* PLM Leaders, Inc., Provides Product Lifecycle Management

Steve Bowler’s company serves startups and established companies.

Know of any startups that could use someone to do a complete product lifecycle and documentation set? I can recommend Steve Bowler’s company, PLM Leaders.

Steve Bowler founded PLM Leaders, Inc. (http://www.plmleaders.com/), in order to leverage his vast experience and library of best practices in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Steve has over 20 years in Quality and Program Management in technology, defense and aerospace, and education. Most recently, Steve was Vice President of Product Management and Co-Founder of HotChalk, Inc. (http://www.hotchalk.com/), an Internet startup delivering solutions to secondary education.

Steve has extensive experience in the defense and aerospace, automotive, financial services and steel industries. Steve is certified as a Master Black Belt for Six Sigma and has been a Certified Quality Engineer by ASQ.

[Steve Bowler is/was a client of Clock Tower Law Group and is mentioned and/or linked in this article.]

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