* Top 10 ABA Articles By @ErikJHeels

I’ve been writing for the American Bar Association since 1994. These are my top 10 favorites articles.

2009 marks the 15th anniversary of my first article published by the ABA. I hope to continue writing for the ABA for another 15 years. By my count, I’ve written 91 articles (plus a few books) for the ABA. Here are my top ten favorites:

  1. The Brand Wars Are Coming, The Brand Wars Are Coming!
    How to defend your brands on the Internet.
  2. Steal This Article: It May Be My Last
    Organizations large and small – including the ABA – need to evolve on the ever-changing Internet.
  3. The Dark (Gray) Age Of Music On The Internet
    While there are a lot of choices for consumers, the current state of music on the Internet leaves a lot to be desired.
  4. Fire Your Website, Hire A Weblog
    Don’t start a weblog. Replace your website with a weblog. In November 2002, I started experimenting with weblog software. Three months into the experiment, I had converted my existing website into a weblog powered by Radio Userland Software. After only two months, I switched to the much more capable Movable Type software. In this article, I discuss what I did, how I did it, and why some law firms are catching weblog fever.
  5. Zen And The Art Of Data Restoration
    Standardization is elusive, even though there are so many standards to choose from. Or perhaps BECAUSE there are so many. Nevertheless, for many years I have been pursuing an elusive goal of digitizing, standardizing, and archiving all of my data. In this chapter of the journey, I ended up purchasing a 15-year-old computer to restore one file.
  6. Business Is A Conversation (Or Clueful Lawyers)
    The business of law is a conversation. Are you conversing?
  7. Wear Sunscreen
    Make your home page readable in black-and-white printouts. Remember that marketing is a state of mind. And don’t believe everything you read on the Internet.
  8. Designing Good Internet Experiences
    The Internet will remain out of the reach of many consumers until computers are as easy to use as lamps.
  9. Choosing The Perfect Domain Name
    There is only one perfect domain name left.
  10. Why Lawyers Should Get On The Internet
    Legal research on – and legal issues raised by – the Internet.

These days, you can also find lawyers on Twitter. Here are some resources to get you started:

  • @ABAJournal – ABA Journal
  • @LawPracticeTips – practical suggestions to optimize your law practice from the American Bar Association’s Law Practice Management Section
  • LexTweet – lawyers and other legal professionals using Twitter
  • LegalBirds – lawyers, law professors, and other legal professionals who use Twitter

Erik J. Heels is not a new media guru. Neither are you. On Twitter he is @ErikJHeels.

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2 Replies to “* Top 10 ABA Articles By @ErikJHeels”

  1. As of 11/22/11, Facebook’s blog-to-Notes feature is going away, so I’m deleting all of my old Notes (i.e. imported blog posts). You can find the originals on my blog (www.erikjheels.com). Story here: http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-notes-blog-timeline-2011-11

    These comments originally appeared on Facebook:

    Betsy Wright Higgins How about your top 10 favorite lawyer jokes? A lawyer and a music teacher walk into a bar…
    July 6, 2009 at 10:29pm · Like

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