* Intellectual Property Audit

A Way To Help Your New Company Succeed.

By Erik J. Heels

First published 10/15/2001; Heels(dot)com Web Site; Clock Tower Law Group

Just started a new business? Congratulations!

Now, how are you going to protect your new ideas?

New businesses are built on new ideas. Whether it’s for your product, your service, your brand, your location, your way of operating, or all of these. You didn’t start your business to do the same old thing. If you are like most new business owners, you have invested a lot in developing your business plan, business name, brand names, logos, product names, service names, and Internet domain names. I have started my own companies, I know how much work it can be – and how satisfying it is to be an entrepreneur. But working hard, planning well, and coming up with great ideas are only part of the battle. In today’s new economy, you have to protect your ideas.

You can protect your ideas, names, and more with the proper application of intellectual property laws (e.g. patent, trade secret, copyright, and trademark laws). To help explain a bit about how intellectual property law can help you, I have written an article entitled “Top 10 Things Every Business Should Know About Intellectual Property.”

An excellent way to start protecting your intellectual property assets is an intellectual property audit. It can show you:

  • What intellectual property you own
  • How to protect your intellectual property, and
  • How to avoid treading on the intellectual property rights of others

Contact me for an initial consultation to see if an intellectual property audit is right for your company.

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