* LawLawLaw.com Morphs Into ErikJHeels.com: Get To Know Me!

The only thing that’s constant is change. Get used to it.

Maybe Rick was smart when he registered “rklau.com.” I seem to recall that “klau.com” was taken. In any event, my weblog started out at heels.com, moved to beaverlaw.com (the beaver is MIT’s mascot – what were you thinking?) for testing, then settled in to lawlawlaw.com, a domain name that I registered in 1997 as a joke for an ABA column and later became (again as a joke) the title of a book that Rick and I wrote in 1998 for the ABA.

The weblog itself has evolved, though I hesitate to put “weblog” in the title, because 1) it’s redundant, 2) I don’t like the term “weblog,” and 3) it might become something else.

The original tagline for this weblog was “Law, Technology, and their Intersection,” which nicely described (and continues to describe) my LawLawLaw newsletter. Then I changed it to “Law, Baseball, and Rock ‘n’ Roll,” because I started writing about more than just law/technology issues (although much of my music copyright articles are still (rightly, I believe) categorized under “Rock ‘n’ Roll”). Most recently, I changed the tagline to “Technology, Law, Baseball, and Rock ‘n’ Roll,” as those represent the things that 1) I write about most frequently and 2) I do most frequently.

I am a patent and trademark lawyer by day, a music fan 24 hours/day, a baseball fan for life, and lots more. So “lawlawlaw.com” seemed harder to explain. Not that I need to explain this weblog to anyone. I am writing this weblog primarily for myself. If anyone else gets anything out of it, great. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been more reflective about life as I approach 40 with dizzying speed. But I feel the need to write more about a broader range of topics, more about Erik J. Heels than about LawLawLaw. So I registered erikjheels.com and moved the weblog from lawlawlaw.com. For what it’s worth.

I would have used heels.com, but that’s a whole other issue. Suffice it to say that it sucks to have a surname that is a popular search term for fetish websites. It is the bane of my existence. If I were to adopt a Finnish version of my name, it would be “Kantanen.” Which is about as close to “heels” as I can get in Finnish. I’ve often thought about changing my last name. How about “McCool”? That sounds tough to argue with. Honestly, would you rather watch “One Night At McCool’s” or “One Night At Heels’s” with all it’s Strunk And White correctness of putting the extra “s” after the “s” in “Heels.” One can write “Moses’ burning bush” (again, see Strunk and White) but not “Heels’ desire to have a more normal non-plural non-fetish name.”

Plus with the new domain name, Erik stands a chance at achieving one of Erik’s new year’s resolutions. Writing in the third person doesn’t hurt either.

So change is constant. Welcome to the new domain name. Leave a comment if you care. Or if you don’t.

Erik out.

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