP), Internet consulting, and distributed network computing design for the legal profession.  Inherent technical staff are formally trained in computer science and are also lawyers. They have a combined total of over 50 years' direct experience with the Internet and networking technology.  Inherent may have been the first company to produce an electronic seminar for lawyers and legal professionals new to the Internet.


For more information, contact:


Gregory A. Miller, J.D., President/CEO

Inherent Technologies, Inc.

2130 SW Jefferson  Street, Suite 300

Portland, OR  97201




1.2.39.           Institute for Global Communication.


URL:  gopher://

The main menu looks something like the following:


U.S. Executive Branch: Agencies and Departments

U.S. Legislative Branch

U.S. Judiciary Branch (via Library of Congress)

Academic Servers with U.S. Government Information

United States Bureau of the Census

U.S. Government related information from NGOs

Political Parties

Gophers with California Legislative Information

List of U.S. Government Information on the Internet

American Political Science Association

State Governments on the Internet

National Telecommunications & Information Administration (telnet)

Voter Information Services (VIS)



1.2.40.           International Law Institute.


International Law Institute

1615 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.

Washington, DC  20009

E-mail:  kerr@ILI.ORG (Stuart Kerr)


1.2.41.           Internet Company, The.


URL:  gopher://


The main menu looks something like the following:


Information about this Service

The Internet Company

Counterpoint Publishing

The Electronic Newsstand(tm)

The Nautical Bookshelf

Dern's Internet Info, News and Views

The Civic Network (

Information Resources of and about the Global Internet


1.2.42.           InterNIC, Internet Network Information Center.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.43.           Kentucky Capital Litigation Resource Center, The.


The Kentucky Capital Litigation Resource Center is engaged in the representation of persons sentenced to death in the State of Kentucky in their collateral appeals.

For more information, contact:


The Kentucky Capital Litigation Resource Center

Department of Public Advocacy

100 Fair Oaks, Suite 301

Frankfort, KY  40601





1.2.44.           Law Companies Group, Inc.


Law Companies Group, Inc.

1000 Abernathy Road, N.E.

Atlanta, GA  30328


1.2.45.           Law & Economics Consulting Group, Inc.


Law & Economics Consulting Group, Inc.

2000 Powell Street, Suite 600

Emeryville, CA  94608

E-mail:  Ken_K._Lim@LECG.COM (Ken K. Lim)


1.2.46.           Law Manager, Inc.


Law Manager, Inc. writes software for law firms, corporate legal departments and government agencies.  It has been in existence for 10 years and has been dedicated exclusively to serving the legal profession for the past 5 years.  LMI has several products used by the legal profession collectively referred to as Law Manager 4.0.  This is a modularized suite of applications centered around providing Case/Matter Management, Calendar/Docketing Management, Litigation Support, Telephone Integration, and a Telephone/Address Book.


For more information, contact:


Bill Swank, Controller/Project Manager

Law Manager, Inc.

443 Germantown Pike, Suite 300

Lafayette Hill, PA  19444



1.2.47.           Law MUG BBS.


Started in 1983 by Paul Bernstein, this may be the first lawyer-run BBS in the US.  The goal of the BBS is to explore how this technology could be used by lawyers to serve the legal needs of the public.


BBS Phone:  (312) 661-1740

For more information, contact:


Paul Bernstein



URL: (Paul Bernstein, Esq.)


1.2.48.           Law School Admission Services.


Law School Admission Services

661 Penn Street

Newtown, PA  18940

E-mail:  JJaffee@LSAS.ORG (Janice Jaffee)


1.2.49.           Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, The.


This free BBS includes opinions, briefs, complaints, and other 

information about civil-rights related issues.  The Lawyers' Committee was formed in 1963 at the request of President Kennedy, which he made at the White House to about 200 leading members of the established bar.  At that time, Governor Wallace was trying to block the integration of the University of Alabama, and the response was to try to uphold the rule of law by forming an organization to provide free legal representation to blacks in the South.  The Committee has since become national in scope, handling cases on behalf of women and Hispanics in addition to blacks, and frequently working with established law firms in the representation of its clients.


BBS Phone:  (202) 783-0854,0855,0856


For more information, contact:


Richard Seymour, Sysop

The Lawyers' Committee or Civil Rights Under Law

1450 G Street, N.W., Suite 400

Washington, DC  20005


1.2.50.           Lawyers Cooperative Publishing.


Lawyers Cooperative Publishing

50 Broad St.

Rochester, NY  14694

E-mail:  postmaster@LCP.COM


URL:  mailto::postmaster@LCP.COM


1.2.51.           Legal Advisor BBS, The.


Legal advice regarding credit, tax, and contract issues.


BBS Phone:  (510) 685-1280

1.2.52.           Legi-Slate.


Legi-Slate is an online service covering Congress and Federal Regulations.  This prototype gopher site contains information about sample bills and resolutions from the current Congress and Federal Register documents from 1993.


URL:  gopher://


For more information, contact:



777 North Capitol Street

Washington, DC  20002





1.2.53.           LERN.


The LERN service is offered by the LEgal Research Network (LERN).  It is intended to network attorneys with each other and with expert witnesses.  LERN is primarily intended for attorneys engaged in product liability, personal injury, medical malpractice, property damage, and family law (although other fields, such as environmental law, are encouraged).  Several database services are offered including a product literature database, a deposition exchange, OSHA standards, files of expert resumes, and a catalog of professional materials (such as audio tapes and books for professional development).  LERN permits Internet e-mail and imports selected Usenet newsgroups and Internet mailing lists.


BBS Phone:  (508) 829-9564


For more information, contact:


The Legal Research Network

PO Box 528

Holden, MA  01562




URL: (LERN BBS sysop)

URL: (LERN BBS sysop)


1.2.54.           Lexis/Nexis.


The Lexis/Nexis Communication Center is under construction.  The Center will provide, via WWW, bulletins, newsletters, e-mail points of contact, and other information.  Lexis/Nexis is also available via Telnet.






URL:  telnet://

URL:  telnet:// (enter "lexis" at the "Which Host?" prompt)


For more information, contact:


Mead Data Central

PO Box 933

Dayton, OH  45401

E-mail: (customer service)

E-mail: (sales)


1.2.55.           Libertarian BBS.


News and information regarding the Libertarian Party.


BBS Phone:  (203) 257-1960


1.2.56.           Master-McNeil, Inc.


Master-McNeil is a naming consulting firm, and they have made information on trademarks at this site.  Currently, the international trademark classes are available.






For more information, contact:


Master-McNeil, Inc.

2030 Addison Street, Suite 620

Berkeley, CA  94704





1.2.57.           Mike's Online Tavern.


Among other things, this free BBS includes the Clinton economic and health plans.


BBS Phone:  (203) 269-2135


1.2.58.           National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers



A criminal law BBS operated by E.X. Martin, a criminal defense

lawyer practicing in Dallas, TX.


    BBS Phone:  (214) 340-8120

1.2.59.           National Center for State Courts.


National Center for State Courts

300 Newport Avenue

Williamsburg, VA

E-mail:  ehh@NCSC.DNI.US (Hank Heidt)


1.2.60.           National Clearinghouse for Legal Services.


National Clearinghouse for Legal Services

205 West Monroe, 2nd Floor

Chicago, IL  60606-5013



1.2.61.           National Employment Lawyers Association.


NELANet is the online service operated by the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA).  NELANet is operated through the IGC's LaborNet.  NELA is an organization of some 1,800 members who represent

plaintiffs in employment and labor matters.


For more information, contact:


National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA)

600 Harrison Street, Suite 535

San Francisco, CA  94107



1.2.62.           National Public Telecomputing Network.


The National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN) exists to make free public access to computerized communications and information services a reality, just as free books were made available to the by the public library system in previous generations.  The NPTN is an Ohio nonprofit corporation, and has received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.  While the NPTN has its origins at Case Western Reserve University (specifically, when Dr. Tom Grundner, then of CWRU's Department of Family Medicine, started the Cleveland Free-Net, first as a BBS and then as a larger Internet-based system), the two are separate entities.  A basic guide to the NPTN is available via anonymous FTP:




The following are some of the NPTN-sponsored freenets:


Computer Systems            Community                Modem Number


Big Sky Telegraph           Dillon, Montana          (406) 683-7680

Buffalo Free-Net            Buffalo, New York        (716) 645-6128

Cleveland Free-Net          Cleveland, Ohio          (216) 368-3888

COIN                        Columbia, Missouri       (314) 884-7000

Denver Free-Net             Denver, Colorado         (303) 270-4865

Heartland Free-Net          Peoria, Illinois         (309) 674-1100

Lorain County Free-Net      Elyria, Ohio             (216) 366-9721

Medina County Free-Net      Medina, Ohio             (216) 723-6732

National Capital Free-Net   Ottawa, Canada           (613) 780-3733

Tallahassee Free-Net        Tallahassee, Florida     (904) 576-6330

Tristate Online             Cincinnati, Ohio         (513) 579-1990

Victoria Free-Net           Victoria, British

                              Columbia, Canada       (604) 595-2300

Wellington Citynet          Wellington, New Zealand  64-4-801-3060

Youngstown Free-Net         Youngstown, Ohio         (216) 742-3072


For more information, contact:


National Public Telecomputing Network

PO Box 1987

Cleveland, OH  44106



1.2.63.           New York Law Publishing Company.


New York Law Publishing Company

345 Park Avenue South

New York, NY 10010

E-mail:  finson@NLJ.COM (Larry Finson)


URL:  mailto::finson@NLJ.COM (Larry Finson)


1.2.64.           NOLO Press.


Self-help legal books and software.


NOLO Press

950 Parker St.

Berkeley, CA  94710





1.2.65.           Paradigm Legal & Printing Technologies.


This free BBS is run by a company that provides legal software, hardware, and services.


BBS Phone:  (516) 694-2318


1.2.66.           Paralegal Services International.


This is a small information brokerage, translation, and paralegal referral business.  Services include patent searching and research, online searches, and translation of legal and business correspondence, especially in relation to NAFTA-related enterprises (primarily Spanish to English with other language combinations available through referrals).  The Firm also has a Telnet site for subscribers.

For more information, contact:


Valerie J. Atkinson

Paralegal Services International

PO Box 12763

Austin, TX  78711

Phone:  (512) 452-4288

Fax:  (512) 406-3915

BBS Phone: (512) 206-0802



URL:  telnet:// (for subscribers only)


1.2.67.           PeaceNet World News Service.


The PeaceNet World News service (PWN) is an e-mail news publication sponsored by the Institute for Global Change (ICG).  Subscribers receive, each day, a single e-mail news digest with a table of contents and international stories.  Subscribers choose from several issue- and region-oriented digests.


For more information, contact:




URL: (PeaceNet World News Service)


1.2.68.           Pluto Press - Critical Law and Legal Studies Books.




1.2.69.           Republican BBS.


News and information regarding the Republican Party.


BBS Phone:  (408) 247-3229


1.2.70.           Safe 'n' Secure BBS.


For professionals in the fields of safety, law enforcement, emergency disaster management, and occupational health.  This free BBS includes graphics files of missing children distributed by the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children Arlington, VA.  Verification of professional status by telephone is required.


BBS Phone:  (602) 870-6004


For more information, contact:


Wayne Church

Director of Safety and Security

John C. Lincoln Hospital

Phoenix, AZ

1.2.71.           Smithsonian Institution, Natural History.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.72.           Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, The.


URL:  gopher://


1.2.73.           Software Patent Institute.


Founded by Apple Computer, Inc., Digital Equipment Corp., IBM Corp., Industrial Technology Institute, Lotus Development Corp., Michigan Strategic Fund, Microsoft Corp., and the University of Michigan, the Software Patent Institute was formed to provide the US Patent and Trademark Office (and those who practice before it) with a database of software to be used as prior art for potential software patents.


For more information, contact:


Software Patent Institute

PO Box 1485

Ann Arbor, MI  48106-1485



1.2.74.           Software Publishers Association.


The Software Publishers Association (SPA) is a consortium of software manufacturers dedicated to eliminating illegal software copying.  SPA offers a variety of educational and monitoring tools.


Software Publishers Association

1730 M St. N.W., Suite 700

Washington, DC  20036


1.2.75.           Source Resources.


A company providing business, legal, and investigative information.


BBS Phone:  (615) 537-6996 (log in as "new")


For more information, contact:


Source Resources

PO Box 88

Cookeville, TN  38503




1.2.76.           TogetherNet.


The Together Foundation, located in Burlington, VT, was incorporated in 1989 with the idea of fostering global unity and promoting world peace.  Its main project has been the development of the TogetherNet, an on-line information and communication network for use by individuals and organizations working toward a sustainable future for the planet.


URL:  gopher://


For more information, contact:


Together Foundation

130 South Willard Street

Burlington, VT  05401


1.2.77.           UNA-USA BBS.


United Nations Association.


BBS Phone:  (910) 722-5164


1.2.78.           UNitek Research BBS.


United Nations news.


BBS Phone:  (201) 678-1367


1.2.79.           University Microfilms International (UMI).


URL:  gopher://


1.2.80.           Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA).


URL:  gopher://


1.2.81.           Voorhees Reports - "Information Law Alert."


"Information Law Alert" began publishing as a print newsletter in May 1993 and in electronic form in January 1994. It is published 20 times a year and covers court disputes, legal developments, and major regulatory battles that affect the development of the telecommunications and information technology.  It focuses especially on wireless communications, intellectual property, and battles between the cable and telephone industries.


URL:  gopher://

For more information, contact:


Voorhees Reports

411 First Street

Brooklyn, NY  11215-2507





1.2.82.           Voter Information Services (VIS).


URL:  gopher://


1.2.83.           West Publishing Company.




WestLaw is available via Telnet.


URL:  telnet:// (enter "westlaw" at the "Which Host?" prompt)


For more information, contact:


West Publishing Company

620 Opperman Drive

PO Box 64526

St. Paul, MN  55164-0526


West's Legal Directory.


West's Legal Directory (WLD) contains over 675,000 profiles of law firms, branch offices, and biographical records of attorneys from all fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.  The WAIS database is available via Telnet and Gopher:


URL:  telnet://

URL:  gopher://


1.2.84.           Wiretap.


A great deal of international law documents (most in English) are available via the Wiretap gopher:


URL:  gopher:// (under Government Docs.../World Constitutions)


The following are some of the available documents:


Australian documents

Basic Law of Germany, 1949

Basic Law of Hong Kong 1990

Canada Constitution Act, 1867

Canadian documents

Chinese Declaration of Human Rights 1992

Constitution of Italy (in Italian)

Constitution of Macedonia (in former Yugoslavia)

Constitution of Peru, in Spanish

Constitution of the Iroquois Nations

Constitution of the People's Republic of China 1982

Constitution of the Republic of Hungary

Constitution of the Slovak Republic 1991

Draft Constitution of Romania 1991

Draft Constitution of the Estonian Republic 1992

English Bill of Rights 1689

Hamas Covenant (Islamic Resistance) 1988

Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance 1991

Maastricht Treaty

Magna Carta, John at Runnymede


NATO Press Releases

UN resolutions and treaties (selected)

United States Articles of Confederation 1781

United States Constitution 1789


Chapter 2.  Government Organizations.


This chapter describes law-related resources made available by US government organizations.  An organization in this chapter would most likely have a domain name ending in ".gov" (government).  This chapter is divided into four sub-sections:  1) US Federal Executive Branch, 2) US Federal Judicial Branch, 3) US Federal Legislative Branch, and 4) US State Government Organizations.


One of the best ways to find the e-mail address for a particular individual is to call that individual.  If you choose to contact the individuals listed below via e-mail, please keep your e-mail message short and to-the-point.


2.0.                Government Organizations.


2.1.00.           US Federal Government - Executive Branch.


2.1.01.           Agency for International Development (USAID).


URL:  gopher://


2.1.02.           Department of Agriculture, Children Youth Family

                      Education Research Network (CYFER-net).


A report on human rights practices of various nations is available from this site.


URL:  gopher://


2.1.03.           Department of Commerce.


URL:  gopher://GOPHER.ESA.DOC.GOV:70/1


2.1.04.           Department of Commerce - Economic Conversion

                      Information Exchange.


URL:  gopher://


2.1.05.           Department of Commerce - Economics and Statistics



URL:  gopher://


2.1.06.           Department of Justice.


URL:  gopher://

2.1.07.           Environmental Protection Agency - Future Studies.


URL:  gopher://


2.1.08.           Environmental Protection Agency.


URL:  gopher://


2.1.09.           Federal Communications Commission.


The FCC has been on the Internet since 02/15/94.  The following is the directory structure of this site:































For more information, see the following:




2.1.10.           FedWorld.


FedWorld(TM) is a pilot project, set up by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), that allows users to connect electronically to many Federal departments and agencies.  From FedWorld, you can access more than 100 BBSs operated by the US Government including JAG-NET, OASH-BBS, Library of Congress News Service, and the National Criminal Justice Reference System.  FedWorld is also available via Telnet:


URL:  telnet://

BBS Phone:  (703) 321-8020


For more information, contact:


Ken Royer, Systems Mgr & Developer

Phone:  (703) 487-4608




Bob Bunge, Business Manager

Phone:  (703) 487-4648


2.1.11.           Food and Drug Administration, National Center for

                      Toxicological Research.


URL:  gopher://


2.1.12.           National Archives.


URL:  gopher://


2.1.13.           Occupational Safety & Health Administration.


URL:  gopher://


2.1.14.           Patent and Trademark Office.




2.1.15.           Securities and Exchange Commission - EDGAR Filings.


The Internet EDGAR Dissemination project is a research project to investigate how such large data archives can be made easily available to the general public.  The Internet EDGAR Dissemination project allows you to receive any 1994 filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that are available to the public.  The data in this project consists of electronic filings by corporations to the SEC.  Not all corporations currently file electronically, but those that do participate in the EDGAR filing system.  Because this is a research project, you should expect the data formats and access methods to change.  The information is available via e-mail, FTP, Gopher, and WWW:


URL: (with "HELP" in the body of the message)


URL:  gopher://



For, more information, see the following file:



2.1.16.           White House Publications.


For information on how to get White House publications via e-mail, send a message to Publications@WhiteHouse.GOV with "send info" in the body of the message.


URL:  mailto::Publications@WhiteHouse.GOV (with "send info" in the body of the message)


White House Publications are available via anonymous FTP from numerous organizations, including the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.


URL: /cpsr/clinton/


2.1.17.           White House, The.


The White House has several e-mail addresses including, MCI Mail "White House,", and  The ".gov" addresses were created in June 93 and appear to be the best.  Also, a service based on the Clinton volunteer e-mail campaign still exists.  For more information send a message to with "help" as the subject.


URL: (President Bill Clinton)


URL: (President Bill Clinton)


URL: (Vice President Al Gore)


URL: (with "help" as the subject) (Bill Clinton campaign)


2.2.0.             US Federal Government - Judicial Branch.


2.2.1.             Supreme Court Decisions - Project Hermes.


US Supreme Court decisions are available online as part of "Project Hermes."  On May 11th, 1990 the United States Supreme Court announced that it was beginning a two-year experimental program with the objective to rapidly provide copies of the Court's opinions in electronic form to as wide an audience as possible.  One of the twelve participants is a noncommercial, nonprofit, consortium composed of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), EDUCOM, and the National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN).  You can electronically receive the full text of the Court's opinions within minutes of their release--free.


The consortium grants permission to download, reproduce, or re-post any of the Supreme Court opinion files PROVIDED NO CHANGES OR EDITING ARE MADE TO THE SUBJECT MATERIAL.  The consortium would greatly appreciate it if source credit were given to CWRU, EDUCOM, and the National Public Telecomputing Network if these files are used.


The following are two of the anonymous FTP sites that maintain Supreme Court rulings:





2.2.2.             US Courts of Appeals, 9th Cir. - Model Jury Instructions.


The Office of the Circuit Executive, United States Courts for the Ninth Circuit, Manual of Model Civil Jury Instructions is available via anonymous FTP:




URL: (ASCII text files)


URL: (WordPerfect 5.1 files)


These instructions cover, for example, copyright, patent and trademark cases.


For more information, contact:


E-mail: (Glenn Tenney)


URL: (Glenn Tenney)        US Courts - Introduction.


Electronic versions of many US court documents and opinions are available, for the most part free of charge (except, of course, for telephone charges), for US courts.  (Note that some of the 800 numbers charge a fee.)  Several systems are in use, including  Electronic Dissemination of Opinions System (EDOS) (also known as  Appellate Court Electronic Services (ACES)), and Public Access to Court Electronic (PACER).  In addition many courts allow ELectronic Filing (ELF) of court document, and information regarding pending cases is often available via the Voice Case Information System (VCIS), a telephone-accessible system.  Most BBSs require registration via an initial voice telephone call.


The registration and BBS phone numbers have been listed by state.  "DC" stands for District Court, "BC" stands for Bankruptcy Court.  Circuit court phone numbers have been listed for each state in the circuit (i.e. the 1st Circuit BBS phone number has been listed in the Maine section, not because the BBS is in Maine, but because Maine is in the 1st Circuit.

For more information, contact:


Administrative Office of the United States Courts

Technology Enhancement Office

Washington, DC  20544

(202) 273-2730        Alabama.


11th Circuit BBS:  (404) 730-9600

AL-Northern (Anniston) BC BBS registration:  (205) 236-6421

AL-Northern (Anniston) BC BBS:  (205) 238-0456

AL-Northern (Birmingham) BC BBS registration:  (205) 731-0850

AL-Northern (Birmingham) BC BBS:  (205) 731-3746

AL-Northern (Decatur) BC BBS registration:  (205) 353-2817

AL-Northern (Decatur) BC BBS:  (205) 355-2349

AL-Northern (Tuscaloosa) BC BBS registration:  (205) 752-0426

AL-Northern (Tuscaloosa) BC BBS:  (205) 758-1309

AL-Northern DC BBS registration:  (205) 731-2002

AL-Northern DC BBS:  (205) 731-3502

AL-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

AL-Southern BC BBS:  (205) 441-5638        Alaska.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

AK BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

AK BC BBS:  (907) 271-2695,2696,2696,2698,2699        Arizona.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

AZ BC (Phoenix) BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

AZ BC (Phoenix) BBS:  (602) 514-7379

AZ BC (Tuscon) BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

AZ BC (Tuscon) BBS:  (602) 670-6332

AZ BC (Yuma) BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

AZ BC (Yuma) BBS:  (602) 783-9535

AZ DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

AZ DC BBS:  (602) 514-7113        Arkansas.


8th Circuit BBS registration:  (314) 539-3652

8th Circuit BBS:  (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584

AR (East and West) BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

AR (East and West) BC BBS:  (501) 324-6079

AR-Eastern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

AR-Eastern DC BBS:  (501) 324-6190

AR-Western DC BBS registration:  (501) 783-6833

AR-Western DC BBS:  (501) 783-3538        California.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

CA-Central (San Bernadino) BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CA-Central (San Bernadino) BC BBS:  (714) 383-5560

CA-Central (Santa Ana) BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CA-Central (Santa Ana) BC BBS:  (714) 836-2281

CA-Central (Santa Barbara) BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CA-Central (Santa Barbara) BC BBS:  (805) 899-7752

CA-Eastern BC BBS registration:  (916) 551-2679

CA-Eastern BC BBS:  1-900-463-3362

CA-Northern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CA-Northern BC BBS:  (415) 705-3148

CA-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CA-Southern BC BBS:  1-900-463-3363

CA-Southern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CA-Southern DC BBS:  (619) 557-7138        Colorado.


10th Circuit BBS:  (303) 844-3222

CO BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CO BC BBS:  (303) 844-0263        Connecticut.


2nd Circuit BBS registration:  (212) 791-8910

2nd Circuit BBS:  (212) 385-6003,6004

CT BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CT BC BBS:  (203) 240-3570,3571,3572

CT DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

CT DC BBS:  (203) 773-2451        Delaware.


3rd Circuit BBS:  (215) 597-1871

DE BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

DE BC BBS:  (302) 573-6243

DE DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

DE DC BBS:  (302) 573-6651        Florida.


11th Circuit BBS:  (404) 730-9600

FL-Middle (Jacksonville) BC BBS registration:  (904) 358-1952

FL-Middle (Orlando) BC BBS registration:  (407) 843-4421

FL-Middle (Tampa) BC BBS registration:  (813) 222-5020

FL-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

FL-Southern BC BBS:  (305) 536-7492,7493,7494,7495,7496

FL-Southern DC BBS registration:  (305) 536-4131

FL-Southern DC BBS:  (305) 530-7886        Georgia.


11th Circuit BBS:  (404) 730-9600

GA-Middle BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

GA-Middle BC BBS:  (912) 752-3551

GA-Northern BC BBS registration:  (404) 331-6886

GA-Northern BC BBS:  1-900-463-3360

GA-Northern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

GA-Northern DC BBS:  (404) 730-9668

GA-Southern (Augusta) BC BBS registration:  (706) 724-2421

GA-Southern (Augusta) BC BBS:  (912) 652-4465

GA-Southern (Savannah) BC BBS registration:  (912) 652-4100

GA-Southern (Savannah) BC BBS:  (912) 652-4465

GA-Southern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

GA-Southern DC BBS:  (912) 652-4601        Hawaii.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

HI BC BBS registration:  (808) 541-1791

HI BC BBS:  (808) 541-1392        Idaho.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

ID BC BBS registration:  (208) 334-9342

ID BC BBS:  (208) 334-9895

ID DC BBS registration:  (208) 334-9097

ID DC BBS:  (208) 334-9590

ID DC/BC ELF:  (208) 334-9476        Illinois.


7th Circuit BBS:  (312) 435-5560

IL-Central BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IL-Central BC BBS:  (217) 492-4260

IL-Central DC BBS registration:  (217) 492-4789

IL-Central DC BBS:  (217) 492-4997

IL-Northern (Chicago) BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IL-Northern (Chicago) BC BBS:  (312) 408-5101

IL-Northern (Rockford) BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IL-Northern (Rockford) BC BBS:  (815) 987-4489,4490

IL-Northern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IL-Northern DC BBS:  (312) 408-7777

IL-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IL-Southern BC BBS:  (618) 482-9114,9115,9116

IL-Southern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IL-Southern DC BBS:  (618) 482-9430        Indiana.


7th Circuit BBS:  (312) 435-5560

IN-Northern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IN-Northern BC BBS:  (219) 236-8199

IN-Southern BC BBS registration:  (317) 226-6710

IN-Southern BC BBS:  (317) 226-5146        Iowa.


8th Circuit BBS registration:  (314) 539-3652

8th Circuit BBS:  (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584

IA-Northern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IA-Northern BC BBS:  (319) 362-1824

IA-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IA-Southern BC BBS:  1-800-597-5917

IA-Southern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

IA-Southern DC BBS:  (515) 284-2125        Kansas.


10th Circuit BBS:  (303) 844-3222

KS BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

KS BC BBS:  1-800-613-7052 or (316) 269-6258

KS DC BBS registration:  (316) 269-6491

KS DC BBS:  (316) 269-6224        Kentucky.


6th Circuit BBS:  (513) 684-2842

KY-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

KY-Eastern BC BBS:  1-800-497-2777 or (606) 233-2777

KY-Eastern DC BBS registration:  (607) 233-2787

KY-Eastern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

KY-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

KY-Western BC BBS:  (502) 625-7388        Louisiana.


5th Circuit BBS:  (504) 589-6850,6851,6852

LA-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

LA-Eastern BC BBS:  (504) 589-6761

LA-Eastern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

LA-Eastern DC BBS:  (504)589-6714

LA-Middle BC BBS registration:  (504) 389-0212

LA-Middle BC BBS:  (504) 382-2176

LA-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

LA-Western BC BBS:  (318) 676-4235

LA-Western DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

LA-Western DC BBS:  (318) 676-3957,3958        Maine.


1st Circuit BBS:  (617) 223-4640,4641,4642

ME BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

ME BC BBS:  (207) 780-3268,3269        Maryland.


4th Circuit BBS registration:  (804) 771-2212

4th Circuit BBS:  (804) 771-2028,2063 or (804) 771-8084

MD BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MD BC BBS:  (301) 227-6866,6867,6868,6869

MD DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MD DC BBS:  (410) 962-1812        Massachusetts.


1st Circuit BBS:  (617) 223-4640,4641,4642

MA BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MA BC BBS:  (617) 565-6021,6022,6023,7593,7584

MA DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MA DC BBS:  (617) 223-4294        Michigan.


6th Circuit BBS:  (513) 684-2842

MI-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MI-Eastern BC BBS:  (313) 961-4934

MI-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MI-Western BC BBS:  (616) 732-2739

MI-Western DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MI-Western DC BBS:  (616)732-2765        Minnesota.


8th Circuit BBS registration:  (314) 539-3652

8th Circuit BBS:  (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584

MN BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MN BC BBS:  (612) 290-4065

MN DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MN DC BBS:  (612) 290-4167        Mississippi.


5th Circuit BBS:  (504) 589-6850,6851,6852

MI-Northern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MI-Northern BC BBS:  (601) 369-9805,9854,9856,9862        Missouri.


8th Circuit BBS registration:  (314) 539-3652

8th Circuit BBS:  (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584

MO-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MO-Eastern BC BBS:  (314) 425-6935

MO-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MO-Western BC BBS:  (816) 426-6033

MO-Western DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

MO-Western DC BBS:  (816) 426-6033        Montana.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

MT BC BBS registration:  (406) 496-3332,3333

MT BC BBS registration:  (406) 496-3339x16        Nebraska.


8th Circuit BBS registration:  (314) 539-3652

8th Circuit BBS:  (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584

NE BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NE BC BBS:  1-800-788-0656 or (402) 221-4882

NE DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NE DC BBS:  (402) 221-4797        Nevada.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

NV BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NV BC BBS:  (702) 388-6920        New Hampshire.


1st Circuit BBS:  (617) 223-4640,4641,4642

NH BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NH BC BBS:  (603) 666-7923

NH DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NH DC BBS:  (603) 226-7737

NH DC/BC ELF BBS:  (603) 225-1544        New Jersey.


3rd Circuit BBS:  (215) 597-1871

NJ BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NJ BC BBS:  (201) 645-3555

NJ DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NJ DC BBS:  (609) 989-0590        New Mexico.


10th Circuit BBS:  (303) 844-3222

NM BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NM BC BBS:  (505) 766-5566

NM DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NM DC BBS:  (505) 766-1911        New York.


2nd Circuit BBS registration:  (212) 791-8910

2nd Circuit BBS:  (212) 385-6003,6004

NY-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NY-Eastern BC BBS:  (718) 488-7012

NY-Eastern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NY-Eastern DC BBS:  (718) 330-7200

NY-Northern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NY-Northern BC BBS:  (518) 472-2643

NY-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NY-Southern BC BBS:  (212) 668-2896,2897,2898,2899,5610

NY-Southern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NY-Southern DC BBS:  (212) 791-8050

NY-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NY-Western BC BBS:  (716) 846-3152,3153,3154,3155

NY-Western DC BBS registration:  (716) 846-4211

NY-Western DC BBS:  (716) 846-3117        North Carolina.


4th Circuit BBS registration:  (804) 771-2212

4th Circuit BBS:  (804) 771-2028,2063 or (804) 771-8084

NC-Eastern BC BBS registration:  (919) 237-0440

NC-Eastern DC BBS registration:  (919) 856-4370

NC-Eastern DC BBS:  (919) 856-4768

NC-Middle BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NC-Middle BC BBS:  (919) 333-5389

NC-Middle DC BBS registration:  (910) 333-5071

NC-Middle DC BBS:  (910) 333-5788

NC-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

NC-Western BC BBS:  (704) 344-6121,6122,6123,6124        North Dakota.


8th Circuit BBS registration:  (314) 539-3652

8th Circuit BBS:  (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584

ND BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

ND BC BBS:  (701) 239-5265        Ohio.


6th Circuit BBS:  (513) 684-2842

OH-Northern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OH-Northern BC BBS:  1-800-579-5735 or (216) 489-4779

OH-Northern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OH-Northern DC BBS:  (216) 522-3669

OH-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OH-Southern BC BBS:  1-800-793-7003 or (513) 225-7561

OH-Southern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OH-Southern DC BBS:  (614) 469-6990        Oklahoma.


10th Circuit BBS:  (303) 844-3222

OK-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OK-Eastern BC BBS:  (918) 756-4812

OK-Northern BC BBS registration:  (918) 581-7181

OK-Northern BC BBS:  (918) 581-7713

OK-Northern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OK-Northern DC BBS:  (918) 581-6903

OK-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OK-Western BC BBS:  (405) 231-5064,5065

OK-Western DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OK-Western DC BBS:  (405) 231-4531        Oregon.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

OR BC BBS registration:  (503) 326-5198

OR BC BBS:  1-900-463-3361

OR DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

OR DC BBS:  (503) 326-5924        Pennsylvania.


3rd Circuit BBS:  (215) 597-1871

PA-Eastern BC BBS registration:  (215) 597-8266

PA-Eastern BC BBS:  (215) 597-3501

PA-Eastern DC BBS registration:  (215) 597-5861

PA-Eastern DC BBS:  (215) 597-0258

PA-Eastern DC/BC ELF BBS:  (215) 597-5384,0646

PA-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

PA-Western BC BBS:  (412) 355-2588        Puerto Rico.


1st Circuit BBS:  (617) 223-4640,4641,4642

PR BC BBS registration:  (809) 766-5073

PR BC BBS:  (809) 766-6579,6554,6558,6571

PR DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

PR DC BBS:  (809) 766-5774        Rhode Island.


1st Circuit BBS:  (617) 223-4640,4641,4642

RI BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

RI BC BBS:  (401) 528-4062

RI DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

RI DC BBS:  (401) 528-5145        South Carolina.


4th Circuit BBS registration:  (804) 771-2212

4th Circuit BBS:  (804) 771-2028,2063 or (804) 771-8084

SC BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

SC BC BBS:  (803) 765-5965

SC DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

SC DC BBS:  (803) 765-5871        South Dakota.


8th Circuit BBS registration:  (314) 539-3652

8th Circuit BBS:  (314) 539-3576,3578 or (314) 539-3584

SC BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

SC BC BBS:  (605) 330-4342        Tennessee.


6th Circuit BBS:  (513) 684-2842

TN-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TN-Eastern BC BBS:  (615) 752-5131,5136,5137

TN-Middle BC BBS registration:  (615) 736-5577

TN-Middle BC BBS:  (615) 254-5290

TN-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TN-Western BC BBS:  (901) 544-4336,4337,4338,4339,4340        Texas.


5th Circuit BBS:  (504) 589-6850,6851,6852

TX-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TX-Eastern BC BBS:  (903) 535-5015

TX-Eastern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TX-Eastern DC BBS:  (903) 592-4869

TX-Northern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TX-Northern BC BBS:  (214) 767-8091

TX-Northern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TX-Northern DC BBS:  (214) 767-8918,8919,8920

TX-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TX-Southern BC BBS:  1-800-998-9037 or (713) 250-5000

TX-Southern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TX-Southern DC BBS:  1-800-765-7909 or (713) 250-5000

TX-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TX-Western BC BBS:  (210) 229-6262

TX-Western DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

TX-Western DC BBS:  (210) 229-5241        Utah.


10th Circuit BBS:  (303) 844-3222

UT BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

UT BC BBS:  (801) 524-5760

UT DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

UT DC BBS:  (801) 524-4221        Vermont.


2nd Circuit BBS registration:  (212) 791-8910

2nd Circuit BBS:  (212) 385-6003,6004

VT BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

VT BC BBS:  (802) 747-7633

VT DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

VT DC BBS:  (802) 951-6623        Virgin Islands.


3rd Circuit BBS:  (215) 597-1871        Virginia.


4th Circuit BBS registration:  (804) 771-2212

4th Circuit BBS:  (804) 771-2028,2063 or (804) 771-8084

VA-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

VA-Eastern BC BBS:  1-800-758-7050

VA-Western (Lynchburg) BC BBS registration:  (703) 857-2391

VA-Western (Lynchburg) BC BBS:  (804) 528-9003

VA-Western (Roanoke) BC BBS registration:  (703) 857-2391

VA-Western (Roanoke) BC BBS:  (703) 857-2319        Washington.


9th Circuit BBS:  (415) 744-9020

WA-Eastern BC BBS registration:  (509) 353-2404

WA-Eastern BC BBS:  (509) 353-3286

WA-Eastern DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WA-Eastern DC BBS:  (509) 353-2395

WA-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WA-Western BC BBS:  (206) 553-0060,0061,0062,0063,0064

WA-Western DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WA-Western DC BBS:  (206) 553-2288        Washington, DC.


DC BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

DC BC BBS:  (202) 273-0630,0642,0643,0644

DC Circuit BBS:  (202) 219-9589,9600 or (202) 273-0269

DC DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

DC DC BBS:  (202) 273-0606

Federal Circuit BBS:  (202) 786-6584 or (202) 633-9608        West Virginia.


4th Circuit BBS registration:  (804) 771-2212

4th Circuit BBS:  (804) 771-2028,2063

WV-Northern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WV-Northern BC BBS:  (304) 233-2871,2953

WV-Southern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WV-Southern BC BBS:  (304) 347-5554        Wisconsin.


7th Circuit BBS:  (312) 435-5560

WI-Eastern BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WI-Eastern BC BBS:  (414) 297-1400

WI-Western BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WI-Western BC BBS:  (608) 264-5630

WI-Western DC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WI-Western DC BBS:  (608) 264-5915        Wyoming.


10th Circuit BBS:  (303) 844-3222

WY BC BBS registration:  1-800-676-6856

WY BC BBS:  (307) 772-2037,2038


2.3.00.           US Federal Government - Legislative Branch.


2.3.01.           Congressional Budget Office.


Congressional Budget Office

2nd & D Streets, S.W.

Ford Office Building #2, Room 486

Washington, DC  20515

E-mail:  stacy.sdru@CBO.GOV (Stacy Newman)


URL:  mailto::stacy.sdru@CBO.GOV (Stacy Newman)


2.3.02.           Federal Bulletin Board, The.


The Federal Bulletin Board is a service of the US Government Printing Office, Office of Electronic Information Dissemination Services (EIDS), Washington, DC  2040l.  The BBS enables Federal agencies to provide the public immediate, self-service access to Federal information in electronic form at reasonable rates. 


BBS Phone:  (202) 512-1387


For more information, contact:


Phone:  (202) 512-1524


2.3.03.           Government Printing Office.


In compliance with the Electronic Information Access Enhancement Act of 1993 (PL 103-40), the Government Printing Office has made the Federal Register, the Congressional Record, and other documents available (for a fee) via WAIS.


telnet:// (enter "wais" at the first prompt, "newuser" at the second)


For more information, contact:


GPO Access Registration

US Government Printing Office

PO Box 37082

Washington DC 20013-7082

E-mail:  help@eids05.eids.gpo


URL:  mailto::help@eids05.eids.gpo

2.3.04.           Library Catalogs.


Many library catalogs are available online.  These are described in detail in The Internet Resource Guide/Directory of Directories (see Section  Access to The Library of Congress Information System (LOCIS) is also described in The Internet Resource Guide/Directory of Directories.  To access the system, Telnet to


URL:  telnet://


Data Research Associates, Inc., also maintains a database that contains all the cataloging records as distributed by the Library of Congress Cataloging Distribution Service (as part of their "Complete Service"), but this database is not the same as the Library of Congress Catalog.


URL:  telnet://


2.3.05.           Library of Congress.


URL:  gopher://


2.3.06            US House of Representatives.


In June 1993, the House of Representatives' Committee on House Administration announced a pilot program called the Constituent Electronic Mail System.  E-mail addresses are available for individual Representatives and for House committees.  So far, however, only a few Representatives have signed up for e-mail.


The organizers of the pilot program kindly request that constituents send a letter or postcard (that includes the sender's name, address, and Internet e-mail address) by US Mail to their Representative so that the Representatives will be able to verify the incoming e-mail is from an actual constituent.  The organizers also note that Representatives may reply to e-mail messages via USPS mail.


For more information, contact:




URL: (US House of Representatives)


Comments about the program can be e-mailed to:






The following Representative are on the Internet:


Hon. Thomas E. Andrews

1st Congressional District, Maine

Rm. 1530 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515


Hon. Sherwood Boehlert

23rd Congressional District, New York

Rm. 1127 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Dave Camp

4th Congressional District, Michigan

Rm. 137 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Maria Cantwell

1st Congressional District, Washington

Rm. 1520 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. John Conyers, Jr.

14th Congressional District, Michigan

Rm. 2426 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Sam Coppersmith

1st Congressional District, Arizona

1607 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Peter Deutsch

20th Congressional District, Florida

Rm. 425 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Jay Dickey

4th Congressional District, Arkansas

Rm. 1338 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Vernon Ehlers

3rd Congressional District, Michigan

Rm. 1526 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Anna Eshoo

14th Congressional District, California

Rm. 1505 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515


Hon. Elizabeth Furse

1st Congressional District, Oregon

Rm. 316 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Sam Gejdenson

2nd Congressional District, Connecticut

Rm. 2416 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Newton Gingrich

6th Congressional District, Georgia

Rm. 2428 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Rod Grams

6th Congressional District, Minnesota

Rm. 1713 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Dennis Hastert

14th  Congressional District, Illinois

Rm. 2453 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Martin Hoke

2nd Congressional District, Ohio

Rm. 212 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Sam Johnson

3rd Congressional District, Texas

Rm. 1030 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Mike Kreidler

9th Congressional District, Washington

Rm. 1535 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. George Miller

7th Congressional District, California

Rm. 2205 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515


Hon. Earl Pomeroy

North Dakota, At Large

Rm. 318 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Jim Ramstad

3rd Congressional District, Minnesota

Rm. 322 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515

E-mail:  MN03@HR.HOUSE.GOV


Hon. Charlie Rose

7th Congressional District, North Carolina

Rm. 2230 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Karen Shepherd

2nd Congressional District, Utah

Rm. 414 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. 'Pete' Stark

13th Congressional District, California

Rm.  239 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Charles Taylor

11th Congressional District, North Carolina

Rm. 516 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Mel Watt

12th Congressional District, North Carolina

Rm. 1232 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Hon. Dick Zimmer

312th Congressional District, New Jersey

Rm. 228 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515


The following House committees are on the Internet:


Subcommittee on Labor-Management Relations

Committee on Education and Labor

Rm. 320 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Committee on Natural Resources

1324 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

2320 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC  20515



2.3.07.           US House of Representatives.


URL:  gopher://


2.3.08.           US House of Representatives, 103rd Congress Phone and

                      Fax Numbers.


From US Congress Yellow Book, January 1993, with some updates and corrections as of March 1994.


p st representative                 phone            fax

= == =============================  ==============   ==============

R AK Young, Donald                  1-202-225-5765   1-202-225-5765

D AL Bevill, Thomas                 1-202-225-4876   1-202-225-0842

D AL Browder, Glen                  1-202-225-3261   1-202-225-9020

D AL Cramer Jr, Robert E.           1-202-225-4801   na

D AL Hilliard, Earl F.              1-202-225-2665   na

R AL Bachus, Spencer                1-202-225-4921   na

R AL Callahan, H. L.                1-202-225-4931   1-202-225-0562

R AL Everett, Terry                 1-202-225-2901   na

D AR Lambert, Blanche               1-202-225-4076   na

D AR Thornton, Raymond              1-202-225-2506   1-202-225-9273

R AR Dickey, Jay                    1-202-225-3772   1-202-225-8646

R AR Hutchinson, Tim                1-202-225-4301   na

D AZ Coppersmith, Sam               1-202-225-2635   1-202-225-2607

D AZ English, Karan                 1-202-225-2190   1-202-225-8819

D AZ Pastor, Ed                     1-202-225-4065   1-202-225-1655

R AZ Kolbe, James T.                1-202-225-2542   1-202-225-0378

R AZ Kyl, Jon L.                    1-202-225-3361   na

R AZ Stump, Robert                  1-202-225-4576   1-202-225-6328

D CA Becerra, Xavier                1-202-225-6235   1-202-225-2202

D CA Beilenson, Anthony             1-202-225-5911   na

D CA Berman, Howard L.              1-202-225-4695   na

D CA Brown Jr., George E.           1-202-225-6161   1-202-225-8671

D CA Condit, Gary                   1-202-225-6131   1-202-225-0819

D CA Dellums, Ronald V.             1-202-225-2661   1-202-225-9817

D CA Dixon, Julian C.               1-202-225-7084   1-202-225-4091

D CA Dooley, Calvin M.              1-202-225-3341   1-202-225-9308

D CA Edwards, Donald                1-202-225-3072   1-202-225-9460

D CA Eshoo, Anna G.                 1-202-225-8104   na

D CA Fazio, Vic                     1-202-225-5716   1-202-225-0354

D CA Filner, Bob                    1-202-225-8045   na

D CA Hamburg, Dan                   1-202-225-3311   na

D CA Harman, Jane                   1-202-225-8220   na

D CA Lantos, Thomas                 1-202-225-3531   na

D CA Lehman, Richard H.             1-202-225-4540   na

D CA Martinez, Matthew G.           1-202-225-5464   1-202-225-4467

D CA Matsui, Robert T.              1-202-225-7163   1-202-225-0566

D CA McCandless, Alfred             1-202-225-5330   1-202-226-1040

D CA Miller, George                 1-202-225-2095   1-202-225-5609

D CA Mineta, Norman Y.              1-202-225-2631   na

D CA Pelosi, Nancy                  1-202-225-4965   1-202-225-8259

D CA Roybal-Allard, Lucille         1-202-225-1766   1-202-226-0350

D CA Schenk, Lynn                   1-202-225-2040   1-202-225-2042

D CA Stark, Fortney H.              1-202-225-5065   na

D CA Torres, Esteban E.             1-202-225-5256   na

D CA Tucker III, Walter R.          1-202-225-7924   1-202-225-7926

D CA Waters, Maxine                 1-202-225-2201   na

D CA Waxman, Henry A.               1-202-225-3976   1-202-225-4099

D CA Woolsey, Lynn                  1-202-225-5161   na

R CA Baker, Bill                    1-202-225-1880   1-202-225-2150

R CA Calvert, Ken                   1-202-225-1986   na

R CA Cox, Christopher               1-202-225-5611   1-202-225-9177

R CA Cunningham, Randy              1-202-225-5452   1-202-225-2558

R CA Doolittle, John T.             1-202-225-2511   1-202-225-5444

R CA Dornan, Robert K.              1-202-225-2965   1-202-225-3694

R CA Dreier, David                  1-202-225-2305   1-202-225-4745

R CA Gallegly, Elton                1-202-225-5811   na

R CA Herger, Walter W.              1-202-225-3076   1-202-225-1609

R CA Horn, Steve                    1-202-225-6676   na

R CA Huffington, Michael            1-202-225-3601   na

R CA Hunter, Duncan L.              1-202-225-5672   1-202-225-0235

R CA Kim, Jay C.                    1-202-225-3201   1-202-226-1485

R CA Lewis, Jerry                   1-202-225-5861   1-202-225-6498

R CA McKeon, Howard P.              1-202-225-1956   1-202-226-0683

R CA Moorhead, Carlos J.            1-202-225-4176   1-202-226-1279

R CA Packard, Ronald                1-202-225-3906   1-202-225-0134

R CA Pombo, Richard                 1-202-225-1947   1-202-226-0861

R CA Rohrabacher, Dana              1-202-225-2415   1-202-225-7067

R CA Royce, Ed                      1-202-225-4111   na

R CA Thomas, Bill                   1-202-225-2915   na

D CO Schroeder, Patricia            1-202-225-4431   1-202-225-5842

D CO Skaggs, David E.               1-202-225-2161   na

R CO Allard, Wayne                  1-202-225-4676   1-202-225-8630

R CO Hefley, Joel                   1-202-225-4422   1-202-225-1942

R CO McInnis, Scott                 1-202-225-4761   1-202-226-0622

R CO Schaefer, Daniel               1-202-225-7882   1-202-225-7885

D CT DeLauro, Rosa                  1-202-225-3661   1-202-225-4890

D CT Gejdenson, Samuel              1-202-225-2076   1-202-225-4977

D CT Kennelly, Barbara B.           1-202-225-2265   1-202-225-1031

R CT Franks, Gary                   1-202-225-3822   1-202-225-5085

R CT Johnson, Nancy L.              1-202-225-4476   1-202-225-4488

R CT Shays, Christopher             1-202-225-5541   1-202-225-9629

D DC Norton, Eleanor Holmes         1-202-225-8050   1-202-225-3002

R DE Castle, Michael N.             1-202-225-4165   1-202-225-2291

D FL Bacchus, James                 1-202-225-3671   1-202-225-9039

D FL Brown, Corrine                 1-202-225-0123   1-202-225-2256

D FL Deutsch, Peter                 1-202-225-7931   1-202-225-8456

D FL Gibbons, Samuel M.             1-202-225-3376   na

D FL Hastings, Alcee L.             1-202-225-1313   1-202-225-0690

D FL Hutto, Earl                    1-202-225-4136   1-202-225-5785

D FL Johnston II, Harry             1-202-225-3001   1-202-225-8791

D FL Meek, Carrie                   1-202-225-4506   1-202-226-0777

D FL Peterson, Peter                1-202-225-5235   1-202-225-1586

R FL Bilirakis, Michael             1-202-225-5755   1-202-225-4085

R FL Canady, Charles T.             1-202-225-1252   na

R FL Diaz-Balart, Lincoln           1-202-225-4211   1-202-225-8576

R FL Fowler, Tillie                 1-202-225-2501   na

R FL Goss, Porter J.                1-202-225-2536   1-202-225-6820

R FL Lewis, Thomas                  1-202-225-5792   1-202-225-1860

R FL McCollum, William              1-202-225-2176   na

R FL Mica, John L.                  1-202-225-4035   1-202-226-0821

R FL Miller, Dan                    1-202-225-5015   1-202-226-0828

R FL Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana           1-202-225-3931   1-202-225-5620

R FL Shaw Jr., E. C.                1-202-225-3026   1-202-225-8398

R FL Stearns, Clifford B.           1-202-225-5744   1-202-225-3973

R FL Thurman, Carol L.              1-202-225-1002   1-202-226-0329

R FL Young, C. W.                   1-202-225-5961   1-202-225-9764

D GA Bishop, Sanford                1-202-225-3631   1-202-225-2203

D GA Darden III, George             1-202-225-2931   na

D GA Deal, Nathan                   1-202-225-5211   1-202-225-8272

D GA Johnson, Don                   1-202-225-4101   1-202-226-1466

D GA Lewis, John                    1-202-225-3801   1-202-225-0351

D GA McKinney, Cynthia              1-202-225-1605   1-202-226-0691

D GA Rowland, J. R.                 1-202-225-6531   na

R GA Collins, Mac                   1-202-225-5901   1-202-225-2515

R GA Gingrich, Newt                 1-202-225-4501   1-202-225-4656

R GA Kingston, Jack                 1-202-225-5831   1-202-226-2269

R GA Linder, John                   1-202-225-4272   na

D GU Underwood, Robert A.           1-202-225-1188   1-202-226-0341

D HI Abercrombie, Neil              1-202-225-2726   na

D HI Mink, Patsy T.                 1-202-225-4906   1-202-225-4987

D IA Smith, Neal                    1-202-225-4426   na

R IA Grandy, Fred                   1-202-225-5476   na

R IA Leach, James                   1-202-225-6576   1-202-226-1278

R IA Lightfoot, James R.            1-202-225-3806   1-202-225-6973

R IA Nussle, James Allen            1-202-225-2911   1-202-225-9129

D ID LaRocco, Larry                 1-202-225-6611   na

R ID Crapo, Michael D.              1-202-225-5531   na

D IL Collins, Cardiss               1-202-225-5006   1-202-225-8396

D IL Costello, Jerry F.             1-202-225-5661   1-202-225-0285

D IL Durbin, Richard J.             1-202-225-5271   1-202-225-0170

D IL Evans, Lane                    1-202-225-5905   1-202-225-5396

D IL Lipinski, William O.           1-202-225-5701   1-202-225-1012

D IL Poshard, Glendal W.            1-202-225-5201   1-202-225-1541

D IL Reynolds, Mel                  1-202-225-0773   na

D IL Rostenkowski, Daniel           1-202-225-4061   na

D IL Rush, Bobby L.                 1-202-225-4372   1-202-226-0333

D IL Sangmeister, George            1-202-225-3635   1-202-225-4447

D IL Yates, Sidney R.               1-202-225-2111   1-202-225-3493

R IL Crane, Philip M.               1-202-225-3711   na

R IL Ewing, Thomas                  1-202-225-2371   1-202-225-8071

R IL Fawell, Harris W.              1-202-225-3515   1-202-225-9420

R IL Gutierrez, Luis V.             1-202-225-8203   1-202-225-7810

R IL Hastert, J. D.                 1-202-225-2976   1-202-225-0697

R IL Hyde, Henry J.                 1-202-225-4561   1-202-226-1240

R IL Manzullo, Donald               1-202-225-5676   1-202-225-5284

R IL Michel, Robert H.              1-202-225-6201   1-202-225-9461

R IL Porter, John E.                1-202-225-4835   1-202-225-0157

D IN Buyer, Steve                   1-202-225-5037   na

D IN Hamilton, Lee H.               1-202-225-5315   1-202-225-1101

D IN Jacobs Jr., Andrew             1-202-225-4011   na

D IN Long, Jill                     1-202-225-4436   na

D IN McCloskey, Frank               1-202-225-4636   1-202-225-4688

D IN Roemer, Timothy                1-202-225-3915   1-202-225-6798

D IN Sharp, Philip R.               1-202-225-3021   na

D IN Visclosky, Peter J.            1-202-225-2461   1-202-225-2493

R IN Burton, Daniel                 1-202-225-2276   1-202-225-0016

R IN Myers, John T.                 1-202-225-5805   na

D KS Glickman, Daniel               1-202-225-6216   na

D KS Slattery, James                1-202-225-6601   1-202-225-1445

R KS Meyers, Jan                    1-202-225-2865   1-202-225-0554

R KS Roberts, Pat                   1-202-225-2715   1-202-225-5375

D KY Baesler, Scotty                1-202-225-4706   na

D KY Barlow, Tom                    1-202-225-3115   1-202-225-2169

D KY Mazzoli, Romano L.             1-202-225-5401   na

D KY Natcher, William H.            1-202-225-3501   na

R KY Bunning, James                 1-202-225-3465   1-202-225-0003

R KY Rogers, Harold                 1-202-225-4601   1-202-225-0940

D LA Fields, Cleo                   1-202-225-8490   1-202-225-8959

D LA Hayes, James A.                1-202-225-2031   1-202-225-1175

D LA Jefferson, William             1-202-225-6636   1-202-225-1988

D LA Tauzin, W. J.                  1-202-225-4031   1-202-225-0563

R LA Baker, Richard H.              1-202-225-3901   1-202-225-7313

R LA Livingston, Robert             1-202-225-3015   1-202-225-0739

R LA McCrery, James                 1-202-225-2777   1-202-225-8039

D MA Frank, Barney                  1-202-225-5931   1-202-225-0182

D MA Kennedy II, Joseph P.          1-202-225-5111   1-202-225-9322

D MA Markey, Edward J.              1-202-225-2836   1-202-225-1716

D MA Meehan, Martin T.              1-202-225-3411   1-202-226-0771

D MA Moakley, John Joseph           1-202-225-8273   1-202-225-7304

D MA Neal, Richard E.               1-202-225-5601   1-202-225-8112

D MA Olver, John W.                 1-202-225-5335   1-202-226-1224

D MA Studds, Gerry E.               1-202-225-3111   1-202-225-2212

R MA Blute, Peter I.                1-202-225-6101   1-202-225-2217

R MA Torkildsen, Peter G.           1-202-225-8020   1-202-225-8037

D MD Cardin, Benjamin L.            1-202-225-4016   na

D MD Hoyer, Steny H.                1-202-225-4131   1-202-225-4300

D MD Mfume, Kweisi                  1-202-225-4741   1-202-225-3178

D MD Wynn, Albert R.                1-202-225-8699   1-202-225-8714

R MD Bartlett, Roscoe G.            1-202-225-2721   na

R MD Bentley, Helen D.              1-202-225-3061   1-202-225-4251

R MD Gilchrest, Wayne T.            1-202-225-5311   1-202-225-0254

R MD Morella, Constance             1-202-225-5341   1-202-225-1389

D ME Andrews, Thomas H.             1-202-225-6116   1-202-225-9065

R ME Snowe, Olympia J.              1-202-225-6306   na

D MI Barcia, James A.               1-202-225-8171   1-202-225-2168

D MI Bonior, David E.               1-202-225-2106   1-202-226-1169

D MI Carr, Robert                   1-202-225-4872   1-202-225-1260

D MI Collins Jr., Barbara           1-202-225-2261   1-202-225-6645

D MI Conyers Jr., John              1-202-225-5126   1-202-225-0072

D MI Dingell, John D.               1-202-225-4071   1-202-225-7426

D MI Ford, William D.               1-202-225-6261   na

D MI Kildee, Dale E.                1-202-225-3611   na

D MI Levin, Sander M.               1-202-225-4961   1-202-226-1033

D MI Stupak, Bart                   1-202-225-4735   1-202-225-4744

R MI Camp, David Lee                1-202-225-3561   1-202-225-9679

R MI Henry, Paul B.                 1-202-225-3831   na

R MI Hoekstra, Peter                1-202-225-4401   na

R MI Knollenberg, Joe               1-202-225-5802   1-202-226-2356

R MI Smith, Nick                    1-202-225-6276   na

R MI Upton, Frederick S.            1-202-225-3761   1-202-225-4986

D MN Minge, David                   1-202-225-2331   na

D MN Oberstar, James L.             1-202-225-6211   1-202-225-0699

D MN Penny, Timothy J.              1-202-225-2472   1-202-225-0051

D MN Peterson, Collin C.            1-202-225-2165   1-202-225-1593

D MN Sabo, Martin O.                1-202-225-4755   na

D MN Vento, Bruce F.                1-202-225-6631   na

R MN Grams, Rod                     1-202-225-2271   1-202-225-9802

R MN Ramstad, James M.              1-202-225-2871   1-202-225-6351

D MO Clay, William L.               1-202-225-2406   1-202-225-1725

D MO Danner, Pat                    1-202-225-7041   na

D MO Gephardt, Richard A.           1-202-225-2671   1-202-225-7452

D MO Skelton, Ike                   1-202-225-2876   1-202-225-2695

D MO Volkmer, Harold L.             1-202-225-2956   1-202-225-7834

D MO Wheat, Alan                    1-202-225-4535   1-202-225-5990

R MO Emerson, Bill                  1-202-225-4404   1-202-225-9621

R MO Hancock, Melton D.             1-202-225-6536   1-202-225-7700

R MO Talent, James M.               1-202-225-2561   1-202-225-2563

D MS Montgomery, G. V.              1-202-225-5031   1-202-225-3375

D MS Parker, Paul M.                1-202-225-5865   1-202-225-5886

D MS Taylor, Gene                   1-202-225-5772   1-202-225-7074

D MS Whitten, Jamie L.              1-202-225-4306   1-202-225-4328

D MT Williams, Pat                  1-202-225-3211   na

D NC Clayton, Eva                   1-202-225-3101   na

D NC Hefner, W. G.                  1-202-225-3715   1-202-225-4036

D NC Lancaster, H. M.               1-202-225-3415   1-202-225-0666

D NC Neal, Stephen L.               1-202-225-2071   1-202-225-4060

D NC Price, David E.                1-202-225-1784   1-202-225-6314

D NC Rose, Charles                  1-202-225-2731   1-202-225-2470

D NC Valentine, Tim                 1-202-225-4531   1-202-225-1539

D NC Watt, Melvin                   1-202-225-1510   1-202-225-1512

R NC Ballenger, Thomas C.           1-202-225-2576   1-202-225-0316

R NC Coble, Howard                  1-202-225-3065   1-202-225-8611

R NC McMillan, J. A.                1-202-225-1976   na

R NC Taylor, Charles Hart           1-202-225-6401   1-202-251-0794

D ND Pomeroy, Earl                  1-202-225-2611   1-202-226-0893

D NE Hoagland, Peter                1-202-225-4155   na

R NE Barrett, William E.            1-202-225-6435   na

R NE Bereuter, Douglas              1-202-225-4806   1-202-226-1148

D NH Swett, Richard N.              1-202-225-5206   na

R NH Zeliff Jr., William            1-202-225-5456   1-202-225-4370

D NJ Andrews, Robert E.             1-202-225-6501   na

D NJ Hughes, William J.             1-202-225-6572   1-202-226-1108

D NJ Klein, Herbert C.              1-202-225-5751   na

D NJ Menendez, Robert               1-202-225-7919   1-202-226-0792

D NJ Pallone Jr., Frank             1-202-225-4671   1-202-225-9665

D NJ Payne, Donald M.               1-202-225-3436   1-202-225-4160

D NJ Torricelli, Robert             1-202-224-5061   1-202-225-0843

R NJ Franks, Bob                    1-202-225-5361   1-202-225-9460

R NJ Gallo, Dean A.                 1-202-225-5034   1-202-225-0658

R NJ Roukema, Marge                 1-202-225-4465   1-202-225-9048

R NJ Saxton, H. J.                  1-202-225-4765   1-202-225-0778

R NJ Smith, Christopher             1-202-225-3765   1-202-225-7768

R NJ Zimmer, Richard A.             1-202-225-5801   1-202-225-9181

D NM Richardson, William            1-202-225-6190   na

R NM Schiff, Steven H.              1-202-225-6316   1-202-225-4975

R NM Skeen, Joseph                  1-202-225-2365   1-202-225-9599

D NV Bilbray, James H.              1-202-225-5965   1-202-225-8808

R NV Vucanovich, Barbara            1-202-225-6155   1-202-225-2319

D NY Ackerman, Gary L.              1-202-225-2601   na

D NY Engel, Eliot L.                1-202-225-2464   na

D NY Flake, Floyd H.                1-202-225-3461   1-202-226-4169

D NY Hinchey, Maurice D.            1-202-225-6335   na

D NY Hochbrueckner, G.              1-202-225-3826   1-202-225-0776

D NY LaFalce, John J.               1-202-225-3231   na

D NY Lowey, Nita M.                 1-202-225-6506   1-202-225-0546

D NY Maloney, Carolyn B.            1-202-225-7944   na

D NY Manton, Thomas J.              1-202-225-3965   na

D NY McNulty, Michael R.            1-202-225-5076   1-202-225-5077

D NY Nadler, Jerrold                1-202-225-5635   1-202-225-6923

D NY Owens, Major R.                1-202-225-6231   1-202-226-0112

D NY Rangel, Charles B.             1-202-225-4365   1-202-225-0816

D NY Schumer, Charles E.            1-202-225-6616   1-202-225-4183

D NY Serrano, Jose E.               1-202-225-4361   1-202-225-6001

D NY Slaughter, Louise M.           1-202-225-3615   1-202-225-7822

D NY Towns, Edolphus                1-202-225-5936   1-202-225-1018

D NY Velazquez, Nydia M.            1-202-225-2361   1-202-226-0327

R NY Boehlert, Sherwood             1-202-225-3665   1-202-225-1891

R NY Fish Jr., Hamilton             1-202-225-5441   1-202-225-0962

R NY Gilman, Benjamin A.            1-202-225-3776   na

R NY Houghton, Amory                1-202-225-3161   1-202-225-5574

R NY King, Peter T.                 1-202-225-7896   1-202-226-2279

R NY Lazio, Rick A.                 1-202-225-3335   na

R NY Levy, David A.                 1-202-225-5516   1-202-225-4672

R NY McHugh, John M.                1-202-225-4611   na

R NY Molinari, Susan                1-202-225-3371   1-202-226-1272

R NY Paxon, L. W.                   1-202-225-5265   1-202-225-5910

R NY Quinn, Jack                    1-202-225-3306   1-202-226-0347

R NY Solomon, Gerald B.             1-202-225-5614   1-202-225-1168

R NY Walsh, James T.                1-202-225-3701   1-202-225-4042

D OH Applegate, Douglas             1-202-225-6265   na

D OH Brown, Sherrod                 1-202-225-3401   na

D OH Fingerhut, Eric D.             1-202-225-5731   na

D OH Hall, Tony P.                  1-202-225-6465   na

D OH Kaptur, Marcy                  1-202-225-4146   1-202-225-7711

D OH Mann, Davis S.                 1-202-225-2216   na

D OH Sawyer, Thomas C.              1-202-225-5231   1-202-225-5278

D OH Stokes, Louis                  1-202-225-7032   1-202-225-1339

D OH Strickland, Ted                1-202-225-5705   1-202-226-0331

D OH Traficant Jr., James           1-202-225-5261   1-202-225-3719

R OH Boehner, John Andrew           1-202-225-6205   1-202-225-0704

R OH Gillmor, Paul E.               1-202-225-6405   na

R OH Hobson, David L.               1-202-225-4324   na

R OH Hoke, Martin R.                1-202-225-5871   1-202-226-0994

R OH Kasich, John R.                1-202-225-5355   na

R OH Oxley, Michael G.              1-202-225-2676   na

R OH Pryce, Deborah                 1-202-225-2015   1-202-226-0986

R OH Regula, Ralph                  1-202-225-3876   1-202-225-3059

D OK Brewster, Billy Kent           1-202-225-4565   na

D OK English, Glenn                 1-202-225-5565   1-202-225-8698

D OK McCurdy, David                 1-202-225-6165   1-202-225-9746

D OK Synar, Michael                 1-202-225-2701   1-202-225-2796

R OK Inhofe, James M.               1-202-225-2211   1-202-225-9187

R OK Istook, Ernest Jim             1-202-225-2132   na

D OR DeFazio, Peter A.              1-202-225-6416   na

D OR Furse, Elizabeth               1-202-225-0855   na

D OR Kopetski, Michael J.           1-202-225-5711   1-202-225-9477

D OR Wyden, Ronald                  1-202-225-4811   na

R OR Smith, Robert F.               1-202-225-6730   na

D PA Blackwell, Lucien E.           1-202-225-4001   1-202-225-7362

D PA Borski, Robert A.              1-202-225-8251   1-202-225-4628

D PA Coyne, William J.              1-202-225-2301   na

D PA Foglietta, Thomas M.           1-202-225-4731   1-202-225-0088

D PA Holden, Tim                    1-202-225-5546   1-202-226-0996

D PA Kanjorski, Paul E.             1-202-225-6511   1-202-225-9024

D PA Klink, Ron                     1-202-225-2565   na

D PA Margolies-Mezvinsky, Marjorie  1-202-225-6111   1-202-226-0798

D PA McHale, Paul                   1-202-225-6411   1-202-225-5320

D PA Murphy, Austin J.              1-202-225-4665   1-202-225-4772

D PA Murtha, John P.                1-202-225-2065   1-202-225-5709

R PA Clinger Jr., William           1-202-225-5121   1-202-225-4681

R PA Gekas, George W.               1-202-225-4315   1-202-225-8440

R PA Goodling, William F.           1-202-225-5836   1-202-226-1000

R PA Greenwood, Jim                 1-202-225-4276   1-202-225-9511

R PA McDade, Joseph M.              1-202-225-3731   1-202-225-9594

R PA Ridge, Thomas J.               1-202-225-5406   na

R PA Santorum, Richard J.           1-202-225-2135   1-202-225-7747

R PA Shuster, Bud                   1-202-225-2431   na

R PA Walker, Robert S.              1-202-225-2411   na

R PA Weldon, Curt                   1-202-225-2011   1-202-225-8137

D PR Romero-Barcelo, Carlos         1-202-225-2615   1-202-225-2154

D RI Reed, John F.                  1-202-225-2735   1-202-225-9580

R RI Machtley, Ronald K.            1-202-225-4911   1-202-225-4417

D SA Faleomavaega, Eni F.H.         1-202-225-8577   na

D SC Clyburn, James E.              1-202-225-3315   1-202-225-2302

D SC Derrick, Butler                1-202-225-5301   na

D SC Spratt Jr., John M.            1-202-225-5501   1-202-225-0464

R SC Inglis, Bob                    1-202-225-6030   na

R SC Ravenel Jr., Arthur            1-202-225-3176   na

R SC Spence, Floyd                  1-202-225-2452   1-202-225-2455

D SD Johnson, Timothy P.            1-202-225-2801   1-202-225-2427

D TN Clement, Robert                1-202-225-4311   1-202-226-1035

D TN Cooper, James                  1-202-225-6831   1-202-225-4520

D TN Ford, Harold E.                1-202-225-3265   na

D TN Lloyd, Marilyn                 1-202-225-3271   1-202-225-6974

D TN Tanner, John S.                1-202-225-4714   1-202-225-1765

R TN Duncan Jr., John J.            1-202-225-5435   1-202-225-6440

R TN Gordon, Bart                   1-202-225-4231   1-202-225-6887

R TN Quillen, James H.              1-202-225-6356   1-202-225-7812

R TN Sundquist, Donald              1-202-225-2811   1-202-225-2814

D TX Andrews, Michael A.            1-202-255-7508   na

D TX Brooks, Jack                   1-202-225-6565   1-202-225-1584

D TX Bryant, John                   1-202-225-2231   na

D TX Chapman, Jim                   1-202-225-3035   1-202-225-7265

D TX Coleman, Ronald D.             1-202-225-4831   na

D TX Edwards, Chet                  1-202-225-6105   1-202-225-0350

D TX Frost, Martin                  1-202-225-3605   1-202-225-4951

D TX Geren, Peter                   1-202-225-5071   1-202-225-2786

D TX Gonzalez, Henry B.             1-202-225-3236   1-202-225-1915

D TX Green, Gene                    1-202-225-1688   1-202-225-9903

D TX Hall, Ralph M.                 1-202-225-6673   1-202-225-3332

D TX Johnson, Eddie Bernice         1-202-225-8885   na

D TX Laughlin, Gregory H.           1-202-225-2831   1-202-225-1108

D TX Ortiz, Solomon P.              1-202-225-7742   1-202-226-1134

D TX Pickle, J. J.                  1-202-225-4865   na

D TX Sarpalius, Bill                1-202-225-3706   1-202-225-6142

D TX Stenholm, Charles W.           1-202-225-6605   1-202-225-2234

D TX Tejeda, Frank                  1-202-225-1640   na

D TX Washington, Craig A.           1-202-225-3816   na

D TX Wilson, Charles                1-202-225-2401   1-202-225-1764

D TX de la Garza, E                 1-202-225-2531   1-202-225-2534

R TX Archer, William                1-202-225-2571   1-202-225-4381

R TX Armey, Richard K.              1-202-225-7772   1-202-225-7614

R TX Barton, Joseph                 1-202-225-2002   1-202-225-3052

R TX Bonilla, Henry                 1-202-225-4511   na

R TX Combest, Larry                 1-202-225-4005   na

R TX DeLay, Thomas                  1-202-225-5951   na

R TX Fields, Jack                   1-202-225-4901   na

R TX Johnson, Sam                   1-202-225-4201   na

R TX Smith, Lamar S.                1-202-225-4236   1-202-225-8628

D UT Orton, William H.              1-202-225-7751   1-202-226-1223

D UT Shepherd, Karen                1-202-225-3011   1-202-226-0354

R UT Hansen, James V.               1-202-225-0453   1-202-225-5857

D VA Boucher, Rick                  1-202-225-3861   na

D VA Byrne, Leslie L.               1-202-225-1492   na

D VA Moran Jr., James P.            1-202-225-4376   1-202-225-0017

D VA Payne Jr., Lewis F.            1-202-225-4711   1-202-226-1147

D VA Pickett, Owen B.               1-202-225-4215   1-202-225-4218

D VA Scott, Robert C.               1-202-225-8351   1-202-225-3854

D VA Sisisky, Norman                1-202-225-6365   1-202-226-1170

R VA Bateman, Herbert H.            1-202-225-4261   1-202-225-4382

R VA Bliley Jr., Thomas J.          1-202-225-2815   na

R VA Goodlatte, Robert W.           1-202-225-5431   1-202-225-9681

R VA Wolf, Frank R.                 1-202-225-5136   na

D VI de Lugo, Ron                   1-202-225-1790   1-202-225-9392

I VT Sanders, Bernard               1-202-225-4115   1-202-225-6790

D WA Cantwell, Maria                1-202-225-6311   1-202-225-2286

D WA Dicks, Norman D.               1-202-225-5916   na

D WA Foley, Thomas S.               1-202-225-2006   na

D WA Inslee, Jay                    1-202-225-5816   1-202-226-1137

D WA Kreidler, Mike                 1-202-225-8901   1-202-226-2361

D WA McDermott, James A.            1-202-225-3106   1-202-225-9212

D WA Swift, Al                      1-202-225-2605   1-202-225-2608

D WA Unsoeld, Jolene                1-202-225-3536   1-202-225-9095

R WA Dunn, Jennifer                 1-202-225-7761   na

D WI Barrett, Thomas M.             1-202-225-3571   na

D WI Gunderson, Steve               1-202-225-5506   1-202-225-6195

D WI Kleczka, Gerald D.             1-202-225-4572   na

D WI Obey, David R.                 1-202-225-3365   na

R WI Klug, Scott                    1-202-225-2906   na

R WI Petri, Thomas E.               1-202-225-2476   1-202-225-2356

R WI Roth, Toby                     1-202-225-5665   1-202-225-0087

R WI Sensenbrenner, F. J.           1-202-225-5101   1-202-225-3190

D WV Mollohan, Alan B.              1-202-225-4172   1-202-225-7564

D WV Rahall II, Nick Joe            1-202-225-3452   1-202-225-9061

D WV Wise Jr., Robert E.            1-202-225-2711   1-202-225-7856

R WY Thomas, Craig                  1-202-225-2311   1-202-225-0726


2.3.09.           US Senate.


URL:  gopher://


2.3.10.           US Senate, 103rd Congress Phone and Fax Numbers.


From US Congress Yellow Book, January 1993, with some updates and corrections as of March 1994.


p st name                       phone           fax

= == ========================   ==============  ==============

R AK Murkowski, Frank H.        1-202-224-6665  1-202-224-5301

R AK Stevens, Ted               1-202-224-3004  1-202-224-1044

D AL Heflin, Howell T.          1-202-224-4124  1-202-224-3149

D AL Shelby, Richard C.         1-202-224-5744  1-202-224-3416

D AR Bumpers, Dale              1-202-224-4843  1-202-224-6435

D AR Pryor, David               1-202-224-2353  na

D AZ DeConcini, Dennis          1-202-224-4521  1-202-224-2302

R AZ McCain, John               1-202-224-2235  na

D CA Boxer, Barbara             1-202-225-5161  1-415-956-6701

D CA Feinstein, Diane           1-202-224-3841  1-202-228-3954

D CO Campbell, Ben N.           1-202-225-4761  1-202-225-0228

R CO Brown, Henry               1-202-224-5941  na

D CT Dodd, Christopher J.       1-202-224-2823  na

D CT Lieberman, Joseph I.       1-202-224-4041  1-202-224-9750

D DE Biden Jr., Joseph R.       1-202-224-5042  na

R DE Roth Jr., William V.       1-202-224-2441  1-202-224-2805

D FL Graham, Robert             1-202-224-3041  na

R FL Mack, Connie               1-202-224-5274  1-202-224-8022

D GA Nunn, Samuel               1-202-224-3521  1-202-224-0072

R GA Coverdell, Paul            1-202-224-3643  na

D HI Akaka, Daniel K.           1-202-224-6361  1-202-224-2126

D HI Inouye, Daniel K.          1-202-224-3934  1-202-224-6747

D IA Harkin, Thomas             1-202-224-3254  1-202-224-7431

R IA Grassley, Charles E.       1-202-224-3744  na

R ID Craig, Larry E.            1-202-224-2752  1-202-224-2573

R ID Kempthorne, Dirk           1-202-224-6142  1-202-224-5893

D IL Moseley-Braun, Carol       1-202-224-2854  na

D IL Simon, Paul                1-202-224-2152  1-202-224-0868

R IN Coats, Daniel R.           1-202-224-5623  1-202-224-8964

R IN Lugar, Richard G.          1-202-224-4814  na

R KS Dole, Robert               1-202-224-6521  1-202-224-8952

R KS Kassebaum, Nancy L.        1-202-224-4774  1-202-224-3514

D KY Ford, Wendell H.           1-202-224-4343  na

R KY McConnell, Mitch           1-202-224-2541  1-202-224-2499

D LA Breaux, John B.            1-202-224-4623  na

D LA Johnston, J. Bennett       1-202-224-5824  na

D MA Kennedy, Edward M.         1-202-224-4543  1-202-224-2417

D MA Kerry, John F.             1-202-224-2742  1-202-224-8525

D MD Mikulski, Barbara A.       1-202-224-4654  1-202-224-8858

D MD Sarbanes, Paul S.          1-202-224-4524  1-202-224-1651

D ME Mitchell, George J.        1-202-224-5344  1-202-224-6853

R ME Cohen, William S.          1-202-224-2523  1-202-224-2693

D MI Levin, Carl                1-202-224-6221  na

D MI Riegle Jr., Donald         1-202-224-4822  1-202-224-8834

D MN Wellstone, Paul            1-202-224-5641  1-202-224-8438

R MN Durenberger, David         1-202-224-3244  na

R MO Bond, Christopher S.       1-202-224-5721  1-202-224-8149

R MO Danforth, John C.          1-202-224-6154  na

R MS Cochran, Thad              1-202-224-5054  na

R MS Lott, Trent                1-202-224-6253  1-202-224-2262

D MT Baucus, Max                1-202-224-2651  na

R MT Burns, Conrad R.           1-202-224-2644  1-202-224-8594

R NC Faircloth, D. M.           1-202-224-3154  1-202-224-7406

R NC Helms, Jesse               1-202-224-6342  na

D ND Conrad, Kent               1-202-224-2043  na

D ND Dorgan, Byron L.           1-202-225-2611  1-202-225-9436

D NE Exon, J. J.                1-202-224-4224  na

D NE Kerrey, Joseph R.          1-202-224-6551  1-202-224-7645

R NH Gregg, Judd                1-202-224-3324  na

R NH Smith, Robert              1-202-224-2841  1-202-224-1353

D NJ Bradley, William           1-202-224-3224  1-202-224-8567

D NJ Lautenberg, Frank R.       1-202-224-4744  1-202-224-9707

D NM Bingaman, Jeff             1-202-224-5521  na

R NM Domenici, Pete V.          1-202-224-6621  1-202-224-7371

D NV Bryan, Richard H.          1-202-224-6244  na

D NV Reid, Harry                1-202-224-3542  1-202-224-7327

D NY Moynihan, Daniel P.        1-202-224-4451  1-202-224-9293

R NY D'Amato, Alfonse M.        1-202-224-6542  1-202-224-5871

D OH Glenn, John                1-202-224-3353  na

D OH Metzenbaum, Howard         1-202-224-2315  1-202-224-6519

D OK Boren, David L.            1-202-224-4721  na

R OK Nickles, Donald            1-202-224-5754  1-202-224-6008

R OR Hatfield, Mark O.          1-202-224-3753  na

R OR Packwood, Robert           1-202-224-5244  na

D PA Wofford, Harris            1-202-224-6324  1-202-224-4161

R PA Specter, Arlen             1-202-224-4254  na

D RI Pell, Claiborne            1-202-224-4642  1-202-224-4680

R RI Chafee, John H.            1-202-224-2921  na

D SC Hollings, Ernest F.        1-202-224-6121  na

R SC Thurmond, Strom            1-202-224-5972  1-202-224-1300

D SD Daschle, Thomas A.         1-202-224-2321  1-202-224-2047

R SD Pressler, Larry            1-202-224-5842  1-202-224-1630

D TN Mathews, Harlan            1-202-224-1036  1-202-228-3679

D TN Sasser, James              1-202-224-3344  na

D TX Krueger, Robert            1-202-224-5922  na

R TX Gramm, Phil                1-202-224-2934  na

R UT Bennett, Robert            1-202-224-5444  na

R UT Hatch, Orrin G.            1-202-224-5251  1-202-224-6331

D VA Robb, Charles S.           1-202-224-4024  1-202-224-8689

R VA Warner, John W.            1-202-224-2023  1-202-224-6295

D VT Leahy, Patrick J.          1-202-224-4242  na

R VT Jeffords, James M.         1-202-224-5141  na

D WA Murray, Patty              1-202-224-2621  1-202-224-0238

R WA Gorton, Slade              1-202-224-3441  1-202-224-9393

D WI Feingold, Russell          1-202-224-5323  na

D WI Kohl, Herbert H.           1-202-224-5653  na

D WV Byrd, Robert C.            1-202-224-3954  1-202-224-4025

D WV Rockefeller, John D.       1-202-224-6472  1-202-224-1689

R WY Simpson, Alan K.           1-202-224-3424  1-202-224-1315

R WY Wallop, Malcolm            1-202-224-6441  1-202-224-3230


2.4.00.           US State Governments.


2.4.01.           State of Arizona - State Government.


State of Arizona

Department of Administration

1616 West Adams

Phoenix, AZ  85007

E-mail:  sysadm@EMAIL.STATE.AZ.US


URL:  mailto::sysadm@EMAIL.STATE.AZ.US


2.4.02.           State of California - State Government.


California State Senate

1020 N Street, Rm 501

Sacramento, CA  95814

E-mail:  JMS@OPUS1.COM (Joel M. Snyder)


URL:  mailto::JMS@OPUS1.COM (Joel M. Snyder)


2.4.03.           State of California - Legislative Information.


In accordance with a 1993 law (AB 1624, Chapter 1235, Statutes of 1993), information regarding matters pending before the California Legislature is available on the Internet.  Information available includes bill history and status, the California Codes, Constitution, and all statutes enacted on or after 01/01/93.


To receive the help file and the public access guide, send the following message to




get README_public_access_guide_txt



URL: (with the above text in the body of the message)


Information is also available via anonymous FTP:





2.4.04.           State of California Government Information.


California government information is available from numerous sources, including the following Gopher sites:


URL:  gopher://


URL:  gopher://


2.4.05.           State of California, State Legislature.


URL:  gopher://


2.4.06.           State of Florida - State Government.


E-mail:  jensen@ACNS.FSU.EDU (Phil Jensen)


URL:  mailto::jensen@ACNS.FSU.EDU (Phil Jensen)


2.4.07.           State of Florida - Supreme Court.


Supreme Court of the State of Florida

Supreme Court Building

Tallahassee, FL  32399

E-mail:  jcook@LAW.FSU.EDU


URL:  mailto::jcook@LAW.FSU.EDU


2.4.08.           State of Georgia - State Government.


E-mail:  Jerry@PEACHNET.EDU (Jerry Segers)


URL:  mailto::Jerry@PEACHNET.EDU (Jerry Segers)


2.4.09.           State of Hawaii - State Government.


E-mail:  torben@Hawaii.Edu


URL:  mailto::torben@Hawaii.Edu


2.4.10.           State of Idaho - State Government.





2.4.11.           State of Illinois - State Government.


State of Illinois


120 W. Jefferson St.

Springfield, IL  62702

E-mail:  mthomas@FORBES.STATE.IL.US (Thomas Marvin)


URL:  mailto::mthomas@FORBES.STATE.IL.US (Thomas Marvin)


2.4.12.           State of Indiana - State Government.


Indiana Dept. of Education

Room 229, State House

Indianapolis, IN  44204-2798

E-mail:  mhuffman@IDEANET.DOE.STATE.IN.US (Michael Huffman)


URL:  mailto::mhuffman@IDEANET.DOE.STATE.IN.US (Michael Huffman)


2.4.13.           State of Iowa - Department of Public Safety.


Iowa State Government, Department of Public Safety

Wallace State Office Building

Data Services Bureau, Third Floor

Des Moines, IA  50319-0045

E-mail: (Larry Grund)


URL: (Larry Grund)


2.4.14.           State of Iowa - State Government.


Government of the State of Iowa

Iowa Communications Network

Hoover Building, A Level

Des Moines, IA  50319





2.4.15.           State of Kansas - State Government.


Kansas State Government

900 SW Jackson, Room 751S

Topeka, KS  66612

E-mail:  admin@ADMIN.STATE.KS.US


URL:  mailto::admin@ADMIN.STATE.KS.US

2.4.16.           State of Kentucky - State Government.


Kentucky State Government

Dept of Information Systems

Network Support Branch

101 Cold Harbor Drive

Frankfort, KY  40601

E-mail:  dwhitehouse@DWHITEHOUSE.DIS.STATE.KY.US (Dan L. Whitehouse)


URL:  mailto::dwhitehouse@DWHITEHOUSE.DIS.STATE.KY.US (Dan L. Whitehouse)


2.4.17.           State of Maine - State Government.


State of Maine

Bureau of Information Service

Telecommunications Division

397 Water Street

Gardiner, ME  04345





2.4.18.           State of Maryland - State Government.


E-mail:  petry@NETWOLF.UMD.EDU (Michael Petry)


URL:  mailto::petry@NETWOLF.UMD.EDU (Michael Petry)


2.4.19.           State of Minnesota, House of Representatives.


This gopher site includes the Minnesota statutes and information about bills and House members.


URL:  gopher://


For more information, contact


Rep. Marc Asch

507 State Office Building

St. Paul, MN  55155







Craig S. Wilson

Document & Image Specialists, Inc.

1677 West County Road F.

Arden Hills, MN  55112

2.4.20.           State of Minnesota - State Government.


Minnesota Dept. of Administration

658 Cedar St. 500 COB

St. Paul, MN  55155

E-mail:  amy@NIC.STATE.MN.US (Amy Coulter)


URL:  mailto::amy@NIC.STATE.MN.US (Amy Coulter)


2.4.21.           State of Nebraska - State Government.


State of Nebraska

Division of Communications

501 South 14th Street, Room 20

Lincoln, NE  68508-0534

E-mail:  wmiller@DOCSUN.DOC.STATE.NE.US (William Miller)


URL:  mailto::wmiller@DOCSUN.DOC.STATE.NE.US (William Miller)


2.4.22.           State of New Mexico - Criminal Justice Network.


New Mexico Criminal Justice Network

c/o City of Albuquerque ISD

One Civic Plaza, NW Room 2061

Albuquerque, NM  87102-2166

E-mail:  DJONES@CABQ.GOV (Dan Jones)


URL:  mailto::DJONES@CABQ.GOV (Dan Jones)


2.4.23.           State of New Mexico - State Government.


New Mexico State Government

715 Alta Vista

Santa Fe, NM  87503

E-mail:  wise@STATE.NM.US (Jerry Wise)


URL:  mailto::wise@STATE.NM.US (Jerry Wise)


2.4.24.           State of New York -  Court of Appeals.


URL:  telnet:// (then "go court")


2.4.25.           State of New York, Government Info.


URL:  gopher:// (under "New York State Government Info Locator")

2.4.26.           State of New York, State Library.


This Gopher site was created to serve as the Government Information Locator System for New York State and to make available a variety of State documents and publications.