* Website Review: National Association Of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Like most mature membership organization Web sites, there is more here for the members than for the general public.

By Erik J. Heels

First published 1/21/1998; LegalResearcher.com; publisher: New York Law Publishing Company

In contrast to the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG), the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (http://www.criminaljustice.org/) site has 1,385 other sites linking to it, according to AltaVista. And the NACDL got on the ‘Net in August of 1996, so it only has about a six-month head-start on the NAAG.

The NACDL home page contains summaries of issues of current importance to the organization. For example, the NACDL lists the FBI’s 10 most “unwanted” forensic examiners from the FBI’s lab, including detailed information that would help defense attorneys question the work of these examiners in court.

The NACDL also provides members-only forums. Their news and issues pages includes news releases and “legislative alerts” about pending legislation related to criminal law. Also, selected articles from “The Champion” magazine are available online.

Like most mature membership organization Web sites, there is more here for the members than for the general public. But there is enough for the general public to encourage nonmembers to join. Plus the site is logically organized and frequently updated.

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