* RedStreet.com 1997-2017

Law Firm Website Reviews (1997-2000)

RedStreet logo.

RedStreet (The Company)

RedStreet (the company, founded as RedStreet Consulting, later incorporated as RedStreet Inc.) was founded in 1997 by Erik J. Heels and Richard P. Klau. From 1997-2000, RedStreet provided consulting services to the largest law firms in the USA. Also from 1997-2000, RedStreet published five rounds of reviews of law firm websites. In 2001, RedStreet Inc. ceased operations .

RedStreet.com (The Website)

In 2007, ten years after the founding of RedStreet (the company), the RedStreet.com website was relaunched by its new/current owner (GiantPeople LLC) to preserve RedStreet’s historic law firm website reviews. RedStreet’s early website reviews document what the early web was like for lawyers. On 2015-05-31, a blog was added with additional historic content.

On 2017-11-19, RedStreet.com retired, after a 20-year run. Some content lives on in the RedStreet.com category on this blog, a few screenshots are included below, and many more RedStreet.com pages are archived in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. Thanks for the memories!