* XTAB Stats = PTAB Stats + TTAB Stats

17 Seconds #48

Trial lawyer to dog witness: And what exactly did the defendant promise you in exchange for your testimony? Was it a walk? Was it a walk to the park?!

For inter partes trademark disputes (i.e. disputes between two parties, such as an opposition to a trademark application or a petition to cancel a trademark registration), Clocktower partners with Bill O’Brien. My LinkedIn review of Bill O’Brien, reprinted here, speaks for itself:

I dislike IP litigation but understand that sometimes you have to fight to defend your rights. Since 2004, Bill O’Brien has been helping Clocktower with trademark litigation before the USPTO Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB). I did the math. With Bill’s help, we have won or tied 84% of the time. I highly recommend attorney Bill O’Brien!

For ex parte patent and trademark disputes (i.e. disputes that only involve an applicant and an examiner, such as appeals of patent applications to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) and appeals of trademark matters to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB)), Clocktower tends to go it alone. But until last week, we had not calculated our PTAB and TTAB stats. The results are in! In such matters, we have won or tied 88% of the time.

Most recently, the PTAB ruled in our favor (thanks to Mike Bartley), completely reversing the patent examiner’s rejection of our client’s patent application. (Complete reversals are rare.)

We now track this data in our docket database with a new series of fields prefixed with “XTAB,” hence the title of this piece.

So whether it’s a trademark dispute or a patent dispute, you are in good hands with Clocktower and friends!

17 Seconds is a publication for clients and other VIPs of Clocktower Law. Email version powered by MailChimp and the beat of a different keyboard player.

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